MACSA High School Championships - 5/1/2013
Messiah College, Grantham, PA
Due to a computer error, scores as announced at meet were wrong. The
scores of each division listed below are corrected.
Any questions regarding results, please address them to Trey Jackson at Thanks. Best wishes for the rest of the year. See
you next year at the MACSA Meet.
Event 2 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay HS A
School Finals Points
1 Meadowbrook Christian School 'A' 9:22.95 10
2 Bible Baptist School 'A' 9:32.19 8
3 Trinity Christian School 'A' 9:36.96 6
4 Timothy Christian School 'A' 9:40.86 4
5 Lehigh Valley Christian High S 'A' 9:49.93 2
6 Phil-Mont Christian Academy 'A' 9:52.57 1
7 Faith Christian Academy 'A' 10:43.03
Event 4 Boys 110 Meter Hurdles HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Romine, Samuel Faith Christ 18.23 10
2 Pickett, Dakota Meadowbrook 18.42 8
3 Smith, Matt Phil-Mont Ch 18.50 6
4 Moffit, Joshua Timothy Chri 18.53 4
5 Pitzer, Matthew Faith Christ 19.93 2
6 Stanley, Cameron Meadowbrook 21.67 1
Event 8 Boys 100 Meter Dash HS A
Name Year School Prelims H#
1 Ellis, Dj Phil-Mont Ch 11.99q 2
2 Figueroa, David Timothy Chri 12.07q 1
3 Harris, Daletyn Trinity Chri 12.50q 2
4 Parris, Matt Timothy Chri 12.62q 1
5 Pintaric, Timotej Bible Baptis 12.81q 1
6 Budd, Oliver Trinity Chri 13.11q 1
7 Sweigard, Matthew Meadowbrook 13.18q 2
8 Donato, Joel The King's C 13.24q 2
9 Cromis, Calven Columbia Cou 13.37 2
10 Savidge, Joshua The King's C 13.50 1
11 Manges, Jonathan Columbia Cou 13.80 2
12 Crawford, Jacob Meadowbrook 14.70 2
13 Tomchick, Kent Faith Christ 16.05 1
Event 8 Boys 100 Meter Dash HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Figueroa, David Timothy Chri 11.55 10
2 Ellis, Dj Phil-Mont Ch 11.78 8
3 Parris, Matt Timothy Chri 12.35 6
4 Harris, Daletyn Trinity Chri 12.37 4
5 Pintaric, Timotej Bible Baptis 12.42 2
6 Budd, Oliver Trinity Chri 12.81 1
7 Sweigard, Matthew Meadowbrook 12.87
8 Donato, Joel The King's C 13.21
Event 9 Boys 300 Meter Hurdles HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Romine, Samuel Faith Christ 44.99 10
2 Moffit, Joshua Timothy Chri 45.03 8
3 Pickett, Dakota Meadowbrook 45.74 6
4 Larrazabal, Daniel Trinity Chri 49.54 4
5 Smith, Matt Phil-Mont Ch 49.56 2
6 Pitzer, Matthew Faith Christ 52.57 1
7 Zahne, Kevin Timothy Chri 57.88
Event 14 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay HS A
School Finals Points
1 Timothy Christian School 'A' 1:42.84 10
2 Harrisburg Christian School 'A' 1:43.89 8
3 Meadowbrook Christian School 'A' 1:48.15 6
4 Bible Baptist School 'A' 1:50.69 4
5 Trinity Christian School 'A' 1:51.24 2
6 Faith Christian Academy 'A' 1:53.33 1
7 Columbia County Christian Scho 'A' 1:53.91
8 Lehigh Valley Christian High S 'A' 1:58.53
Event 18 Boys 1600 Meter Run HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Hanko, Josiah Trinity Chri 4:21.59 10
2 Trout, Daniel Faith Christ 4:49.66 8
3 Larrazabal, Daniel Trinity Chri 4:55.66 6
4 Barninger, Matt Harrisburg C 5:05.41 4
5 Klodnicki, Kurtis Meadowbrook 5:07.27 2
6 Coyle, Zach Timothy Chri 5:09.59 1
7 LaGrande, Jacob Bible Baptis 5:10.91
8 Stith, Jacob Lehigh Valle 5:11.62
9 Ulmer, David Meadowbrook 5:14.37
10 Works, Keith Bible Baptis 5:18.12
11 Scales, Daniel Faith Christ 5:29.83
12 Leyesa, Jacob Timothy Chri 5:38.71
13 Sudlow, Jordan Phil-Mont Ch 5:39.97
14 Eckert, Kiel Harrisburg C 5:48.87
15 Hess, Noah Columbia Cou 5:50.25
16 Leahy, Tom Phil-Mont Ch 5:51.95
17 Wechsler, Nick Lehigh Valle 7:03.75
Event 22 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay HS A
School Finals Points
1 Faith Christian Academy 'A' 49.94 10
2 Meadowbrook Christian School 'A' 50.08 8
3 Trinity Christian School 'A' 50.99 6
4 Columbia County Christian Scho 'A' 51.73 4
5 Bible Baptist School 'A' 53.08 2
6 Lehigh Valley Christian High S 'A' 59.54 1
-- Timothy Christian School 'A' DQ Interference
Event 26 Boys 400 Meter Dash HS A
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Hanko, Josiah Trinity Chri 52.57 2 10
2 Kertland, Mike Harrisburg C 53.27 2 8
3 Rex, Colton Lehigh Valle 53.51 2 6
4 Stemler, Isaac Phil-Mont Ch 54.65 2 4
5 Harris, Daletyn Trinity Chri 55.98 2 2
6 Hill, Paul Bible Baptis 56.10 2 1
7 Parris, Matt Timothy Chri 56.30 2
8 Clendaniel, Caleb Meadowbrook 57.08 1
9 St. Jean, Ben Timothy Chri 58.50 1
10 Leone, Luke Bible Baptis 59.66 1
11 Logan, Andrew Harrisburg C 1:00.30 2
12 Scales, Daniel Faith Christ 1:01.04 1
13 Holden, Steven Lehigh Valle 1:01.07 1
14 Moscariello, Austin Meadowbrook 1:03.65 1
15 Martin, Josh Columbia Cou 1:05.04 1
Event 30 Boys 800 Meter Run HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Hanko, Josiah Trinity Chri 2:00.24 10
2 Trout, Daniel Faith Christ 2:08.00 8
3 Smith, Ben Trinity Chri 2:12.95 6
4 Scanterbury, Kayin Phil-Mont Ch 2:18.23 4
5 DiLeo, Matt Timothy Chri 2:20.11 2
6 Hill, Paul Bible Baptis 2:21.26 1
7 LaGrande, Jacob Bible Baptis 2:21.39
