We begin our third year of the PennTrackXC.com Top 10 - a poll of coaches from around the state to rank the top cross country teams of the season. One is reserved for the top five AA schools, while the Top 10 reflects all PA schools, whether AA, AAA, public or private.
This year for the first time, we'll wait for two weekends of competition before making any adjustments – giving many of the teams an opportunity to get their first races under their spikes. Remember, this poll is for fun, and is intended solely to spark conversation about the sport. Once we're on a weekly schedule, the poll will be published on Wednesdays.
August 29: Pre-Season | September 12 | September 19 | September 26 | October 3 | October 10 | October 22 | October 30 | November 7 |
November 7: FINAL
Top 10 Girls Teams (all classifications)
1. Emmaus (11) - PIAA AAA State Champions for 2nd year in a row.
2. Greater Latrobe (7) - PIAA AAA Runner-Up.
3. Norwin (7) - #3 in PIAA AAA.
4. Liberty (11) - #4 in PIAA AAA on tie-breaker with Norwin.
5. North Penn (1) - #5 in PIAA AAA.
6. Cumberland Valley (3) - #6 in PIAA AAA
7. Council Rock North (1) - #7 in PIAA AAA.
8. Central Cambria (6) AA - PIAA AA State Champions for 2nd year in a row WITHOUT Carly Seymour.
9. State College (6) - #8 in PIAA AAA.
Tie 10. Knoch (7) - #9 in PIAA AAA.
West Middlesex (10) - #2 in PIAA AA just four points behind champs Central Cambria
and ahead of previously #1 AA Lewisburg (4).
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Governor Mifflin (3), Lewisburg AA (4)
Top 5 AA Girls Teams
1. Central Cambria (6) - PIAA State Champions for 2nd consecutive year without Carly Seymour.
2. West Middlesex(10) - #2 behind Central Cambria by just four points, ahead of previous #1 Lewisburg.
3. Lewisburg (4) - #3 in PIAA AA.
4. Union City (10) - #4 in PIAA AA.
Tie 5. Academy of Notre Dame (Private) - Dominant winner of PA Independent League title.
Saucon Valley (11) - #5 in PIAA AA.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Saint Basil (1)
Top 10 Boys Teams (all classifications)
1. North Penn (1) - PIAA AAA State Champions for 2nd year in a row.
2. LaSalle College High School (12) - PIAA AAA Runner-up.
3. North Allegheny (7) - #3 in PIAA AAA by just one point behind LaSalle.
4. Perkiomen Valley (1) - #4 in PIAA AAA.
5. Upper Dublin (1) - #5 in PIAA AAA.
6. Council Rock North (1) - #6 in PIAA AAA.
7. West Chester Henderson (1) - #7 in PIAA AAA.
8. Saint Joseph's Prep (12) - #8 in PIAA AAA.
9. Cumberland Valley (3) - #9 in PIAA AAA.
10. Conrad Weiser (3) - #10 in PIAA AAA.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Carlisle (3), Cedar Cliff (3)
Top 5 AA Boys Teams
1. Elk Lake (2) - PIAA AA State Champions.
2. Quaker Valley (7) - PIAA AA Runner-up by just two points.
3. North East (10) - #3 in PIAA AA, just six points out of first. They were defending champs.
4. Germantown Friends (Private) - #1 at PA Independent League over Friends Central. 1:03 spread.
5. Holy Redeemer (2) - #4 in PIAA AA.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Friends' Central (Private), York Suburban (3)
October 30: Update #7
Top 10 Girls Teams (all classifications)
