TFCAofGP Meet #3 2014

Division 2 Complete Results

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                                        HY-TEK's Meet Manager 1/4/2014 12:11 PM
                          TFACofGP Meet#3 - 1/4/2014                           
                                TFACofGP Meet#3                                
                               Haverford College                               
Boys 60 Meter Dash Divison II
   Haverford: R  6.8h  1/6/2007    Dareem David, Penn Charter                  
         MOC: M  7.44                                                          
         SQS: S  7.15                                                          
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Cooper, Isaiah            11 Cardinal O'Hara           7.47q  4 
  2 Freeman, Tyesheed         12 Glen Mills Schoo          7.57q  3 
  3 Coan, Conner              11 Strath Haven              7.68q  3 
  4 Greiner, Christopher      10 Msgr Bonner               7.70q  1 
  5 Lowe, Erick               11 Springfield (D)           7.72q  2 
  5 Mack, Tavion               9 Boys Latin Chart          7.72q  2 
  7 Buckman, Daniel           12 Lower Merion              7.76q  2 
  8 Telemaque, Justin          9 Springside Cha            7.77q  4 
  9 Chung, Ben                10 Delaware County           7.83q  1 
  9 Greytok, James            11 The Haverford SB          7.83q  3 
 11 Centrone, Gunnar           9 Penncrest                 7.91q  1 
 12 Fitzpatrick, Sean         12 Great Valley              8.09q  1 
 13 Hong, Chris               11 Sun Valley                8.37   1 
 14 Tillatson, Brett          11 Phoenixville              8.38   4 
 15 Kersten, David            10 Holy Ghost Prep           8.48   4 
 16 Leinhauser, Matt          11 Marple Newtown            8.49   1 
 17 Parker, Marqus               Academy Park              8.56   3 
 18 Bucci, Joey                9 Interboro                 9.59   2 
Boys 60 Meter Dash Divison II
   Haverford: R  6.8h  1/6/2007    Dareem David, Penn Charter                  
         MOC: M  7.44                                                          
         SQS: S  7.15                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Freeman, Tyesheed         12 Glen Mills Schoo          7.40M  2 
  2 Cooper, Isaiah            11 Cardinal O'Hara           7.45   2 
  3 Greiner, Christopher      10 Msgr Bonner               7.61   2 
  4 Coan, Conner              11 Strath Haven              7.63   2 
  5 Lowe, Erick               11 Springfield (D)           7.69   2 
  6 Mack, Tavion               9 Boys Latin Chart          8.27   2 
Boys 200 Meter Dash Divison II
   Haverford: R 23.1h  1/3/2003    Steve Slayton, Conwell Egan                 
         MOC: M 24.04                                                          
         SQS: S 23.33                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Hill, Nigel               12 Twin Valley              23.39M  7 
  2 Williams, Corbin          10 Neumann Goretti          24.50   7 
  3 Walker, Brandon           11 The Haverford SB         24.56   6 
  4 Somaru, Paul              11 Strath Haven             24.75   7 
  5 Smith, Josh               11 Wissahickon              24.90   6 
  6 Mollick, Alex                Springside Cha           24.95   5 
  7 Kobylarz, Andrew          12 Lansdale Catholi         25.10   3 
  8 Alston, Darian            10 Great Valley             25.24   5 
  9 Tuttle, Jeremy            11 Lower Merion             25.40   4 
 10 Jolicoeur, Stephen        12 Swenson Arts & T         25.69   6 
 11 D'Andrea, Christian       11 Archbishop Carro         25.71   4 
 12 Wolfe, Jacob              11 WC East                  26.04   6 
 13 Malcolm, Javey            10 Paul Robeson             26.08   5 
 14 Ringold, Shawn            10 West Catholic            26.12   3 
 15 McVeagh, Igor             11 Springfield (M)          26.66   2 
 16 Hughes, Michael           11 Episcopal Academ         26.86   3 
 17 Schneider, Michael        12 Penncrest                26.95   2 
 18 Kyle, Kevin               10 Upper Moreland           27.14   1 
 19 Almonti, Rich             10 Marple Newtown           27.27   3 
 20 Hicks, Eric               11 Academy Park             27.35   1 