8 Jones, Elijah Lehigh Valle 2:22.88
9 Stemler, Isaac Phil-Mont Ch 2:25.43
10 Klodnicki, Kurtis Meadowbrook 2:26.02
11 Leyesa, Jacob Timothy Chri 2:28.34
12 Jensen, Sam Faith Christ 2:28.40
13 Gwinn, Noah Harrisburg C 2:32.66
14 Blockus, Corey Columbia Cou 2:32.71
15 Hazler, Joe Lehigh Valle 2:33.43
16 Hess, Noah Columbia Cou 2:36.25
17 Oliver, Trevon Faith Christ 2:38.73
18 Clendaniel, Caleb Meadowbrook 2:46.26
19 VanVeldhuisen, Jordan Faith Christ 2:57.65
Event 34 Boys 200 Meter Dash HS A
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Figueroa, David Timothy Chri 24.26 3 10
2 Michael, Joseph Faith Christ 24.88 3 8
3 Parris, Matt Timothy Chri 25.47 3 6
4 Pintaric, Timotej Bible Baptis 25.52 3 4
5 Rex, Colton Lehigh Valle 25.58 2 2
6 Pickett, Dakota Meadowbrook 25.72 3 1
7 Harris, Daletyn Trinity Chri 26.13 3
8 Budd, Oliver Trinity Chri 26.20 2
9 Manges, Jonathan Columbia Cou 27.20 2
10 Cromis, Calven Columbia Cou 27.26 2
11 Henry, Cullen Harrisburg C 27.28 2
12 Sweigard, Matthew Meadowbrook 27.43 2
13 Ellis, Dj Phil-Mont Ch 27.47 3
14 Logan, Andrew Harrisburg C 28.10 2
15 Braueninger, Jakob Lehigh Valle 29.70 1
16 Fussell, Myles The King's C 29.78 1
Event 38 Boys 3200 Meter Run HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Hanko, Josiah Trinity Chri 10:52.00 10
2 Larrazabal, Daniel Trinity Chri 10:56.89 8
3 Guerra, Ryan Phil-Mont Ch 11:10.54 6
4 Barninger, Matt Harrisburg C 11:15.41 4
5 Works, Keith Bible Baptis 11:25.26 2
6 Klodnicki, Kurtis Meadowbrook 11:27.33 1
7 Coyle, Zach Timothy Chri 11:57.16
8 Ulmer, David Meadowbrook 11:59.28
9 Zahne, Kevin Timothy Chri 11:59.40
10 Bierema, Nathan Phil-Mont Ch 12:09.52
11 Eckert, Kiel Harrisburg C 12:25.03
12 Oliver, Trevon Faith Christ 12:50.61
13 Urios, Jesus Lehigh Valle 13:02.77
14 Hess, Noah Columbia Cou 13:59.95
Event 42 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay HS A
School Finals Points
1 Timothy Christian School 'A' 3:53.96 10
2 Trinity Christian School 'A' 3:55.06 8
3 Harrisburg Christian School 'A' 3:56.71 6
4 Bible Baptist School 'A' 4:04.78 4
5 Lehigh Valley Christian High S 'A' 4:06.45 2
6 Meadowbrook Christian School 'A' 4:13.50 1
7 Faith Christian Academy 'A' 4:30.58
Event 46 Boys Shot Put HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Campbell, Jonathan Trinity Chri 37-10.25 10
2 Mills, Jason Faith Christ 37-08.25 8
3 Gallagher, Dan Meadowbrook 37-00.25 6
4 Smith, Matt Phil-Mont Ch 36-09.25 4
5 Locke, Jarret Timothy Chri 35-01.00 2
6 Mahoney, Dom Meadowbrook 33-11.50 1
7 Duncan, Alexander The King's C 33-01.00
8 Wilson-White, Norvel Timothy Chri 31-08.50
9 Schiedler, Josh Harrisburg C 30-09.50
10 Mayor, Matt Bible Baptis 29-11.75
11 Fussell, Myles The King's C 27-08.25
12 Thomas, Matthew Faith Christ 27-03.75
13 Mummau, Sam Harrisburg C 26-11.75
14 Tanis, Greg Trinity Chri 26-11.50
15 Johnson, Kyle Bible Baptis 26-02.00
16 Restrepo, Jader Lehigh Valle 24-06.25
17 Braueninger, Jakob Lehigh Valle 21-11.50
Event 51 Boys Discus Throw HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Campbell, Jonathan Trinity Chri 120-00 10
2 Mills, Jason Faith Christ 117-10 8
3 Smith, Matt Phil-Mont Ch 106-04 6
4 Henry, Aidan Harrisburg C 102-04 4
5 Stokes, Brandon Meadowbrook 98-07 2
6 Duncan, David Meadowbrook 92-00 1
7 Johnson, Kyle Bible Baptis 90-06
8 Conner, Brock Columbia Cou 78-08
9 Mayor, Matt Bible Baptis 78-01
10 Bushra- Kamel, Nader Harrisburg C 76-02
11 Lopes, David Timothy Chri 74-06
12 Jensen, Sam Faith Christ 73-09
13 Duncan, Alexander The King's C 72-00
14 Thomas, Matthew Faith Christ 70-09
15 Justnes, Andrew Trinity Chri 69-03
16 DiLeo, Robert Timothy Chri 68-11
17 Braueninger, Jakob Lehigh Valle 65-03
18 Restrepo, Jader Lehigh Valle 50-09
19 Fussell, Myles The King's C 48-11
Event 55 Boys Javelin Throw HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Mills, Jason Faith Christ 146-03 10
2 Campbell, Jonathan Trinity Chri 146-02 8
3 Fox, Samuel Faith Christ 131-02 6
4 Lopes, David Timothy Chri 119-05 4
5 DiLeo, Robert Timothy Chri 119-03 2
6 Bushra- Kamel, Nader Harrisburg C 117-05 1
7 Mayor, Matt Bible Baptis 105-10
8 Mahoney, Dom Meadowbrook 93-07
9 Blockus, Corey Columbia Cou 92-01
10 Rex, Colton Lehigh Valle 89-00
11 Ulmer, Aaron Meadowbrook 88-02
12 Brining, Evin Faith Christ 87-06
13 Hazler, Joe Lehigh Valle 77-06
14 Johnson, Kyle Bible Baptis 76-02
15 Weitzel, Dan Harrisburg C 61-06
-- De Heer, Lee Phil-Mont Ch FOUL
Event 59 Boys Long Jump HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Michael, Joseph Faith Christ 19-09.00 10
2 Locke, Jarret Timothy Chri 19-07.00 8
3 Figueroa, David Timothy Chri 19-02.25 6
4 Romine, Samuel Faith Christ 18-08.25 4
5 Harris, Daletyn Trinity Chri 18-05.25 2
6 Kile, Mitchell Meadowbrook 18-05.00 1
7 Pintaric, Timotej Bible Baptis 18-02.75
8 Clark, Maachi Harrisburg C 17-07.25
9 Bowerman, Zach Bible Baptis 17-02.25
10 De Heer, Lee Phil-Mont Ch 16-10.25
11 Donato, Joel The King's C 16-04.00