1. Emmaus (11) - #1 at District 11 with 1:13 spread. Strong team avg. Wins over Liberty for 2nd week in a row.
2. Cumberland Valley (3) - #1 at District 3 with 1:40 spread.
3. Greater Latrobe (7) - #1 at District 7 with 2:23 spread.
4. North Penn (1) - #1 at District 1 with 1:03 spread. 18 sec slower team average than Emmaus day before.
5. Liberty (11) - #2 at at District 11 to Emmaus. 1:56 spread.
6. Council Rock North (1) - #2 at District 1 to North Penn. 1:18 spread.
7. Lewisburg (4) AA - #1 at District 4 with 2:13. 2-4 runner spread of 2:18.
8. Knoch (7) - #2 at District 7 behind Latrobe. 1:25 spread.
9. Norwin (7) - #3 at District 7. 2:33 spread.
10. Downingtown East (1) - #3 at District 1 to North Penn and Council Rock North. :33 spread.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Cardinal O'Hara (12), Central Bucks South (1), Central Cambria (6), Dallas (2), Governor Mifflin (3), Pennsbury (1), State College (6), William Tennent (1)
Top 5 AA Girls Teams
1. Lewisburg (4) - #1 at District 4 with 2:13. 2-4 runner spread of 2:18.
2. Central Cambria (6) - #1 at District 6 with 2:48 spread.
3. West Middlesex(10) - #1 at District 10 with 1:30 spread.
4. Union City (10) - #2 at District 10 with 1:59 spread.
5. Saint Basil (1) - #1 at District 1 with 1:00 spread on strong times.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Academy of Notre Dame (Private), General McLane (10), Saucon Valley (11)
Top 10 Boys Teams (all classifications)
1. North Allegheny (7) - #1 at District 7 with spectacular :30 spread off a front-runner.
2. North Penn (1) - #1 at District 1 with :38 spread in loaded field.
3. Council Rock North (1) - #2 at District 1 with :54 spread.
4. Conrad Weiser (3) - #1 at District 3 in strong district over three ranked teams.
5. Upper Dublin (1) - #3 at District 1 with :47 spread.
6. Cedar Cliff (3) - #2 at District 3 with :58 spread.
7. West Chester Henderson (1) - #4 at District 1 with :55 spread.
8. Cumberland Valley (3) - #3 at District 3 with :56 spread.
9. Perkiomen Valley (1) - #5 at District 1 with 1:18 spread.
10. LaSalle College High School (12) - #1 in District 12 with 16:48 spread on tough course.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Altoona (6), Carlisle (3), Dallas (2), Germantown Friends, North East (10) AA, North Hills (7)
Top 5 AA Boys Teams
Tie 1. North East (10) - #1 at District 10. 1:16 spread. Undefeated all season.
Quaker Valley (7) - #1 at District 7. 1:33 spread.
3. Germantown Friends (Private) - #1 at PA Independent League over Friends Central. 1:03 spread.
4. Holy Redeemer (2) - #1 at District 2 with :56 spread.
Tie 5. Fairview (10) - #2 at District 10 on tie-breaker over General McLane. 1:37 spread.
Friends Central (Private) - #2 at PA Independent League with 1:42 spread.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Danville (4), Elk Lake (2), General McLane (10)
October 22: Update #6
Top 10 Girls Teams (all classifications)
1. Emmaus (11) - #1 at Lehigh Valley Conference over Liberty with 1:40 spread.
2. Greater Latrobe (7) - #1 a 39-team field in Tri-States over North Allegheny and Knoch. An incredible one-two punch up front.
3. Cumberland Valley (3) - Dominating win at Mid-Penn Conferences.
4. Council Rock North (1) - Won 8 team Suburban One National with 1:40 spread.
5. Lewisburg (4) AA - #1 at Shikellamy Classic with 19:44 team average, but 3+ minute spread.
6. Liberty (11) - #2 at Lehigh Valley Conference to Emmaus.
7. Norwin (7) - Idle.
8. North Penn (1) - #1 at Suburban One Continental with :42 spread.
9. Knoch (7) - #2 at Tri-States behind Latrobe, but over North Allegheny.
10. North Allegheny (7) - #3 at Tri-States behind Latrobe and Knoch.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Downingtown East (1), Governor Mifflin (3), Haverford Township (1), Perkiomen Valley (1), State College (6), Union City (10)AA
Top 5 AA Girls Teams
1. Lewisburg (4) - #1 at Shikellamy Classic with 19:44 team average, but 3+ minute sp
2. Union City (10) - #1 at D10 Region 4 with 1:27 spread.
3. Central Cambria (6) - #1 at Laurel Valley with 2:15 spread.
4. West Middlesex(10) - #1 at D10 Regions 1+2 with :46 spread.
5. Saint Basil (1) - #1 at AACA over AAA Villa Maria.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): General McLane (10), North East (10), Northwestern Lehigh (11), Trinity (3)
Top 10 Boys Teams (all classifications)
1. North Allegheny (7) - #1 in 48 team field at Tri-States with :33 spread behind 16:03.
2. North Penn (1) - #1 at Suburban One Continental with :42 spread.
3. Perkiomen Valley (1) - #1 at Pioneer Athletic League with 1:24 spread.
4. Cumberland Valley (3) - #1 at Mid-Penn Conference over Cedar Cliff and Carlisle.
5. Upper Dublin (1) - #1 at Suburban One American with :30 spread.
6. Cedar Cliff (3) - #2 at Mid-Penn over Carlisle.
7. Carlisle (3) - Close #3 at Mid-Penn behind Cumberland Valley and Cedar Cliff with #5 losing a shoe.
8. Council Rock North (1) - #1 at Suburban One National with :44 spread.
9. LaSalle College High School (12) - #1 in Philadelphia Catholic League with 16:51 avg on tough Belmont Plateau and :25 spread.