 21 Donahue, Patrick          10 Holy Ghost Prep          28.56   1 
 22 Ezell, Quadry             12 Boys Latin Chart         29.51   5 
 23 Mendendorp, Scott            Interboro                33.79   1 
Boys 400 Meter Dash Divison II
   Haverford: R 50.4h  1/4/2002    Drew Eckman, Oxford                         
         MOC: M 54.04                                                          
         SQS: S 51.83                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Lock, Kevin               12 Great Valley             53.00M  7 
  2 Jefferson, Malik          11 Swenson Arts & T         53.34M  7 
  3 Maloney, William          12 West Catholic            54.24   7 
  4 McCullough, Connor         9 Cardinal O'Hara          54.47   6 
  5 Gsell, Grant              12 Radnor                   55.11   5 
  6 Gordon, Ahmir             10 Strath Haven             55.26   6 
  7 Williams, Jaylen          12 Interboro                55.44   6 
  8 Moore, Matt               12 Marple Newtown           55.59   6 
  9 Tyrrell, Rick             10 Holy Ghost Prep          58.90   5 
 10 Crowe, Kevin              12 Upper Merion             58.99   3 
 11 Furey, John               12 Neumann Goretti          59.18   5 
 12 Giovinazzo, Phil          11 Springside Cha           59.24   4 
 13 Parks, Ty                 11 Masterman                59.62   3 
 14 Wilson, Andrew            12 Malvern Prep             59.90   3 
 15 Colon, Victor             11 WC East                1:01.97   4 
 16 Humes, James              11 Archbishop Carro       1:02.11   1 
 17 Fahy, Damian              10 Boys Latin Chart       1:04.66   4 
 18 Beason, Dezmon            12 Glen Mills Schoo       1:04.74   4 
 19 Fitzpatrick, James        11 Conwell-Egan           1:04.97   1 
 20 Sorber, Andrew            10 Twin Valley            1:05.39   2 
 21 Campbell, Colin           11 Delaware County        1:06.05   2 
 22 Sorg, Bill                12 Springfield (M)        1:07.95   1 
 23 Bukley, Kris                 Upper Moreland         1:10.51   1 
 24 Washington, Chris         11 Academy Park           1:15.77   2 
 -- Paynter, Matthew          10 Springfield (D)             DQ   3 
Boys 800 Meter Run Divison II
   Haverford: R 1:56.7h  1/18/2003   Chris Kessler, Sun Valley                 
         MOC: M 2:05.04                                                        
         SQS: S 2:00.73                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Hare, James               12 Marple Newtown         2:05.72   2 
  2 Mcguckin, Colin           12 Springfield (D)        2:07.44   2 
  3 Zatlin, Garrett           12 Great Valley           2:08.86   2 
  4 Keiper, Jacob             11 Upper Perkiomen        2:11.47   2 
  5 Harris, Jordan            12 Interboro              2:11.56   2 
  6 Konopka, James            12 Episcopal Academ       2:17.08   2 
  7 Osenberg, Luke            12 George School          2:17.17   2 
  8 Peter, Greg               11 Radnor                 2:19.20   2 
  9 Matthews, Mark            10 Twin Valley            2:19.27   2 
 10 Garry, John               12 Conwell-Egan           2:19.84   1 
 11 Drabinski, Peter          11 Msgr Bonner            2:21.36   1 
 12 Bloom, David              12 Lower Merion           2:21.44   1 
 13 Concannon, Will           10 Springside Cha         2:23.38   2 
 14 Prior, Andrew             12 Holy Ghost Prep        2:23.98   2 
 14 Seiberlich, Nash          11 Upper Moreland         2:23.98   2 
 16 Gebrehiwet, Robel         11 West Catholic          2:26.68   1 
 17 Vierick, Alex             12 Springfield (M)        2:27.13   1 
 18 Moser, Robert             10 WC East                2:27.36   1 
 19 Logie, Michael            10 Delaware County        2:29.84   2 
 19 Niemynski, Andrew         11 Abington Friends       2:29.84   2 
 21 Haas, Mike                 9 Lower Moreland         2:30.18   1 
 22 Bray, Dylan                9 Cardinal O'Hara        2:30.58   1 
 23 Taylor, Stephen           11 Sun Valley             2:30.83   1 
 24 Lockett, Pierce           11 Archbishop Carro       2:35.81   1 
 25 Feng, Yutian                 Harriton               2:39.16   1 
 25 Garrick, Romaine          12 Overbrook              2:39.16   1 