12 Fox, Samuel Faith Christ 16-03.25
13 Savidge, Joshua The King's C 16-01.50
14 Ulmer, Aaron Meadowbrook 15-08.00
Event 63 Boys Triple Jump HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Figueroa, David Timothy Chri 39-06.75 10
2 Kile, Mitchell Meadowbrook 37-08.00 8
3 Clark, Maachi Harrisburg C 35-05.50 6
4 Smith, Ben Trinity Chri 34-04.00 4
5 St. Jean, Ben Timothy Chri 34-03.75 2
6 Gessner, Garrett Meadowbrook 33-00.50 1
7 Ridgeway, Caleb Faith Christ 31-00.00
Event 67 Boys High Jump HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Michael, Joseph Faith Christ 5-08.00 10
2 Clark, Maachi Harrisburg C 5-06.00 8
3 Betzer, Marcus Meadowbrook 5-02.00 6
4 Blockus, Corey Columbia Cou 4-10.00 4
5 Matrey, Greg Meadowbrook 4-06.00 2
Boys - HS A - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
1) Trinity Christian School 127 2) Timothy Christian School 105
3) Faith Christian Academy 92 4) Meadowbrook Christian Sch 72
5) Harrisburg Christian Schoo 49 6) Phil-Mont Christian Acade 41
7) Bible Baptist School 28 8) Faith Christian School 22
9) Lehigh Valley Christian Hi 13 10) Columbia County Christian 8
MACSA High School Championships - 5/1/2013
Messiah College, Grantham, PA
Event 6 Boys 100 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Prelims H#
1 Mackley, Andrew Christian Sc 12.78q 3
2 Thompson, John Hershey Chri 12.81q 3
3 Watts, Carl City Center 12.96q 1
4 Hartzell, Hayden Adams County 13.09q 3
5 Mitchell, Marshal City Center 13.10q 1
6 Day, Jeffrey Dayspring Ch 13.36q 2
7 Benjamin, Matthew Adams County 13.65q 2
8 Zigarelli, Michael Hershey Chri 13.66q 1
9 Culbert, Ethan Immanuel Chr 13.88 2
10 Baker, Nate Kings Christ 13.97 3
11 Brandt, Josh Adams County 14.09 1
12 Day, Reid Immanuel Chr 14.48 1
13 Kim, Chris Christian Sc 15.48 2
14 Song, Leo Dayspring Ch 15.49 1
Event 6 Boys 100 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Hartzell, Hayden Adams County 12.76 10
2 Mackley, Andrew Christian Sc 12.84 8
3 Thompson, John Hershey Chri 12.87 6
4 Watts, Carl City Center 13.02 4
5 Day, Jeffrey Dayspring Ch 13.03 2
6 Mitchell, Marshal City Center 13.04 1
7 Zigarelli, Michael Hershey Chri 13.51
8 Benjamin, Matthew Adams County 13.57
Event 12 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay HS B
School Finals Points
1 Aleithia School 'A' 1:47.45 10
2 Christian School of York 'A' 1:53.16 8
3 Hershey Christian School 'A' 1:54.33 6
Event 16 Boys 1600 Meter Run HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 McElhenny, Aaron Kings Christ 5:00.45 10
2 Hilton, Tanner Dayspring Ch 5:11.81 8
3 Miller, Ethan Christian Sc 5:16.93 6
4 Shelton, Jesse Christian Sc 5:21.19 4
5 Rabold, Andrew Dayspring Ch 5:25.94 2
6 Henry, Aaron City Center 5:36.26 1
7 McNutt, Ricky Kings Christ 5:38.42
8 Carnuccio, Michael Aleithia Sch 5:40.96
9 Sterrett, Micah City Center 5:57.68
10 Smith, Hayden Hershey Chri 6:02.91
Event 20 Boys 4x100 Meter Relay HS B
School Finals Points
1 Adams County Christian Academy 'A' 50.75 10
2 Dayspring Christian Academy 'A' 52.20 8
3 City Center Academy 'A' 52.28 6
4 Aleithia School 'A' 54.94 4
Event 24 Boys 400 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Hilton, Tanner Dayspring Ch 54.40 2 10
2 Mackley, Andrew Christian Sc 57.58 2 8
3 Nellis, Brennen Christian Sc 57.97 2 6
4 Mitchell, Marshal City Center 59.85 1 4
5 Carr, Adrian City Center 1:00.34 2 2
6 Detwiler, Nathan Aleithia Sch 1:00.39 2 1
7 Heater, Mark Hershey Chri 1:00.57 2
8 Centrella, Lorenzo Immanuel Chr 1:00.73 2
9 Smith, Daniel Robinson Tow 1:00.76 2
10 Gondy, Will Aleithia Sch 1:00.98 1
11 Green, Timothy Kings Christ 1:02.90 1
12 Day, Reid Immanuel Chr 1:05.12 1
13 Hay, David Dayspring Ch 1:09.99 1
Event 28 Boys 800 Meter Run HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 McElhenny, Aaron Kings Christ 2:16.66 10
2 Miller, Ethan Christian Sc 2:19.65 8
3 Hilton, Tanner Dayspring Ch 2:20.58 6
4 Gondy, John Aleithia Sch 2:23.43 4
5 Culbert, Ethan Immanuel Chr 2:24.32 2
6 Swain, Josh Hershey Chri 2:26.03 1
7 Gleason, Daniel Aleithia Sch 2:26.61
8 Henry, Aaron City Center 2:26.93
9 Rabold, Andrew Dayspring Ch 2:30.13
10 Smith, Daniel Robinson Tow 2:32.08
11 Brandt, Josh Adams County 2:34.59
12 Davidson, James Hershey Chri 2:54.24
13 Shin, Jacob Kings Christ 2:57.60
Event 32 Boys 200 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Hilton, Tanner Dayspring Ch 25.73 2 10
2 Thompson, John Hershey Chri 26.04 2 8
3 Centrella, Lorenzo Immanuel Chr 26.20 1 6
4 Day, Jeffrey Dayspring Ch 26.32 2 4
5 Nellis, Brennen Christian Sc 26.60 2 2
6 Mitchell, Marshal City Center 27.33 2 1
7 Benjamin, Matthew Adams County 27.91 2
8 Baker, Nate Kings Christ 28.15 1
9 Sterrett, Micah City Center 28.75 2
10 Waller, Jacob Kings Christ 29.25 1
11 Marengo, Gerry Hershey Chri 29.60 1
12 Hittie, Josh Christian Sc 30.92 2
Event 36 Boys 3200 Meter Run HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Shelton, Jesse Christian Sc 11:37.04 10