10. West Chester Henderson (1) - #1 at Ches-Mont League with :52 spread.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Altoona (6), Conrad Weiser (3), Germantown Friends (Private), Holy Ghost Prep (1) Lower Merion (1), North East (10) AA, North Hills (7), Mount Lebanon (7), St. Joseph's Prep (12)
Top 5 AA Boys Teams
1. North East (10) - #1 at D10 Region 4 with 1:52 spread.
2. Quaker Valley (7) - idle.
3. Germantown Friends (Private) - Idle
4. General McLane (10) – Narrow #1 at D10 Region 5 over Fairview, who held out #1 runner.
T5. Holy Redeemer (2) - #1 Ed Narkiewicz Invite (17 teams) :45 spread.
Friends Central (Private) (#2 AA at Paul Short ahead of previously ranked Fairview
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Danville (4), Elk Lake (2), Fairview (10), West Middlesex (10)
October 10: Update #5
Top 10 Girls Teams (all classifications)
1. Emmaus (11) - Dominant win at Paul Short over 34 teams, including Cumberland Valley. :53 spread.
2. Cumberland Valley (3) - #2 at Paul Short following #1 PA at Cariisle over Latrobe, North Allegheny, Council Rock North and Norwin. 1:06 spread.
3. Greater Latrobe (7) - Win both Westmoreland Ct. Champs and Pittsburgh Central Catholic in three day span.
4. Council Rock North (1) - idle after #2 PA at Carlisle.
5. Lewisburg (4) AA - Idle. At full strength, better team average than Liberty in other race at Hershey on 9/20.
6. Liberty (11) - Idle. 1st in large school race at Hershey.
7. Norwin (7) - Beat everyone at Westmoreland Ct. except Latrobe.
8. North Penn (1) - #1 at Salesianum. 1:09 spread.
9. North Allegheny (7) - Running "B" team, #11 at Pittsburgh Central Catholic, following #5 PA at Carlisle, :57 spread.
10. State College (6) - #1 at Steel City, 1:46 spread. #1 at Northeast..
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Central Bucks West (1), Central Cambria (6), Downingtown East (1), Governor Mifflin (3), Mount Lebanon (7), Perkiomen Valley (1), Union City (10)AA
Top 5 AA Girls Teams
1. Lewisburg (4) - Idle. At full strength, better team average than Liberty in other race at Hershey on 9/20.
2. Union City (10) - idle following good showing at McQuaid NY 9/27.
3. Central Cambria (6) - Idle. 3rd at Hershey to Lewisburg and Union City on 9/20.
4. West Middlesex(10) - #4 (#1 AA) at Pittsburgh Central Catholic. 1:03 spread.
5. North East (10) – #1 at Harbor Creek. 1:25 spread.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): General McLane (10), Northwestern Lehigh (11), Saint Basil (1), Trinity (3)
Top 10 Boys Teams (all classifications)
1. North Allegheny (7) - Idle following convincing #1 at Carlisle over six ranked teams, including North Penn, Cumberland Valley, Carlisle, Cedar Cliff, Upper Dublin and Holy Ghost Prep. Gaudy :25 spread behind 3rd place 16:14.
2. North Penn (1) - #1 at Salesianum over Carlisle with 1:00 spread behind #3 all-time mark by Brad Miles. #2 at Carlisle, 1:25 spread.
3. Perkiomen Valley (1) - #1 at Paul Short in break-out race. Two points over Upper Dublin, 7 over Cumberland Valley with 1:34 spread.
4. Carlisle (3) - #2 at Salesianum behind North Penn. :54 second spread behind #5 all-time mark by Kyle Hurston. #4 PA at Carlisle, 2:10 spread behind 1st place 15:59.
