9th Annual John Hay Memorial Pennsylvania Distance Festival 2014

West Chester, PA

Meet Information

Meet Info

Check out our website at: www.RUNCCRS.com

Registration help for teams: http://pa.milesplit.us/pages/Online_Meet_Reg_Instructions

Registration help for individuals:When you click on the green bar to enter the meet, it will send you to a register or login in page if you have not logged in. If you do not have a MileSplit username and password, you have to register and get emailed the password.

Once you receive that, login (top right on gray bar), go to the meet page, click on the green enter online now bar, enter individual. It will identify you by name from your username.

Add your contact phone numbers (for meet director's use only) and click enter individual.
It will then tell you "you have not claimed an athlete" and ask you to do a search for an athlete, add your name and search; if you do not find yourself, you may enter a new athlete and enter the meet.

If you find yourself, from being in our system as a high school or college student,and have not already claimed yourself, you must click on your name, go to the profile page, and if it is indeed you, you must claim your page and await admin approval. Then when that arrives (usually the same day), you can enter the meet. Email grich@milesplit.com to expedite approval.

When: Friday, May 30, 2014 at 6:00PM
Where: Henderson High School in West Chester.
Entry Information: Enter through Pamilesplit. Entries close at 9PM on Thursday, May
29. Race entry fee due on check in.
What: A post-season opportunity for elementary, middle school, high school, college and
open distance runners to compete on a lightning fast track. In the last 5 years, weve had
dozens of National and Olympic Trials Qualifiers.
Cost: $10.00 per athlete for an unlimited number of events.
Concessions will be sold at the meet. Admission-$5
Order of Events: Heats will be co-ed based on seed time. Slow heet 1st

5:45PM-The Matt Plevelich Open 400m
6:00PM-The Lefebure Family-Open 800 meters
6:25PM- Chester County Running Store 200 meters
6:35PM- The Dub C 4 Miler Open Mile
ELITE Races-
7:25PM-Red, White and Zoo Elite womens 1500m
7:35PM-Hoey Investments Elite mens 1500
7:45PM-WC Running Company Elite High School BoysMile
7:55PM-John Hay Scholarship Presentation
8:00PM-James D. Hay Jr. Family-Fastest Girl in West Chester-400m
8:05PM-Bonnie and Ted Saddic-Fastest Boy in West Chester-400m
8:10PM-Lefebure Family-Elite Womens 800 meters
8:20PM- Joe Plevelich Elite mens 800 meters
8:30PM-Go Fastr- system based training systems- Mixed 5000 meters.
8:45PM-The Chester County Sports Hall of Fame-Mixed 3000 meters.

Please e-mail Kevin Kelly at kkelly1@wcasd.net for questions about the meet.
There will a limited amount of race night registrations. Registration for all will close at 5:30PM