Junior High Boys 2.1M


  1 Riverview                69    1    4   14   23   27   30   33    13:19    2:07
  2 South Fayette            78    2    9   17   22   28   35   39    13:26    2:00
  3 Quaker Valley M S        90   10   13   18   20   29   31   36    13:39  0:1:00
  4 Riverside                95    7   11   19   24   34   40   42    13:42    1:23
  5 Beaver Area             102    3    6   12   37   44   46   48    13:45    3:03
  6 Laurel                  139   16   21   25   32   45              14:17    1:51
  7 Freeport                142    5    8   26   50   53              14:39    3:51
  8 Northgate               220   15   47   51   52   55              16:21    6:02
  9 Burgettstown            225   38   41   43   49   54   56         15:35    2:18

Incomplete Teams: Hopewell, St John The Baptist M, St. Therese School (M, Winchester Thurston
Fort Cherry
  ID#  PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Riverview
  417     1  Michael Gemmell, 8         12:02    5:44
  423     4  Max Steffey, 8             12:55    6:09
  418    14  Mike Komaniak, 8           13:21    6:21
  425    23  Jordan Zatawski, 8         14:04    6:42
  422    27  Ricky Smith, 8             14:09    6:44
  424    30  Adam Walker, 8             14:11    6:45
  421    33  Timmy Sluser, 8            14:18    6:48
Total Time = 1:06:31     Total Places = 69

2. South Fayette
  542     2  Sam Sondgrass, 8           12:10    5:47
  541     9  Matt Primm, 8              13:07    6:14
  545    17  Micheal Gates, 7           13:42    6:31
  534    22  Colin Dunn, 8              14:02    6:41
  536    28  Ryan Hayes, 8              14:09    6:44
  537    35  Josh Hoffman, 8            14:36    6:57
  539    39  Micheal Kugler, 8          14:59    7:08
Total Time = 1:07:10     Total Places = 78

3. Quaker Valley M S
  361    10  Declan McGranahan, 8       13:12    6:17
  360    13  Cole Luther, 8             13:19    6:20
  353    18  Kevin Bergdoll, 8          13:44    6:32
  354    20  Noah Berry, 8              13:46    6:33
  358    29  Ben Graham, 8              14:11    6:45
  371    31  Noah Wiggins, 7            14:12    6:46
  352    36  Caleb Bender, 8            14:38    6:58
Total Time = 1:08:12     Total Places = 90

4. Riverside
  398     7  Andrew Brown, 7            13:01    6:12
  400    11  Jackson Coyne, 7           13:12    6:17
  392    19  Ari Kendra, 8              13:45    6:33
  394    24  Wade Martin, 8             14:06    6:42
  391    34  Tristan Fanks, 8           14:24    6:51
  397    40  Ben Antal, 7               14:59    7:08
  393    42  Durke Martin, 8            15:06    7:11
Total Time = 1:08:28     Total Places = 95

5. Beaver Area
   25     3  Sean Rendar, 8             12:24    5:54
   26     6  Ethan Young, 8             13:00    6:11
   21    12  David Blum, 8              13:13    6:17
   30    37  Connor Lamison, 7          14:42    7:00
   22    44  David Dioguardi, 8         15:26    7:21
   29    46  Aaron Kovacs, 7            15:27    7:21
   23    48  Brendan Johnson, 8         15:48    7:31
Total Time = 1:08:45     Total Places = 102

6. Laurel
  281    16  Jarod Smith, 8             13:37    6:29
  280    21  Christopher Niles, 8       13:59    6:39
  284    25  Jesse Wright, 7            14:06    6:43
  282    32  Gordon Yoder, 8            14:12    6:46
  283    45  Joseph Rogan, 7            15:27    7:21
Total Time = 1:11:21     Total Places = 139

7. Freeport
  182     5  Johnathan Asay, 8          12:57    6:10
  185     8  Alec Parker, 8             13:04    6:13
  187    26  Logan Ziemkiewicz, 8       14:08    6:44
  186    50  Sawyer Parks, 8            16:15    7:44
  188    53  Joseph Molloy, 7           16:48    8:00
Total Time = 1:13:12     Total Places = 142