5. Upper Dublin (1) - #2 at Paul Short with :48 spread, just 2 points behind Perkiomen Valley and 5 over Cumberland Valley. #6 PA at Carlisle, 1:07 spread. 9/20: 1st at Hershey, reversing 9/13 loss to Holy Ghost Prep.
6. Cumberland Valley (3) - #3 at Paul Short, 7 behind Perkiomen Valley and 5 behind Upper Dublin with :34 spread. #3 at Carlisle, 1:19 spread.
7. Council Rock North (1) - #1 at Steel City over Cedar Cliff and Altoona. 3rd at DeSales to Holy Ghost Prep and Upper Dublin.
8. Holy Ghost Prep (1) - Idle. Not beaten by any team not on the rankings. #7 PA at Carlisle, :47 spread. 9/20: 2nd at Hershey to Upper Dublin after beating them at DeSales.
9. Cedar Cliff (3) - #2 at Steel City after #5 PA at Carlisle.
10. LaSalle College High School (12) - #4 at Paul Short with :23 spread after #8 PA at Carlisle with :47 spead.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Altoona (6), Germantown Friends (Private), Lower Merion (1), North East (10) AA, North Hills (7), Mount Lebanon (7), St. Joseph's Prep (12), West Chester Henderson (1)
Top 5 AA Boys Teams
1. North East (10) - #1 at Harbor Creek, :50 spread after #2 at McQuaid, and #1 AA at Hershey with 1:09 spread.
2. Quaker Valley (7) - #3 (#1 AA) at Pittsburgh Central Catholic.
3. Germantown Friends (Private) - #7 (#1 Small School) at Paul Short. 1:15 spread.
4. General McLane (10) – #3 (#2 AA) at Harbor Creek. 2:14 spread.
T5. West Middlesex (10) - #11 (#2 AA) at Pittsburgh Central Catholic.
Friends Central (Private) (#2 AA at Paul Short ahead of previously ranked Fairview
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Elk Lake (2), Fairview (10), Holy Redeemer (2)
October 3: Update #4
Top 10 Girls Teams (all classifications)
1. Emmaus (11) - Idle 9/27. 9/20: 3rd in top competition at Pre-NXN on NY Feds course.
2. Cumberland Valley (3) - #1 PA at Cariisle, beating Latrobe, North Allegheny, Council Rock North and Norwin. 1:21 spread.
3. Council Rock North (1) - #2 PA at Carlisle, 1:26 spread.
4. Greater Latrobe (7) - #3 PA at Carlisle, 1:50 spread.
5. Lewisburg (4) AA - #4 at Northeast Invitational w/o #2 girl. 9/20: in combined results at Hershey, beat large school winner Liberty with 52 points and 3:08 spread.
6. Liberty (11) - Idle 9/27. 9/20: 1st in large school race at Hershey.
7. Norwin (7) - #4 PA at Carlisle. 2:17 spread.
8. North Penn (1) - 1st in light competition at Conrad Weiser. 9/20: Top PA team at Briarwood. 1:52 spread.
9. North Allegheny (7) - #5 PA at Carlisle, :57 spread. 9/13: Won Slippery Rock AAA over Mt. Lebanon.
10. Governor Mifflin (3) - #6 PA at Carlisle, 1:25 spread. 9/13: Lewisburg at Spiked Shoe.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Central Bucks West (1), Central Cambria (6), Downingtown East (1), Mount Lebanon (7), Perkiomen Valley (1), State College (6), Union City (10)AA
Top 5 AA Girls Teams
1. Lewisburg (4) - #4 at Northeast Invitational w/o #2 girl. 9/20: in combined results at Hershey, beat large school winner Liberty with 52 points and 3:08 spread.
2. Union City (10) - Ran well at McQuaid NY, 1:55 spread. 9/20: 2nd at Hershey to Lewisburg by just 20 points. 2:09 spread.
3. Central Cambria (6) - Idle 9/27. 3rd at Hershey to Lewisburg and Union City. 3:03 spread.
4. Saint Basil (1) - 3rd at Northeast Inv, #1 AA with 2:19 spread. 9/13: 6th at Spiked Shoe behind Lewisburg.
5. West Middlesex(10) - Idle 9/27. 9/20: 1st AA at Sharpesville with 30 teams. 3:19 spread.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): General McLane (10), Northwestern Lehigh (11), Trinity (3)
Top 10 Boys Teams (all classifications)
1. North Allegheny (7) - #1 at Carlisle beating six ranked teams, including North Penn, Cumberland Valley, Carlisle, Cedar Cliff, Upper Dublin and Holy Ghost Prep. Gaudy :25 spread behind 3rd place 16:14.
