C.R. North @ Neshaminy 2022

Langhorne, PA
Hosted by Neshaminy
Timing/Results The Timing Team

Boys Results

Licensed to Neshaminy School                    HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/26/2022
                       NESH - CRN DUAL MEET - 4/26/2022                        
                             Neshaminy High School                             
Event 1  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Nicastro, Kaden              Neshaminy                43.79   1 
  2 Troy, Brody                  CR North                 43.95   1 
  3 Chen, Elvis                  Neshaminy                44.18   1 
  4 Plebani, Max                 Neshaminy                46.33   1 
  5 Groves, Dylan                Neshaminy                48.28   2 
  6 Neels, Ethan                 CR North                 49.64   1 
  7 Russell, Connor              CR North                 50.75   1 
  8 Diaz, Xavier                 CR North                 53.32   2 
Event 2  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Neshaminy  'A'                                      8:56.27  
  2 Council Rock North  'A'                             9:57.40  
Event 3  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Lamb, Matt                   Neshaminy                11.27   1 
  2 Smith, Radelson              Neshaminy                11.39   1 
  3 Adebayo, Praise              Neshaminy                11.47   1 
  4 Stempin, Alex                CR North                 11.61   1 
  5 Anderson, Josh               Neshaminy                11.80   2 
  6 Holden, Matt                 Neshaminy                11.81   2 
  7 Kamp, William                CR North                 11.93   1 
  8 Kim, Seunghyeon              CR North                 11.95   1 
  9 Kollie, AJ                   Neshaminy                12.24   3 
 10 Gould, Joshua                CR North                 12.46   3 
 11 Butler, Henry                CR North                 12.47   2 
 12 Paul, Andrew                 CR North                 12.81   2 
 13 Mullen, Owen                 CR North                 12.84   3 
 14 Vasquez, Zachary             Neshaminy                13.29   2 
Event 4  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Tarapchak, Ryan              Neshaminy              4:38.74   1 
  2 Czarnecki, Jack              CR North               4:46.31   1 
  3 Ott, Brady                   CR North               4:47.31   1 
  4 Forman, Nicholas             Neshaminy              4:56.70   1 
  5 Sulewski, Joey               CR North               5:00.30   1 
  6 Crowne, Joe                  CR North               5:01.27   1 
  7 Plunkett, James              Neshaminy              5:03.14   1 
  8 Mischel, Harrison            CR North               5:07.57   2 
  9 Young, Andrew                CR North               5:09.68   2 
 10 McIntyre, Liam               Neshaminy              5:12.66   1 
 11 Needham, Christian           CR North               5:14.39   1 
 12 Gottschalk, John             Neshaminy              5:15.57   2 
 13 Mann, Roy                    CR North               5:16.99   1 
 14 Mischel, Ben                 CR North               5:17.72   1 
 15 Sement, Eren                 CR North               5:20.65   2 
 16 Russell, Connor              CR North               5:25.12   1 
 17 Bhatti, Callum               CR North               5:28.89   2 
 18 Diaz, Xavier                 CR North               5:31.09   2 
 19 Lolli, Jack                  Neshaminy              5:33.27   2 
 20 Gosling, Matt                CR North               5:36.69   1 
 21 Diaz, Alexander              CR North               5:41.65   2 
 22 Luna, Al                     CR North               5:42.35   2 
 23 O'Reilly, Andrew             CR North               5:45.13   2 
 24 Liu, Steven                  CR North               5:47.19   2 
 25 Ahern, Bobby                 Neshaminy              5:54.54   2 
 26 McCaffrey, Dylan             CR North               7:12.02   2 
Event 5  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Neshaminy  'A'                                        45.66  
  2 Neshaminy  'B'                                       x45.91  
  3 Council Rock North  'A'                               47.25  
Event 6  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Kaiser, Brendan              Neshaminy                51.13   1 
  2 Wenger, David                CR North                 53.06   1 
  3 Cooper, Demacio              Neshaminy                54.30   1 
  4 Rizzo, Victor                CR North                 55.38   1 
  5 Beideman, Owen               Neshaminy                56.15   2 