2 McNutt, Ricky Kings Christ 12:30.46 8
3 Sneller, Philip Dayspring Ch 13:27.34 6
Event 40 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay HS B
School Finals Points
1 Christian School of York 'A' 4:01.57 10
2 Aleithia School 'A' 4:04.83 8
3 Kings Christian Academy 'A' 4:29.41 6
Event 44 Boys Shot Put HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Hennigh, Josh Hershey Chri 42-09.50 10
2 Long, Dominic City Center 36-11.00 8
3 Culbert, Ethan Immanuel Chr 34-07.75 6
4 Heater, Dawson Hershey Chri 30-10.50 4
5 Bontrager, Daniel Dayspring Ch 30-07.50 2
6 Mcclary, Khari City Center 30-01.75 1
7 Benefield, Seth Kings Christ 29-05.50
8 Carberry, Noah Immanuel Chr 25-05.50
9 Brandt, Josh Adams County 24-06.50
10 Yorkston, Mackay Christian Sc 23-01.50
11 Sneller, Micah Dayspring Ch 22-11.50
Event 49 Boys Discus Throw HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Benefield, Cale Kings Christ 116-08 10
2 Long, Dominic City Center 99-08 8
3 Benefield, Seth Kings Christ 93-02 6
4 Gondy, John Aleithia Sch 80-04 4
5 Hollahan, Justin Aleithia Sch 78-10 2
6 Milburn, Mark Adams County 71-05 1
7 Bontrager, Daniel Dayspring Ch 69-10
8 Heater, Dawson Hershey Chri 65-08
9 Yorkston, Mackay Christian Sc 64-09
Event 57 Boys Long Jump HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Benefield, Cale Kings Christ 16-11.50 10
2 Milburn, Mark Adams County 15-10.25 8
3 Hartzell, Hayden Adams County 15-08.50 6
4 Smith, Daniel Robinson Tow 15-07.50 4
5 Carnuccio, Michael Aleithia Sch 15-01.75 2
6 Sneller, Philip Dayspring Ch 13-03.50 1
7 Hittie, Josh Christian Sc 12-08.00
Event 61 Boys Triple Jump HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Benefield, Cale Kings Christ 34-08.00 10
2 Milburn, Mark Adams County 33-11.25 8
3 Smith, Daniel Robinson Tow 32-06.50 6
4 Benefield, Seth Kings Christ 30-07.00 4
Event 65 Boys High Jump HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Benefield, Cale Kings Christ 5-08.00 10
-- Nellis, Brennen Christian Sc NH
-- Detwiler, Nathan Aleithia Sch NH
-- Lisowski, Mark Aleithia Sch NH
Boys - HS B - Team Rankings - 14 Events Scored
1) Kings Christian Academy 84 2) Christian School of York 70
3) Dayspring Christian Academ 59 4) Adams County Christian Ac 43
5) City Center Academy 36 6) Aleithia School 35
6) Hershey Christian School 35 8) Immanuel Christian High S 14
9) Robinson Township Christia 10
MACSA High School Championships - 5/1/2013
Messiah College, Grantham, PA
Event 1 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay HS A
School Finals Points
1 Harrisburg Christian School 'A' 11:28.56 10
2 Timothy Christian School 'A' 11:36.67 8
3 Phil-Mont Christian Academy 'A' 11:37.74 6
4 Lehigh Valley Christian High S 'A' 12:08.53 4
5 Faith Christian Academy 'A' 13:28.53 2
6 Meadowbrook Christian School 'A' 15:18.21 1
Event 3 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles HS A
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Campbell, Macaela Harrisburg C 17.94 2 10
2 Earl, Jasmin Faith Christ 18.45 2 8
3 Wilkinson, Aiyan Timothy Chri 18.63 2 6
4 De Felice, Denise Phil-Mont Ch 19.08 2 4
5 Millner, Sarah Faith Christ 19.19 2 2
6 Banks, Sabrina Harrisburg C 19.45 2 1
7 Bomberger, Shanae Meadowbrook 20.38 2
8 Baker, Danielle Robinson Tow 20.54 1
9 Wintermute, Jennifer Lehigh Valle 20.72 1
10 Marks, Sarah Meadowbrook 21.59 1
11 Clift, Carissa Lehigh Valle 21.66 1
12 Williams, Dilian Timothy Chri 22.25 1
13 Schneider, Abby Phil-Mont Ch 24.42 1
14 White, Elizabeth Timothy Chri 25.94 1
Event 5 Girls 100 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Prelims H#
1 Fertich, Hannah Adams County 14.38q 1
2 Bernstein, Allie Hershey Chri 14.52q 1
3 Rush, Grace City Center 14.87q 2
4 Edwards, Alana Kings Christ 14.95q 2
5 Vincent, Nikkie Kings Christ 15.01q 2
6 Brandt, Jordan Christian Sc 15.11q 1
7 Martone, Angela Trinity Chri 15.24q 1
8 Harris, Tabitha Trinity Chri 15.35q 2
9 Wright, Sabree City Center 15.78 1
10 Fornwalt, Robinn Dayspring Ch 16.00 2
11 Wurster, Hannah Dayspring Ch 16.06 1
12 Blair, Ellie Christian Sc 16.48 2
13 Winters, Alyssa Immanuel Chr 16.64 2
Event 5 Girls 100 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Fertich, Hannah Adams County 14.16 10
2 Bernstein, Allie Hershey Chri 14.34 8
3 Edwards, Alana Kings Christ 14.50 6
4 Brandt, Jordan Christian Sc 14.65 4
5 Vincent, Nikkie Kings Christ 14.71 2
6 Rush, Grace City Center 14.74 1
7 Martone, Angela Trinity Chri 15.16
8 Harris, Tabitha Trinity Chri 15.62
Event 7 Girls 100 Meter Dash HS A
Name Year School Prelims H#
1 Leonzo, Nicole Harrisburg C 13.27q 1
2 Green, Keyen Phil-Mont Ch 13.29q 3
3 Green, Sierra Phil-Mont Ch 13.41q 2
4 Jenkins, Kalina Harrisburg C 13.62q 3
5 St. Jean, Sydney Timothy Chri 13.88q 1
6 Dempsey, Abby Faith Christ 14.16q 2
7 Wilkinson, Aiyan Timothy Chri 14.29q 2
8 Tamblin, Aurora Meadowbrook 14.61q 3
9 Samsell, Madeline Faith Christ 14.71 2
10 Ehrich, Jessica The King's C 14.87 1