2. North Penn (1) - #2 at Carlisle, 1:25 spread. 1st PA by one point at Briarwood behind regionally ranked NJ team.
3. Cumberland Valley (3) - #3 at Carlisle, 1:19 spread.
4. Carlisle (3) - #4 PA at Carlisle, 2:10 spread behind 1st place 15:59.
5. Cedar Cliff (3) - #5 PA at Carlisle, 1:19 spread.
6. Upper Dublin (1) - #6 PA at Carlisle, 1:07 spread. 9/20: 1st at Hershey, reversing 9/13 loss to Holy Ghost Prep.
7. Holy Ghost Prep (1) - #7 PA at Carlisle, :47 spread. 9/20: 2nd at Hershey to Upper Dublin.
8. Council Rock North (1) - #1 at own invite. Has not beaten any time 1-7. 1:02 spread. 9/13: 3rd at DeSales to Holy Ghost Prep and Upper Dublin.
9. Germantown Friends (Private) - Top runners idle 9/27. 9/20: 4th in strong field at Pre-NXN, sitting out one runner and losing one to dehydration. 1:28 spread.
10. LaSalle College High School (12) - #8 PA at Carlisle, :47 spead.. 2nd PA at Briarwood. :40 spread.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Altoona (6), Baldwin (7), Conrad Weiser (3), Friends Central (Private), North East (10) AA, North Hills (7), Penncrest (1), Perkiomen Valley (1), Quaker Valley (7)AA, St. Joseph's Prep (12), West Chester Henderson (1)
Top 5 AA Boys Teams
1. Germantown Friends (Private) - Top runners idle 9/27. 9/20: 4th in strong field at Pre-NXN, sitting out one runner and losing one to dehydration. 1:28 spread.
2. Quaker Valley (7) - Idle 9/27 and 9/20. Slippery Rock AA 9/13.
3. North East (10) - #2 at McQuaid, 1:23 spread. 9/20: #1 AA at Hershey with 1:09 spread.
4. Fairview (10) - #3 at McQuaid, 1:07 spread. 9/20: 1st at Sharpsville with 32 teams. 1:29 spread.
5. West Middlesex (10) - May have been idle 9/27. 9/20: 2nd to Fairview at Sharpesville.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Elk Lake (2), General McLane (10), Holy Redeemer (2)
September 26: Update #3
Top 10 Girls Teams (all classifications)
1. Emmaus (11) - 3rd in top competition at Pre-NXN on NY Feds course. 1:21 spread.
2. Greater Latrobe (7) - Did not compete.
3. Lewisburg (4) AA - 1st in small school race at Hershey. In combined results, beat large school winner Liberty with 52 points and 3:08 spread.
4. Liberty (11) - 1st in large school race at Hershey. 1:35 spread. Five in top 25.
5. Cumberland Valley (3) - Did not compete
6. Governor Mifflin (3) - Did not compete, but beat Lewisburg at Spiked Shoe 9/13.
7. North Allegheny (7) - Did not compete. Won Slippery Rock AAA over Mt. Lebanon 9/13.
8. North Penn (1) - Top PA team at Briarwood. 1:52 spread behind 19:33 on tough course.
9. Perkiomen Valley (1) - Defeated Downingtown East at Fretz Invitational
10. Council Rock North (1) - Did not compete
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha):
Central Cambria (6), Downingtown East (1), Mount Lebanon (7), Northern York (3), Norwin (7), Union City (10)AA, Strath Haven (1)
Top 5 AA Girls Teams
1. Lewisburg (4) AA - 1st in small school race at Hershey. In combined results, beat large school winner Liberty with 52 points and 3:08 spread.