  6 Nolan, Brandon               Neshaminy                56.38   1 
  7 Plebani, Max                 Neshaminy                57.04   2 
  8 Butler, Henry                CR North                 58.44   1 
  9 Ochs, Blake                  Neshaminy                59.12   2 
 10 Ghayal, Shiv                 Neshaminy              1:06.42   3 
 11 Dougherty, Sean              Neshaminy              1:08.07   2 
 12 Weagba, Joseph               Neshaminy              1:08.82   3 
 13 Czerwinski, Chris            Neshaminy              1:12.21   3 
Event 7  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Chen, Elvis                  Neshaminy                16.94  
  2 Troy, Brody                  CR North                 17.70  
  3 Neels, Ethan                 CR North                 19.96  
  4 Clark, Joe                   CR North                 20.05  
Event 8  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Tarapchak, Ryan              Neshaminy              2:01.67   1 
  2 Hastings, Evan               Neshaminy              2:06.48   1 
  3 Higgins, Henry               CR North               2:07.31   1 
  4 Melecio, Diego               Neshaminy              2:15.60   1 
  5 Young, Andrew                CR North               2:18.39   1 
  6 Kaiser, Ryan                 Neshaminy              2:18.53   2 
  7 Crowne, Joe                  CR North               2:20.21   1 
  8 McManus, Gavin               Neshaminy              2:20.61   2 
  9 Hannings, Bryce              Neshaminy              2:20.77   2 
 10 Poliseno, Alex               CR North               2:21.20   1 
 11 Conturso, Dominic            Neshaminy              2:21.24   1 
 12 Matthews, Jackson            Neshaminy              2:25.21   2 
 13 Gatewood, Luke               Neshaminy              2:26.10   2 
 14 Mischel, Ben                 CR North               2:32.56   2 
 15 Loerch, Tim                  Neshaminy              2:36.25   2 
 16 Mischel, Harrison            CR North               2:37.69   1 
 17 Conturso, Vincent            Neshaminy              2:41.06   2 
Event 9  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Smith, Radelson              Neshaminy                23.77   1 
  2 Adebayo, Praise              Neshaminy                23.84   2 
  3 Holden, Matt                 Neshaminy                24.13   1 
  4 Anderson, Josh               Neshaminy                24.37   2 
  5 Kamp, William                CR North                 24.72   1 
  6 Ochs, Blake                  Neshaminy                24.92   2 
  7 Kollie, AJ                   Neshaminy                25.38   2 
  8 Beideman, Owen               Neshaminy                25.46   3 
  9 Plebani, Max                 Neshaminy                25.51   3 
 10 Butler, Henry                CR North                 26.10   1 
 11 Hendricks, Andrew            CR North                 26.21   1 
 12 Jasmin, Wesley               Neshaminy                27.52   3 
 13 Dougherty, Sean              Neshaminy                28.10   3 
 14 Vasquez, Zachary             Neshaminy                28.65   3 
 15 Weagba, Joseph               Neshaminy                28.79   4 
 16 Ghayal, Shiv                 Neshaminy                29.24   4 
 17 Kent, David                  Neshaminy                31.07   4 
 18 Czerwinski, Chris            Neshaminy                34.07   4 
 -- Lamb, Matt                   Neshaminy                   FS   1 
Event 10  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Tarapchak, Ryan              Neshaminy             10:13.01  
  2 Czarnecki, Jack              CR North              10:21.90  
  3 Ott, Brady                   CR North              10:24.08  
  4 Keenoy, Bryce                Neshaminy             10:24.13  
  5 Sulewski, Joey               CR North              10:53.77  
  6 Osterhoudt, Samuel           Neshaminy             11:03.21  
Event 11  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Neshaminy  'A'                                      3:35.39   1 
  2 Council Rock North  'A'                             3:39.12   1 
  3 Council Rock North  'E'                            x4:04.61   2 
  4 Council Rock North  'D'                            x4:06.33   2 
  5 Neshaminy  'C'                                     x4:09.31   1 
  6 Council Rock North  'C'                            x4:11.99   2 
  7 Neshaminy  'B'                                     x4:12.09   1 
  8 Neshaminy  'D'                                     x4:26.17   2 
  9 Council Rock North  'B'                            x4:27.53   2 
Event 12  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 McIntyre, Colin              Neshaminy             18-06.00  