8. Northgate
  333    15  Jonas Jason, 8             13:23    6:22
  334    47  Luke Robertson, 8          15:48    7:31
  331    51  Tim Auble, 8               16:31    7:52
  332    52  Zekariah Boyce, 8          16:37    7:54
  336    55  Connor Pierce, 7           19:25    9:15
Total Time = 1:21:44     Total Places = 220

9. Burgettstown
  116    38  Bryce Craig, 8             14:43    7:00
  119    41  Brandon Lounder, 7         15:00    7:09
  121    43  Connor Yoho, 7             15:19    7:17
  117    49  Scott Ferris, 7            15:51    7:33
  120    54  Sam Obrien, 7              17:00    8:06
  118    56  Joe Gabrielle, 7           20:54    9:57
Total Time = 1:17:53     Total Places = 225
  ID#  PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM 
  480     1        Tristan Forsythe, 8        11:55    5:40  Winchester Thurston  
  417     2     1  Michael Gemmell, 8         12:02    5:44  Riverview            
  542     3     2  Sam Sondgrass, 8           12:10    5:47  South Fayette        
   25     4     3  Sean Rendar, 8             12:24    5:54  Beaver Area          
  423     5     4  Max Steffey, 8             12:55    6:09  Riverview            
  182     6     5  Johnathan Asay, 8          12:57    6:10  Freeport             
   26     7     6  Ethan Young, 8             13:00    6:11  Beaver Area          
  398     8     7  Andrew Brown, 7            13:01    6:12  Riverside            
  185     9     8  Alec Parker, 8             13:04    6:13  Freeport             
  541    10     9  Matt Primm, 8              13:07    6:14  South Fayette        
  361    11    10  Declan McGranahan, 8       13:12    6:17  Quaker Valley M S    
  400    12    11  Jackson Coyne, 7           13:12    6:17  Riverside            
   21    13    12  David Blum, 8              13:13    6:17  Beaver Area          
  360    14    13  Cole Luther, 8             13:19    6:20  Quaker Valley M S    
  418    15    14  Mike Komaniak, 8           13:21    6:21  Riverview            
  333    16    15  Jonas Jason, 8             13:23    6:22  Northgate            
  281    17    16  Jarod Smith, 8             13:37    6:29  Laurel               
  545    18    17  Micheal Gates, 7           13:42    6:31  South Fayette        
  353    19    18  Kevin Bergdoll, 8          13:44    6:32  Quaker Valley M S    
  392    20    19  Ari Kendra, 8              13:45    6:33  Riverside            
  354    21    20  Noah Berry, 8              13:46    6:33  Quaker Valley M S    
  280    22    21  Christopher Niles, 8       13:59    6:39  Laurel               
  534    23    22  Colin Dunn, 8              14:02    6:41  South Fayette        
  482    24        Kian Delaney, 7            14:03    6:41  Winchester Thurston  
  425    25    23  Jordan Zatawski, 8         14:04    6:42  Riverview            
  394    26    24  Wade Martin, 8             14:06    6:42  Riverside            
  284    27    25  Jesse Wright, 7            14:06    6:43  Laurel               
  187    28    26  Logan Ziemkiewicz, 8       14:08    6:44  Freeport             
  422    29    27  Ricky Smith, 8             14:09    6:44  Riverview            
  536    30    28  Ryan Hayes, 8              14:09    6:44  South Fayette        
  358    31    29  Ben Graham, 8              14:11    6:45  Quaker Valley M S    
  424    32    30  Adam Walker, 8             14:11    6:45  Riverview            
  371    33    31  Noah Wiggins, 7            14:12    6:46  Quaker Valley M S    
  282    34    32  Gordon Yoder, 8            14:12    6:46  Laurel               
  421    35    33  Timmy Sluser, 8            14:18    6:48  Riverview            
  391    36    34  Tristan Fanks, 8           14:24    6:51  Riverside            
  419    37        Mason Racicot, 8           14:27    6:53  Riverview            
  537    38    35  Josh Hoffman, 8            14:36    6:57  South Fayette        
  462    39        Sean Knipp, 7              14:36    6:57  St. Therese School (M 
  352    40    36  Caleb Bender, 8            14:38    6:58  Quaker Valley M S    
