Preseason PA MileSplit 50 Rankings Released

The Preseason Pennsylvania MileSplit50 Rankings are here!

PennTrackXC has ranked the top teams and individuals in the state of PA for the upcoming 2019 season. This is our take on the best teams and runners in the state. We ranked the top 25 individuals and top 10 teams regardless of classification, and we ranked the top 5 teams in PIAA Class AA, PIAA Class A, and the independent schools (usually referred to as the PAISAA).

These rankings are subjective and take into account all available data. Performances at last year's state meet (PIAA and PAISAA) are weighted heavily, while consistency of performances, track performances, and history, among other items are also factored in. These are different from the stat-based "objective" rankings we've been releasing during the summer.

Check out the Preseason Rankings below:



Top 25 Individuals (Overall)

Top 25 Individuals (Overall)

Top 10 Teams (Overall)

Top 10 Teams (Overall)

Top 5 Teams (2A)

Top 5 Teams (2A)

Top 5 Teams (1A)

Top 5 Teams (1A)

Top 5 Teams (Independent Schools)

Top 5 Teams (Independent Schools)