 27 Patterson, Keyshawn          Academy Park           2:39.21   1 
 28 Feeley, Kevin             11 Masterman              2:39.22   1 
 29 O'Conner, Seamus          11 The Haverford SB       2:57.90   1 
Boys 1 Mile Run Divison II
   Haverford: R 4:15.2h  1/3/1987    Nick Constantino, Holy Ghost Prep         
         MOC: M 4:40.24                                                        
         SQS: S 4:32.43                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Allen, Graham             12 Springside Cha         4:36.60M  2 
  2 Willig, Matt              12 Great Valley           4:39.41M  2 
  3 Kim, Alex                 11 The Haverford SB       4:40.30   2 
  4 Lizins, Kris              12 Twin Valley            4:41.68   2 
  5 Marcelis, Lukas           10 Wissahickon            4:46.89   2 
  6 Galligan, Liam             9 Springfield (D)        4:51.72   2 
  7 Calvo, Evan               12 Holy Ghost Prep        4:52.57   2 
  8 Bush, Zack                11 Sun Valley             4:52.68   2 
  9 Garrett, Andrew           12 Delaware County        4:54.71   2 
 10 Thames, Daniel            12 Lower Merion           4:55.01   2 
 11 Sperger, Nicholas         11 Abington Friends       4:59.92   2 
 12 Loufman, Per              10 Masterman              5:06.73   2 
 13 Ashton, James              9 Cardinal O'Hara        5:09.51   1 
 14 Maloney, William          12 West Catholic          5:11.44   2 
 15 Gross, Jonathan           12 Upper Merion           5:13.85   2 
 16 Arriyo, Victor               Academy Park           5:19.60   1 
 17 Johnson, Turron           12 Paul Robeson           5:40.67   1 
 18 Lam, Johnson              12 Neumann Goretti        5:40.68   1 
 19 Mitchell, Chris           12 Marple Newtown         5:40.86   2 
 20 Grimes, Andrew            10 Harriton               5:44.42   1 
 21 Feinberg, Alex             9 WC East                5:48.74   1 
 22 Forrest, Elijah           10 Swenson Arts & T       5:52.05   1 
 23 Chekay, Richard            9 Conwell-Egan           5:54.55   1 
 24 McCloskey, Connor            Interboro              5:55.24   1 
 25 DeStefano, Zach            9 Malvern Prep           6:01.98   1 
 26 McGrotty, Luke             9 Upper Perkiomen        6:17.09   1 
Boys 3000 Meter Run Divison II
   Haverford: R 8:50.0h  1/12/2008   Terrence Lee, Eng & Science               
         MOC: M 9:20.24                                                        
         SQS: S 9:00.23                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Perlman, Jonathan         11 Lower Merion           9:23.75  
  2 Morro, Rob                10 Cardinal O'Hara        9:31.04  
  3 Geary, Colin              11 Twin Valley            9:39.21  
  4 Connell, Daniel           12 Holy Ghost Prep        9:39.52  
  5 Doran, Thomas             12 Great Valley           9:44.38  
  6 Marcelis, Tristan         12 Wissahickon            9:46.39  
  7 Previdi, Joseph           10 Masterman              9:50.50  
  8 Doane, Ryan               11 Malvern Prep           9:55.35  
  9 Cardie, Joseph             9 Springfield (D)       10:04.21  
 10 Stovall, Sean             11 Springfield (M)       10:06.37  
 11 Harvey, Alex              11 Delaware County       10:08.61  
 12 Van Duyne, Dylan          12 Strath Haven          10:12.82  
 13 Kelly, Brian              11 Conwell-Egan          10:22.32  
 14 Moore, Andrew             11 Marple Newtown        10:29.12  
 15 Dawson, Greg              10 Friends' Central      10:41.14  
 16 Naitove, David            10 Abington Friends      10:49.78  
 17 Harryhill, Paul           11 The Haverford SB      10:51.00  
 18 Rraspushaj, Ergis         12 Swenson Arts & T      11:11.21  
 19 Woywod, Dustin            12 Upper Moreland        11:16.27  
 20 Horseman, Zack            11 Sun Valley            11:18.97  
 -- Turner, Aaron             12 Overbrook                   DQ   spikes
Boys 60 Meter Hurdles Divison II
   Haverford: R  8.1h              Queen-chi & Marell-PCharter 04, Segal-Great 
         MOC: M  9.04                                                          
         SQS: S  8.65                                                          
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Kent, Nathaniel           12 Strath Haven            M 8.74q  3 
