Friends Schools League Championship 2008

Jenkintown, PA

Varsity Boys

Results courtesy of the Philadelphia Inquirer and Tony DeSabato

Boys' team scoring:
Germantown Friends 31,
Friends' Central 48,
Shipley 82,
Moorestown Friends 122,
Westtown 125,
Abington Friends 131,
George School 195,
Friends Select 243. 1. Pat DeSabato-Friends' Central (FCS) 16:17 2. Gus McKenzie-GFS 16:30 3. Ivo Milic-Strkalj -FCS 16:45 4. Arne Anderson-Shipley 16:55 5. Thomas Waterman-GFS 17:04 6. Bob Engel-MoorestownFriends(MFS) 17:13 7. Ross Wistar-GFS 17:22 8. Evan Caldwell-GFS 17.32 9. Fenn Hoffman-GFS 17:37 10. Mike Riccio-Westtown 17:40 11. Jake Snider-FCS 17:52 12. Drew Haines-MFS 17:55 13.Sam Butler-GFS 18:05 14. John Harrison-Shipley 18:13 15. Zhewen Zhang-GFS 18:16 16. Dan Segall-FCS 18:19 17. Ben Filreis-FCS 18:21 18. Dan Green-Abington Friends 18:22 19. Nate Kunz-Shipley 18:25 20. Jim Crudele-MFS 18:32