11 Barner, Kennedy Meadowbrook 15.22 1
12 Splain, Briah Columbia Cou 15.55 3
13 Sheregi, Miroslava Lehigh Valle 16.06 3
14 Sackey, Ali-Beth Lehigh Valle 17.06 2
15 Tomchick, Jessica Faith Christ 17.94 1
Event 7 Girls 100 Meter Dash HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Leonzo, Nicole Harrisburg C 13.04 10
2 Green, Sierra Phil-Mont Ch 13.33 8
3 Green, Keyen Phil-Mont Ch 13.44 6
4 Dempsey, Abby Faith Christ 14.07 4
5 St. Jean, Sydney Timothy Chri 14.08 2
6 Jenkins, Kalina Harrisburg C 14.10 1
7 Wilkinson, Aiyan Timothy Chri 14.55
8 Tamblin, Aurora Meadowbrook 14.91
Event 10 Girls 300 Meter Hurdles HS A
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Dempsey, Abby Faith Christ 51.38 2 10
2 Earl, Jasmin Faith Christ 53.31 2 8
3 Campbell, Macaela Harrisburg C 53.79 2 6
4 De Felice, Denise Phil-Mont Ch 54.66 2 4
5 Banks, Sabrina Harrisburg C 55.51 2 2
6 Millner, Sarah Faith Christ 56.28 2 1
7 Thomas-Robertson, Kai Phil-Mont Ch 58.69 2
8 Bomberger, Shanae Meadowbrook 58.78 1
9 Clift, Carissa Lehigh Valle 59.37 2
10 Francis, Shayla Timothy Chri 1:01.08 1
11 White, Elizabeth Timothy Chri 1:01.41 1
12 Wintermute, Jennifer Lehigh Valle 1:01.86 1
13 Jacoby, Kaitlyn Meadowbrook 1:05.12 1
Event 11 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay HS B
School Finals Points
1 Kings Christian Academy 'A' 1:57.20 10
2 Christian School of York 'A' 2:08.94 8
3 Trinity Christian School 'A' 2:10.15 6
4 Aleithia School 'A' 2:13.28 4
Event 13 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay HS A
School Finals Points
1 Harrisburg Christian School 'A' 1:50.54 10
2 Phil-Mont Christian Academy 'A' 1:59.43 8
3 Timothy Christian School 'A' 1:59.53 6
4 Meadowbrook Christian School 'A' 2:03.03 4
5 Faith Christian Academy 'A' 2:08.46 2
6 Bible Baptist School 'A' 2:10.96 1
7 Lehigh Valley Christian High S 'A' 2:19.93
Event 15 Girls 1600 Meter Run HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Echternach, Erika Lititz Chris 5:33.96 10
2 Ryan, Aja Kings Christ 5:42.94 8
3 Yamasaki, Samantha Trinity Chri 6:03.92 6
4 Champagne, Alison Trinity Chri 6:04.03 4
5 Hughes, Malone Adams County 6:13.34 2
6 Service, Alex Aleithia Sch 6:16.71 1
7 Taylor, Maddie Christian Sc 6:19.79
Event 17 Girls 1600 Meter Run HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Campbell, Brianna Harrisburg C 5:50.84 10
2 Yordy, Adrienne Meadowbrook 5:56.24 8
3 Ney, Emily Columbia Cou 6:01.14 6
4 Campbell, Raquel Harrisburg C 6:18.91 4
5 Babji, Elizabeth Timothy Chri 6:22.72 2
6 Sorkness, Rachael Phil-Mont Ch 6:31.47 1
7 Sullivan, Ashley Timothy Chri 6:40.13
8 Loar, Rachel Lehigh Valle 6:43.59
9 Lozowski, Natalie Phil-Mont Ch 7:00.84
10 Bardo, Amanda Columbia Cou 7:12.82
11 Shim, Grace Lehigh Valle 7:51.22
Event 19 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay HS B
School Finals Points
1 Kings Christian Academy 'A' 55.45 10
2 City Center Academy 'A' 57.50 8
3 Dayspring Christian Academy 'A' 1:00.19 6
4 Trinity Christian School 'A' 1:05.86 4
Event 21 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay HS A
School Finals Points
1 Phil-Mont Christian Academy 'A' 53.75 10
2 Timothy Christian School 'A' 56.78 8
3 Faith Christian Academy 'A' 56.93 6
4 Meadowbrook Christian School 'A' 56.97 4
5 Columbia County Christian Scho 'A' 58.87 2
6 Bible Baptist School 'A' 1:01.98 1
Event 23 Girls 400 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Green, Christy Kings Christ 1:03.49 10
2 Nevala, Rebekah Kings Christ 1:07.19 8
3 Martone, Angela Trinity Chri 1:08.29 6
4 Woodard, Davida City Center 1:09.02 4
5 Feist, Abby Aleithia Sch 1:13.07 2
6 Rush, Grace City Center 1:15.64 1
7 Bastida, Jessica Christian Sc 1:18.32
8 Crouse, Erica Dayspring Ch 1:38.57
Event 25 Girls 400 Meter Dash HS A
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Leonzo, Nicole Harrisburg C 58.92 2 10
2 Jackson, Bonnie Faith Christ 1:03.50 2 8
3 St. Jean, Sydney Timothy Chri 1:03.63 2 6
4 Saquian, Hannah Timothy Chri 1:05.48 2 4
5 Bashore, Erin Harrisburg C 1:05.97 2 2
6 Baker, Chelsea Phil-Mont Ch 1:06.18 2 1
7 Yordy, Adrienne Meadowbrook 1:07.39 2
8 Earl, Jasmin Faith Christ 1:08.01 2
9 Grunza, Beth The King's C 1:08.61 1
10 Borrell, Samantha Faith Christ 1:09.71 1
11 Johnson, Carly Phil-Mont Ch 1:09.96 1
12 Holloway, Juliana The King's C 1:14.58 1
13 Bordner, Kyla Meadowbrook 1:16.14 1
14 Prusak, Rachel Lehigh Valle 1:17.13 1
Event 27 Girls 800 Meter Run HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Echternach, Erika Lititz Chris 2:28.74 10
2 Green, Christy Kings Christ 2:36.11 8
3 Ryan, Aja Kings Christ 2:38.13 6
4 Yamasaki, Samantha Trinity Chri 2:40.24 4
5 Martin, Ashleigh Christian Sc 2:41.74 2
6 Hughes, Malone Adams County 2:48.53 1
7 Buckley, Rachel Trinity Chri 2:57.03
8 Crouse, Erica Dayspring Ch 4:08.92
Event 29 Girls 800 Meter Run HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Jackson, Bonnie Faith Christ 2:38.14 10
2 Campbell, Brianna Harrisburg C 2:41.39 8