2. Union City (10) - 2nd at Hershey to Lewisburg by just 20 points. 2:09 spread.
3. Central Cambria (6) - 3rd at Hershey to Lewisburg and Union City. 3:03 spread.
4. Saint Basil (1) - Did not compete. 6th at Spiked Shoe 9/13 behind Lewisburg.
5. West Middlesex(10) - 1st AA at Sharpesville with 30 teams. 3:19 spread.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): General McLane (10), Northwestern Lehigh (11), Trinity (3)
Top 10 Boys Teams (all classifications)
1. North Penn (1) - 1st PA by one point at Briarwood behind regionally ranked NJ team. :34 spread.
2. Upper Dublin (1) - 1st at Hershey, reversing 9/13 loss to Holy Ghost Prep. 1:14 spread.
3. Holy Ghost Prep (1) - 2nd at Hershey to Upper Dublin wth 1:11 spread.
4. Cumberland Valley (3) - Did not compete
5. North Allegheny (7) - Did not compete. Won Slippery Rock AAA in large field 9/13.
6. West Chester Henderson (1) - Did not compete. Won XXXC Relay with strong team avg.
7. Council Rock North (1) - 5th PA at Briarwood minus #1 man a week after 3rd at DeSales to Holy Ghost Prep and Upper Dublin.
8. Germantown Friends (Private) - 4th in strong field at Pre-NXN, sitting out one runner and losing one to dehydration. 1:28 spread.
9. Carlisle (3) - Did not compete
10. LaSalle College High School (12) - 2nd PA at Briarwood. :40 spread.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Altoona (6), Cedar Cliff (3), Conrad Weiser (3), Friends Central (Private), Mount Lebanon (7), North Hills (7), Penncrest (1), Perkiomen Valley (1), Quaker Valley (7)AA, St. Joseph's Prep (12)
Top 5 AA Boys Teams
1. Germantown Friends (Private) - 4th in strong field at Pre-NXN, sitting out one runner and losing one to dehydration. 1:28 spread.
2. Quaker Valley (7) - Idle one week after winning Slippery Rock AA 9/13.
3. North East (10) - #1 AA at Hershey with 1:09 spread.
4. Fairview (10) - 1st at Sharpsville with 32 teams. 1:29 spread.
5. West Middlesex (10) - 2nd to Fairview at Sharpesville.
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Elk Lake (2), General McLane (10), Holy Redeemer (2)
September 19: Update #2
Top 10 Girls Teams (all classifications)
1. Emmaus (11) - Did not compete
2. Greater Latrobe (7) - Did not compete
3. Cumberland Valley (3) - Did not compete
4. Downintown East (1) - Won at DeSales w/o two varsity (field of 23 including HH) 1:12 spread, team av 20:46
5. Central Cambria (6) - Won Forest Hills (13 teams) 2:17 spread (:50 1-4). Team avg 20:51
6. Liberty (11) - Did not compete
7. Governor Mifflin (3) - Beat #6 Lewisburg (AA) at Spiked Shoe (26 teams). 1:10 spread.
8. Lewisburg (4) AA - 2nd to Governor Mifflin at Spiked Shoe. 1-2 individually, but 3:37 spread.
9. North Allegheny (7) - Won Slippery Rock AAA over Mt. Lebanon in large field. :50 spread.
10. Council Rock North (1) - Did not compete
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Hatboro-Horsham (1), Mount Lebanon (7), North Penn (1), Northern York (3), Union City (10)AA, West Chester Henderson (1)
Top 5 AA Girls Teams
1. Central Cambria (6) - Won Forest Hills (13 teams) 2:17 spread (:50 1-4). Team avg 20:51
2. Lewisburg (4) - 2nd to Governor Mifflin at Spiked Shoe. 1-2 individually, but 3:37 spread.
3. Union City (10) - Won AA at Slippery Rock. Times competitive to AAA, but conditions were better for AA. 1:50 spread.
4. Saint Basil (1) - 6th at Spiked Shoe 9/13 behind Lewisburg.
5. West Middlesex(10) - Did not compete
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Danville (4), General McLane (10), Trinity (3)
Top 10 Boys Teams (all classifications)
