Event video and video interviews from December through January
Weekend in videos - December & January in PA
Jan 30, 2014
1/18 WKND: PA w/USA #1-2-4-10 miles-3 US Top 10 DMRs, Russell US#6 Mile in CT, PA#2 SP&55H @ D-son
Jan 15, 2014
Unionville girls recorded a US#4 distance medley relay in their first full strength competition since NXN FInals. PA went 1-2-3-4 at the Millrose Trials in the mile with four national top ten performances! Great Valley, Springside Chestnut Hill and Cardinal O'Hara overtook Unionville in the national top ten in the distance medley relay!

Performance List: Chester County Indoor Champs
Jan 12, 2014
Performance List for tonight's Chester County Indoor Championships @ Ursinus College
1/11 WKND:Deluca US#2 3K-Lewis US#5 SP-3 PA#1s in OH-5 in PA Taub, Brissett, Andre, Wilson, Stauffer
Jan 11, 2014
Record low temps, combined with incredible winds, reinforced our need for an indoor season in the Northeast. Can't imagine how cold this stuff feels in the south.