3 Ennis, Maty Phil-Mont Ch 2:43.26 6
4 Avile, Rebekah Timothy Chri 2:45.85 4
5 Vail, America Harrisburg C 2:48.75 2
6 Cole, Lizzy Phil-Mont Ch 2:52.17 1
7 Yordy, Adrienne Meadowbrook 2:53.06
8 Sullivan, Ashley Timothy Chri 3:02.57
9 Robinson, Stacie Lehigh Valle 3:02.76
10 Trout, Jessica Faith Christ 3:03.21
11 Bardo, Amanda Columbia Cou 3:19.90
12 Shim, Grace Lehigh Valle 3:39.02
Event 31 Girls 200 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Bernstein, Allie Hershey Chri 29.30 2 10
2 Woodard, Davida City Center 29.75 2 8
3 Sobola, Shamai Kings Christ 29.93 1 6
4 Fertich, Hannah Adams County 30.00 2 4
5 Vincent, Nikkie Kings Christ 30.56 1 2
6 Andre, Cleide Christian Sc 31.01 1 1
7 Lucas, Elizabeth Dayspring Ch 31.68 2
8 Wurster, Hannah Dayspring Ch 32.20 2
9 Vilbert, Christina Aleithia Sch 32.36 1
10 Martone, Angela Trinity Chri 32.53 2
11 Harris, Tabitha Trinity Chri 32.68 2
12 Wright, Sabree City Center 33.32 1
13 Ervin, Katie Christian Sc 33.93 1
14 Fertich, Rachel Adams County 34.57 1
15 Winters, Alyssa Immanuel Chr 34.60 1
Event 33 Girls 200 Meter Dash HS A
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Leonzo, Nicole Harrisburg C 26.49 3 10
2 Green, Sierra Phil-Mont Ch 27.67 3 8
3 Myers, Ella Harrisburg C 27.92 3 6
4 Baker, Chelsea Phil-Mont Ch 28.36 3 4
5 St. Jean, Sydney Timothy Chri 28.68 3 2
6 Dempsey, Abby Faith Christ 28.84 2 1
7 Taylor, Leah Timothy Chri 29.50 2
8 Samsell, Madeline Faith Christ 29.95 2
9 Brouse, Jenna Meadowbrook 30.01 2
10 Ehrich, Jessica The King's C 30.06 3
11 Tamblin, Aurora Meadowbrook 30.64 2
12 Miller, Julia Columbia Cou 31.92 2
13 Glen, Carli Bible Baptis 32.14 1
14 Zimmerman, Shara Bible Baptis 32.82 1
15 Sheregi, Miroslava Lehigh Valle 35.06 1
16 Sackey, Ali-Beth Lehigh Valle 37.56 1
17 Tomchick, Jessica Faith Christ 38.54 1
Event 35 Girls 3200 Meter Run HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Echternach, Erika Lititz Chris 12:32.49 10
2 Ryan, Aja Kings Christ 12:46.10 8
3 Champagne, Alison Trinity Chri 13:42.09 6
4 Taylor, Maddie Christian Sc 13:52.37 4
5 Yamasaki, Samantha Trinity Chri 14:06.54 2
6 Lorah, Karina Hershey Chri 14:41.50 1
Event 37 Girls 3200 Meter Run HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Guerra, Katie Phil-Mont Ch 13:25.64 10
2 Ney, Emily Columbia Cou 13:26.13 8
3 Campbell, Raquel Harrisburg C 13:36.55 6
4 Millner, Kelly Faith Christ 14:42.74 4
5 Babji, Elizabeth Timothy Chri 14:54.21 2
6 Olinger, Katharine Phil-Mont Ch 15:13.04 1
7 Joo, Solbi Harrisburg C 16:10.74
8 Borrell, Samantha Faith Christ 16:26.11
9 Jackson, Bonnie Faith Christ 16:26.12
10 Pryseski, Kourtney Faith Christ 16:49.01
Event 39 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay HS B
School Finals Points
1 Kings Christian Academy 'A' 4:42.42 10
2 Trinity Christian School 'A' 4:54.58 8
3 Christian School of York 'A' 5:04.02 6
Event 41 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay HS A
School Finals Points
1 Harrisburg Christian School 'A' 4:25.94 10
2 Timothy Christian School 'A' 4:36.65 8
3 Faith Christian Academy 'A' 4:43.65 6
4 Phil-Mont Christian Academy 'A' 4:45.54 4
5 Meadowbrook Christian School 'A' 5:09.45 2
6 Lehigh Valley Christian High S 'A' 5:10.15 1
Event 43 Girls Shot Put HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Shifflett, Katelyn Dayspring Ch 28-03.50 10
2 Hoover, Hanna Christian Sc 27-07.25 8
3 Houser, Cheyenne Immanuel Chr 25-10.25 6
4 Wurster, Hannah Dayspring Ch 25-00.25 4
5 Bernstein, Hannah Hershey Chri J25-00.25 2
6 Hall-ragin, Ja'nell City Center 22-11.25 1
7 Buckley, Katherine Trinity Chri 22-00.50
8 Mentzer, Danielle Adams County 21-06.50
9 Wolfe, Rebecca Immanuel Chr 20-04.75
10 Blair, Breanna Christian Sc 20-02.25
11 Witten, Anita Trinity Chri 19-05.00
12 Nevala, Rebekah Kings Christ 16-06.00
Event 45 Girls Shot Put HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Goodman, Jana Phil-Mont Ch 30-02.75 10
2 Sheregi, Miroslava Lehigh Valle 29-07.50 8
3 De Felice, Denise Phil-Mont Ch 27-08.75 6
4 Strausser, Sarah Bible Baptis 27-06.50 4
5 Marks, Sarah Meadowbrook 26-05.25 2
6 Baker, Danielle Robinson Tow 26-01.50 1
7 Panizza, Kate Robinson Tow 25-11.25
8 Hercules, Laurie Faith Christ 24-10.50
9 Mercaldo, Christy Timothy Chri 24-09.50
10 Lewis, Kamie Faith Christ 24-03.00
11 Snyder, Bethany Columbia Cou 23-02.75
12 Oravic, Kelsea Harrisburg C 22-06.75
13 Pfleegor, Kia Meadowbrook 22-06.25
14 Page, Carina Timothy Chri 22-05.75
15 Rowell, Becca Harrisburg C 21-05.25
16 Morales, Emily Columbia Cou 16-03.75
Event 48 Girls Discus Throw HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Shifflett, Katelyn Dayspring Ch 79-03 10
2 Blair, Breanna Christian Sc 78-01 8
3 Buckley, Katherine Trinity Chri 75-00 6
4 Hoover, Hanna Christian Sc 66-07 4
5 Hughes, Malone Adams County 66-03 2
6 Fornwalt, Robinn Dayspring Ch 64-02 1
7 Bernstein, Hannah Hershey Chri 62-11
8 Mentzer, Danielle Adams County 44-04