1. North Penn (1) - Did not compete
2. Holy Ghost Prep (1) - Won DeSales over PA#2 Upper Dublin and other ranked teams. 1:06 spread.
3. Upper Dublin (1) - 2nd at DeSales. :34 spread. #1 man lost shoe early.
4. Cumberland Valley (3) - Did not compete
5. North Allegheny (7) - Won Slippery Rock AAA in large field (literally and figuratively). 1:07 spread.
6. West Chester Henderson (1) - Did not compete. Won XXXC Relay with strong team avg.
7. Council Rock North (1) - 3rd at DeSales to PA#2 Upper Dublin, #5 Holy Ghost Prep. 1:05 spread.
8. Penncrest (1) - Did not compete
9. Carlisle (3) - Did not compete
10. North Hills (7) - Did not compete
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Altoona (6), Cedar Cliff (3), Conrad Weiser (3), Germantown Friends (private), Hatboro-Horsham (1), Mount Lebanon (7), Perkiomen Valley (1), Quaker Valley (7)AA
Top 5 AA Boys Teams
1. Quaker Valley (7) - Won Slippery Rock AA 1:11 spread. Team avg close to AAA in better conditions.
2. Germantown Friends (Private) - 2nd to Henderson at XXXC earlier in season.
3. North East (10) - Did not compete
4. Fairview (10) - 2nd at Spiked Shoe. 2:12 spread.
5. West Middlesex (10) - Did not compete
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): General McLane (10), Holy Redeemer (2), Kutztown (3)
September 12: Update #1
Top 10 Girls Teams (all classifications)
1. Emmaus (11)
2. Greater Latrobe (7)
3. Cumberland Valley (3)
4. Central Cambria (6)
5. Liberty (11)
6. Lewisburg (4) AA
7. Downingtown East (1)
8. North Allegheny (7)
9. Council Rock North (1)
10. Hatboro-Horsham (1)
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Cardinal O'Hara (12), Central Bucks West (1), Governor Mifflin (3), Lampeter Strasburg (3), North Penn (1), Northern York (3), Norwin (7), Pennsbury (1), Saint Basil (1) AA, State College (6), Unionville (1)
Top 5 AA Girls Teams
1. Central Cambria (6)
2. Lewisburg (4)
3. Saint Basil (1)
4. Union City (10)
5. West Middlesex(10)
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha):
Top 10 Boys Teams (all classifications)
1. North Penn (1)
2. Upper Dublin (1)
3. Cumberland Valley (3)
4. Council Rock North (1)
5. Holy Ghost Prep (1)
6. North Allegheny (7)
7. West Chester Henderson (1)
8. Penncrest (1)
9. Carlisle (3)
10. North Hills (7)
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Altoona (6), Cardinal O'Hara (12), Cedar Cliff (3), Conrad Weiser (3), Central Bucks East (1), Germantown Friends (private), Hatboro-Horsham (1), North East (10) AA, Parkland (11), Pennridge (1), Quaker Valley (7) AA, West Middlesex (10) AA
Top 5 AA Boys Teams
1. Quaker Valley (7)
2. Germantown Friends (Private)
3. North East (10)
4. West Middlesex (10)
5. Fairview (10)
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Elk Lake (2), General McLane (10), Holy Redeemer (2), Union City (10)
August 29: Pre-Season Rankings
Top 10 Girls Teams (all classifications)
1. Emmaus (11)
2. Greater Latrobe (7)
3. Downingtown East (1)
4. Cumberland Valley (3)
5. Central Cambria (6) AA
6. Council Rock North (1)
7. Liberty (11)
8. Lewisburg (4) AA
9. Norwin (7)
10. Strath Haven (1)
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Academy of Notre Dame (Private), Cardinal O'Hara (12), Manheim Township (3), North Penn (1), North Allegheny (7), Northern York (3), Pennsbury (1), Saint Basil (1) AA, State College (6), Trinity (7) AA, Unionville (1), William Tennent (1)
Top 5 AA Girls Teams
1. Central Cambria (6)
2. Lewisburg (4)
3. Saint Basil (1)
4. Union City (10)
5. West Middlesex(10)
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Danville (4), Riverview (7), Trinity (3)
Top 10 Boys Teams (all classifications)
1. Upper Dublin (1)
2. North Penn (1)
3. Council Rock North (1)
4. North Hills (7)
5. Coatesville (1)
6. Penncrest (1)
7. Carlisle (3)
8. Parkand (11)
9. Holy Ghost Prep (1)
10. Pennridge (1)
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Altoona (6), Cardinal O'Hara (12), Cedar Cliff (3), Cumberland Valley (3), LaSalle College (12), Lower Merion (1), North Allegheny (7), Quaker Valley (7) AA, Scranton Prep (2), Seneca Valley (7) West Middlesex (10) AA
Top 5 AA Boys Teams
1. Quaker Valley (7)
2. West Middlesex (10)
3. North East (10)
4. Elk Lake (2)
5. General McLane (10)
Teams Receiving Votes (alpha): Germantown Friends School (private), Holy Redeemer (2), Lancaster Mennonite (3), Northeast Bradford (4), Phil-Mont Christian (1) AA