  369    41        Demetrios Perez, 7         14:41    6:59  Quaker Valley M S    
   30    42    37  Connor Lamison, 7          14:42    7:00  Beaver Area          
  116    43    38  Bryce Craig, 8             14:43    7:00  Burgettstown         
  484    44        Jafar Turner, 7            14:48    7:03  Winchester Thurston  
  455    45        Jeremy Kazmierczyk, 8      14:53    7:05  St John The Baptist M 
  235    46        Miles Collins, 8           14:59    7:08  Hopewell             
  539    47    39  Micheal Kugler, 8          14:59    7:08  South Fayette        
  397    48    40  Ben Antal, 7               14:59    7:08  Riverside            
  119    49    41  Brandon Lounder, 7         15:00    7:09  Burgettstown         
  393    50    42  Durke Martin, 8            15:06    7:11  Riverside            
  559    51        Stephen Lacek, 8           15:08    7:12  Fort Cherry          
  236    52        Charles McClaine, 8        15:09    7:12  Hopewell             
  121    53    43  Connor Yoho, 7             15:19    7:17  Burgettstown         
   22    54    44  David Dioguardi, 8         15:26    7:21  Beaver Area          
  283    55    45  Joseph Rogan, 7            15:27    7:21  Laurel               
   29    56    46  Aaron Kovacs, 7            15:27    7:21  Beaver Area          
  540    57        Brandon Poage, 8           15:28    7:21  South Fayette        
  364    58        Nick Schlund, 8            15:30    7:23  Quaker Valley M S    
  334    59    47  Luke Robertson, 8          15:48    7:31  Northgate            
   23    60    48  Brendan Johnson, 8         15:48    7:31  Beaver Area          
  117    61    49  Scott Ferris, 7            15:51    7:33  Burgettstown         
  366    62        Travis Wiehe, 8            15:52    7:33  Quaker Valley M S    
  368    63        Ross McKee, 7              15:53    7:34  Quaker Valley M S    
  538    64        Andrew Knez, 8             16:12    7:43  South Fayette        
  402    65        Dyland Raymond, 7          16:15    7:44  Riverside            
  186    66    50  Sawyer Parks, 8            16:15    7:44  Freeport             
  356    67        Tilman Cooper, 8           16:15    7:44  Quaker Valley M S    
  331    68    51  Tim Auble, 8               16:31    7:52  Northgate            
  367    69        Lukas Blizzard, 7          16:32    7:52  Quaker Valley M S    
  332    70    52  Zekariah Boyce, 8          16:37    7:54  Northgate            
  533    71        John Barrett, 8            16:37    7:55  South Fayette        
   28    72        Conner Johnson, 7          16:41    7:56  Beaver Area          
  188    73    53  Joseph Molloy, 7           16:48    8:00  Freeport             
  370    74        Conor Wick, 7              16:54    8:03  Quaker Valley M S    
   24    75        Ben Ledbedder, 8           16:59    8:05  Beaver Area          
  120    76    54  Sam Obrien, 7              17:00    8:06  Burgettstown         
  560    77        Nick Ruperto, 8            17:13    8:12  Fort Cherry          
  543    78        Joey Black, 7              17:15    8:13  South Fayette        
  535    79        Sam Grant, 8               17:15    8:13  South Fayette        
  363    80        Jake Musial, 8             17:20    8:15  Quaker Valley M S    
  401    81        Donnie Paracca, 7          17:24    8:17  Riverside            
  362    82        Kevin McManus, 8           17:28    8:19  Quaker Valley M S    
  390    83        Donnie Benson, 8           17:38    8:24  Riverside            
   31    84        Joey Sestito, 7            18:06    8:37  Beaver Area          
  456    85        Simon Herstine, 7          18:44    8:55  St John The Baptist M 
  336    86    55  Connor Pierce, 7           19:25    9:15  Northgate            
  355    87        Sam Botta, 8               19:45    9:24  Quaker Valley M S    
  118    88    56  Joe Gabrielle, 7           20:54    9:57  Burgettstown         
  481    89        Isaac Berman, 7            21:58   10:27  Winchester Thurston  
89 finishers among Men 5 & Up
89 male finishers
0 female finishers
89 total finishers