-- Houser, Cheyenne Immanuel Chr FOUL
Event 50 Girls Discus Throw HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Strausser, Sarah Bible Baptis 94-01 10
2 Baker, Danielle Robinson Tow 85-00 8
3 Goodman, Jana Phil-Mont Ch 83-08 6
4 Panizza, Kate Robinson Tow 83-04 4
5 De Felice, Laura Phil-Mont Ch 77-07 2
6 Castle, Carolyn Faith Christ 77-03 1
7 Snyder, Bethany Columbia Cou 71-07
8 Barrett, Cassi Harrisburg C 71-05
9 Mercaldo, Christy Timothy Chri 69-09
10 Boucher, Mackenzie Columbia Cou 69-04
11 Wintermute, Jennifer Lehigh Valle 68-10
12 Hercules, Laurie Faith Christ 65-07
13 Pfleegor, Kia Meadowbrook 62-03
14 Reichenbach, Daylee Meadowbrook 49-01
15 Rowell, Becca Harrisburg C 47-02
16 Page, Carina Timothy Chri 46-06
17 Borrell, Samantha Faith Christ 40-09
Event 54 Girls Javelin Throw HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Goodman, Jana Phil-Mont Ch 98-04 10
2 Burrows, Madison Meadowbrook 98-03 8
3 Raynes, Cortlyn Columbia Cou 84-02 6
4 Barrett, Cassi Harrisburg C 78-01 4
5 Baker, Danielle Robinson Tow 76-00 2
6 Boucher, Mackenzie Columbia Cou 75-00 1
7 Betts, Mandi Bible Baptis 74-06
8 Castle, Carolyn Faith Christ 66-11
8 Castle, Elizabeth Faith Christ 66-11
10 Loar, Rachel Lehigh Valle 65-11
11 DeVos, Tess Phil-Mont Ch 64-10
12 Marks, Sarah Meadowbrook 64-00
13 Mercaldo, Christy Timothy Chri 56-10
14 Chamberlain, Emily Faith Christ 56-09
15 Panizza, Kate Robinson Tow 52-02
16 Page, Carina Timothy Chri 49-03
17 Jakiela, Esther Faith Christ 37-08
Event 56 Girls Long Jump HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Nevala, Rebekah Kings Christ 15-08.00 10
2 Andre, Cleide Christian Sc 13-11.75 8
3 Ryan, Aja Kings Christ 13-03.50 6
4 Fertich, Rachel Adams County 12-00.25 4
5 Blair, Ellie Christian Sc 11-09.00 2
6 Cole, Audra Adams County 11-03.25 1
7 Lucas, Elizabeth Dayspring Ch 10-05.25
8 Wolfe, Rebecca Immanuel Chr 10-03.00
Event 58 Girls Long Jump HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Burrows, Madison Meadowbrook 16-03.25 10
2 Wilkinson, Aiyan Timothy Chri 15-09.00 8
3 Dempsey, Abby Faith Christ 15-08.00 6
4 Jenkins, Kalina Harrisburg C 15-02.25 4
5 Romine, Ally Faith Christ 15-00.50 2
6 Stroh, Niomi Columbia Cou 14-09.50 1
7 Lynd, Micayla Meadowbrook 14-07.00
8 Grunza, Beth The King's C 14-03.75
9 Millner, Kelly Faith Christ 14-01.75
10 Hartzler, Elizabeth Timothy Chri 13-10.75
11 Schneider, Abby Phil-Mont Ch 10-05.50
Event 62 Girls Triple Jump HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Burrows, Madison Meadowbrook 31-09.00 10
2 Wilkinson, Aiyan Timothy Chri 31-00.50 8
3 Jakiela, Esther Faith Christ 31-00.00 6
4 Stroh, Niomi Columbia Cou 30-07.25 4
5 Campbell, Macaela Harrisburg C 29-06.00 2
6 Yordy, Adrienne Meadowbrook 29-05.75 1
7 Ney, Emily Columbia Cou 29-04.50
8 Jackson, Bonnie Faith Christ 27-07.25
9 Millner, Sarah Faith Christ 27-04.00
10 Lozowski, Natalie Phil-Mont Ch 25-10.00
Event 64 Girls High Jump HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Feist, Abby Aleithia Sch 4-08.00 10
2 Andre, Cleide Christian Sc 4-06.00 8
3 Vilbert, Christina Aleithia Sch 4-02.00 6
Event 66 Girls High Jump HS A
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Runtas, Hannah Meadowbrook 4-10.00 10
2 Green, Keyen Phil-Mont Ch 4-08.00 8
3 Cole, Lizzy Phil-Mont Ch J4-08.00 6
4 Castle, Elizabeth Faith Christ J4-08.00 4
5 Stroh, Niomi Columbia Cou 4-04.00 2
6 Romine, Ally Faith Christ J4-04.00 1
7 Grunza, Beth The King's C J4-04.00
8 Jakiela, Esther Faith Christ J4-04.00
9 Vail, America Harrisburg C 4-02.00
10 Bomberger, Shanae Meadowbrook 4-00.00
-- Raynes, Cortlyn Columbia Cou NH
Girls - HS A - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
1) Phil-Mont Christian Academ 130 2) Harrisburg Christian Scho 128
3) Timothy Christian School 74 4) Meadowbrook Christian Sch 60
5) Faith Christian Academy 47 6) Faith Christian School 45
7) Columbia County Christian 30 8) Bible Baptist School 16
9) Robinson Township Christia 15 10) Lehigh Valley Christian H 13
MACSA High School Championships - 5/1/2013
Messiah College, Grantham, PA
Event 5 Girls 100 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Prelims H#
1 Fertich, Hannah Adams County 14.38q 1
2 Bernstein, Allie Hershey Chri 14.52q 1
3 Rush, Grace City Center 14.87q 2
4 Edwards, Alana Kings Christ 14.95q 2
5 Vincent, Nikkie Kings Christ 15.01q 2
6 Brandt, Jordan Christian Sc 15.11q 1
7 Martone, Angela Trinity Chri 15.24q 1
8 Harris, Tabitha Trinity Chri 15.35q 2
9 Wright, Sabree City Center 15.78 1
10 Fornwalt, Robinn Dayspring Ch 16.00 2
11 Wurster, Hannah Dayspring Ch 16.06 1
12 Blair, Ellie Christian Sc 16.48 2
13 Winters, Alyssa Immanuel Chr 16.64 2
Event 5 Girls 100 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Fertich, Hannah Adams County 14.16 10
2 Bernstein, Allie Hershey Chri 14.34 8
3 Edwards, Alana Kings Christ 14.50 6
4 Brandt, Jordan Christian Sc 14.65 4
5 Vincent, Nikkie Kings Christ 14.71 2