  2 Lewis, Chris                 Neshaminy             18-00.75  
  3 Stempin, Alex                CR North              17-11.00  
  4 Maher, Chris                 CR North              16-10.00  
  5 Rajesh, Arnov                CR North              15-03.50  
  6 Acosta, John                 CR North              15-01.00  
  7 Patel, Aarav                 CR North              14-01.00  
  8 Nicastro, Kaden              Neshaminy             14-00.00  
  9 Maliza, Cameron              CR North              13-09.50  
 -- Short, Ryan                  Neshaminy                 FOUL  
 -- Sun, Jimmy                   CR North                  FOUL  
Event 13  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 McIntyre, Colin              Neshaminy             38-03.50  
  2 Stempin, Alex                CR North              37-07.25  
  3 Short, Ryan                  Neshaminy             36-00.00  
  4 Rizzo, Victor                CR North              35-07.75  
  5 Lewis, Chris                 Neshaminy             35-04.75  
  6 Maher, Chris                 CR North              33-11.00  
  7 Kim, Seunghyeon              CR North              32-08.00  
  8 Nicastro, Kaden              Neshaminy             32-02.50  
  9 Needham, Christian           CR North              31-00.00  
 10 Rajesh, Arnov                CR North              27-05.00  
 11 Patel, Aarav                 CR North              26-08.00  
Event 14  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Lewis, Chris                 Neshaminy              5-06.00  
  2 Cooper, Demacio              Neshaminy             J5-06.00  
  3 Clark, Joe                   CR North               5-04.00  
  4 Jasmin, Wesley               Neshaminy              5-00.00  
Event 15  Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Kim, Seunghyeon              CR North              10-00.00  
  2 Rizzo, Victor                CR North               9-06.00  
  3 Zangari, Joe                 CR North               9-00.00  
 -- Acosta, John                 CR North                    NH  
 -- Montero, Nicolas             Neshaminy                   NH  
Event 16  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Giacomelli, Zack             Neshaminy             38-03.00  
  2 Henricksen, Matthew          CR North              37-05.00  
  3 Mygovych, Bogdon             Neshaminy             33-07.50  
  4 Bruck, Nicholas              Neshaminy             32-05.00  
  5 Williams, Connor             CR North              32-04.00  
  6 Smolskas, Lucas              Neshaminy             32-02.00  
  7 Hakma, Suliman               CR North              29-06.00  
  8 Hubbard, Lucas               CR North              29-03.00  
  9 Chaudhary, Arya              CR North              28-04.00  
 10 Featherstone, Andrew         CR North              26-00.50  
 11 Simon, Dan                   CR North              25-05.00  
 12 Oberto, Nicholas             Neshaminy             24-08.00  
 13 Mhatre, Ved                  CR North              24-02.50  
 14 Levitt, Asher                CR North              23-10.00  
Event 17  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Henricksen, Matthew          CR North                122-08  
  2 Hubbard, Lucas               CR North                 93-09  
  3 Mygovych, Bogdon             Neshaminy                91-00  
  4 Schneider, Jake              Neshaminy                76-03  
  5 Williams, Connor             CR North                 75-06  
  6 Simon, Dan                   CR North                 70-07  
  7 Mhatre, Ved                  CR North                 68-01  
  8 Smith, Alex                  CR North                 60-00  
  9 Featherstone, Andrew         CR North                 57-02  
Event 18  Boys Javelin Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Stempin, Alex                CR North                148-09  
  2 Henricksen, Matthew          CR North                127-09  
  3 Hubbard, Lucas               CR North                113-07  
  4 Bruck, Nicholas              Neshaminy               105-00  
  5 Oberto, Nicholas             Neshaminy                94-06  
  6 Schneider, Jake              Neshaminy                89-03  
  7 Simon, Dan                   CR North                 81-11  
  8 Levitt, Asher                CR North                 81-00  
  9 Smith, Alex                  CR North                 70-09  
 10 Miller, Zack                 Neshaminy                70-07  
 11 Chaudhary, Arya              CR North                 61-09  
                    Men - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Neshaminy                   97        2) Council Rock North         53