6 Rush, Grace City Center 14.74 1
7 Martone, Angela Trinity Chri 15.16
8 Harris, Tabitha Trinity Chri 15.62
Event 11 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay HS B
School Finals Points
1 Kings Christian Academy 'A' 1:57.20 10
2 Christian School of York 'A' 2:08.94 8
3 Trinity Christian School 'A' 2:10.15 6
4 Aleithia School 'A' 2:13.28 4
Event 15 Girls 1600 Meter Run HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Echternach, Erika Lititz Chris 5:33.96 10
2 Ryan, Aja Kings Christ 5:42.94 8
3 Yamasaki, Samantha Trinity Chri 6:03.92 6
4 Champagne, Alison Trinity Chri 6:04.03 4
5 Hughes, Malone Adams County 6:13.34 2
6 Service, Alex Aleithia Sch 6:16.71 1
7 Taylor, Maddie Christian Sc 6:19.79
Event 19 Girls 4x100 Meter Relay HS B
School Finals Points
1 Kings Christian Academy 'A' 55.45 10
2 City Center Academy 'A' 57.50 8
3 Dayspring Christian Academy 'A' 1:00.19 6
4 Trinity Christian School 'A' 1:05.86 4
Event 23 Girls 400 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Green, Christy Kings Christ 1:03.49 10
2 Nevala, Rebekah Kings Christ 1:07.19 8
3 Martone, Angela Trinity Chri 1:08.29 6
4 Woodard, Davida City Center 1:09.02 4
5 Feist, Abby Aleithia Sch 1:13.07 2
6 Rush, Grace City Center 1:15.64 1
7 Bastida, Jessica Christian Sc 1:18.32
8 Crouse, Erica Dayspring Ch 1:38.57
Event 27 Girls 800 Meter Run HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Echternach, Erika Lititz Chris 2:28.74 10
2 Green, Christy Kings Christ 2:36.11 8
3 Ryan, Aja Kings Christ 2:38.13 6
4 Yamasaki, Samantha Trinity Chri 2:40.24 4
5 Martin, Ashleigh Christian Sc 2:41.74 2
6 Hughes, Malone Adams County 2:48.53 1
7 Buckley, Rachel Trinity Chri 2:57.03
8 Crouse, Erica Dayspring Ch 4:08.92
Event 31 Girls 200 Meter Dash HS B
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Bernstein, Allie Hershey Chri 29.30 2 10
2 Woodard, Davida City Center 29.75 2 8
3 Sobola, Shamai Kings Christ 29.93 1 6
4 Fertich, Hannah Adams County 30.00 2 4
5 Vincent, Nikkie Kings Christ 30.56 1 2
6 Andre, Cleide Christian Sc 31.01 1 1
7 Lucas, Elizabeth Dayspring Ch 31.68 2
8 Wurster, Hannah Dayspring Ch 32.20 2
9 Vilbert, Christina Aleithia Sch 32.36 1
10 Martone, Angela Trinity Chri 32.53 2
11 Harris, Tabitha Trinity Chri 32.68 2
12 Wright, Sabree City Center 33.32 1
13 Ervin, Katie Christian Sc 33.93 1
14 Fertich, Rachel Adams County 34.57 1
15 Winters, Alyssa Immanuel Chr 34.60 1
Event 35 Girls 3200 Meter Run HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Echternach, Erika Lititz Chris 12:32.49 10
2 Ryan, Aja Kings Christ 12:46.10 8
3 Champagne, Alison Trinity Chri 13:42.09 6
4 Taylor, Maddie Christian Sc 13:52.37 4
5 Yamasaki, Samantha Trinity Chri 14:06.54 2
6 Lorah, Karina Hershey Chri 14:41.50 1
Event 39 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay HS B
School Finals Points
1 Kings Christian Academy 'A' 4:42.42 10
2 Trinity Christian School 'A' 4:54.58 8
3 Christian School of York 'A' 5:04.02 6
Event 43 Girls Shot Put HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Shifflett, Katelyn Dayspring Ch 28-03.50 10
2 Hoover, Hanna Christian Sc 27-07.25 8
3 Houser, Cheyenne Immanuel Chr 25-10.25 6
4 Wurster, Hannah Dayspring Ch 25-00.25 4
5 Bernstein, Hannah Hershey Chri J25-00.25 2
6 Hall-ragin, Ja'nell City Center 22-11.25 1
7 Buckley, Katherine Trinity Chri 22-00.50
8 Mentzer, Danielle Adams County 21-06.50
9 Wolfe, Rebecca Immanuel Chr 20-04.75
10 Blair, Breanna Christian Sc 20-02.25
11 Witten, Anita Trinity Chri 19-05.00
12 Nevala, Rebekah Kings Christ 16-06.00
Event 48 Girls Discus Throw HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Shifflett, Katelyn Dayspring Ch 79-03 10
2 Blair, Breanna Christian Sc 78-01 8
3 Buckley, Katherine Trinity Chri 75-00 6
4 Hoover, Hanna Christian Sc 66-07 4
5 Hughes, Malone Adams County 66-03 2
6 Fornwalt, Robinn Dayspring Ch 64-02 1
7 Bernstein, Hannah Hershey Chri 62-11
8 Mentzer, Danielle Adams County 44-04
-- Houser, Cheyenne Immanuel Chr FOUL
Event 56 Girls Long Jump HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Nevala, Rebekah Kings Christ 15-08.00 10
2 Andre, Cleide Christian Sc 13-11.75 8
3 Ryan, Aja Kings Christ 13-03.50 6
4 Fertich, Rachel Adams County 12-00.25 4
5 Blair, Ellie Christian Sc 11-09.00 2
6 Cole, Audra Adams County 11-03.25 1
7 Lucas, Elizabeth Dayspring Ch 10-05.25
8 Wolfe, Rebecca Immanuel Chr 10-03.00
Event 64 Girls High Jump HS B
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Feist, Abby Aleithia Sch 4-08.00 10
2 Andre, Cleide Christian Sc 4-06.00 8
3 Vilbert, Christina Aleithia Sch 4-02.00 6
Girls - HS B - Team Rankings - 13 Events Scored
1) Kings Christian Academy 110 2) Christian School of York 63
3) Trinity Christian School 52 4) Dayspring Christian Acade 31
5) Lititz Christian School 30 6) Adams County Christian Ac 24
7) City Center Academy 23 7) Aleithia School 23
9) Hershey Christian School 21 10) Immanuel Christian High S 6