  2 Fifer, Zach               12 Great Valley              9.56q  1 
  3 Elocock, Aaron            12 Delaware County           9.65q  2 
  4 Valentine, Taylor         12 Holy Ghost Prep           9.70q  1 
  5 Stone, Chris              11 Springfield (M)          10.10q  2 
  6 Horneman, Jacob           11 Penncrest                10.26q  2 
  7 Murphy, Colin             12 Malvern Prep             10.31   1 
  8 Smith, Tyler              10 Sun Valley               10.64   1 
  9 Verzella, John            11 Marple Newtown           10.85   2 
 10 Johnson, Javon            12 Interboro                10.94   3 
 11 Henry, Chris              10 Cardinal O'Hara          11.14   3 
 12 Brown, Max                11 Boys Latin Chart         11.72   2 
 13 Howell, Brandon           10 Radnor                   12.24   3 
Boys 60 Meter Hurdles Divison II
   Haverford: R  8.1h              Queen-chi & Marell-PCharter 04, Segal-Great 
         MOC: M  9.04                                                          
         SQS: S  8.65                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Kent, Nathaniel           12 Strath Haven              8.85M 
  2 Fifer, Zach               12 Great Valley              9.31  
  3 Elocock, Aaron            12 Delaware County           9.40  
  4 Stone, Chris              11 Springfield (M)           9.54  
  5 Valentine, Taylor         12 Holy Ghost Prep           9.56  
  6 Horneman, Jacob           11 Penncrest                10.15  
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Divison II
   Haverford: R 1:33.2h  12/18/1993  , Strath Haven                            
         MOC: M 1:38.24                                                        
         SQS: S 1:35.17                                                        
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Upper Moreland  'A'                                 1:37.64M  6 
  2 Holy Ghost Preparatory School  'A'                  1:40.42   6 
  3 Episcopal Academy  'A'                              1:42.80   5 
  4 Delaware County Christian Scho  'A'                 1:42.90   5 
  5 Upper Perkiomen  'A'                                1:43.51   6 
  6 Glen Mills Schools  'A'                             1:44.22   3 
  7 Abington Friends  'A'                               1:44.46   5 
  8 Boys Latin Charter  'A'                             1:46.08   4 
  9 Radnor  'A'                                         1:46.20   4 
 10 Friends' Central  'A'                               1:46.76   4 
 11 Strath Haven  'A'                                   1:47.77   4 
 12 Great Valley  'A'                                   1:48.72   5 
 13 Marple Newtown  'A'                                 1:49.31   3 
 14 The Haverford School for Boys  'A'                  1:50.12   3 
 15 Sun Valley  'A'                                     1:50.55   2 
 16 West Chester Henderson  'A'                         1:51.21   2 
 17 Upper Merion  'A'                                   1:54.22   1 
 18 Academy Park  'A'                                   1:56.16   1 
 19 Cardinal O'Hara  'A'                                1:57.27   1 
 20 Interboro  'A'                                      1:57.52   1 
 -- Wissahickon  'A'                                        DNF   6 
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Divison II
   Haverford: R 3:27.2h  1/6/1990    , Roman Catholic                          
         MOC: M 3:39.94                                                        
         SQS: S 3:33.23                                                        
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Springfield Township (Montco)  'A'                  3:49.13   3 
  2 Strath Haven  'A'                                   3:49.53   3 
  3 Cardinal O'Hara  'A'                                3:55.76   2 
  4 Wissahickon  'A'                                    3:59.41   3 
  5 West Chester Henderson  'A'                         4:01.63   2 
  6 Boys Latin Charter  'A'                             4:06.09   1 
  7 Radnor  'A'                                         4:10.30   2 
  8 West Chester East  'A'                              4:10.94   1 
  9 Holy Ghost Preparatory School  'A'                  4:14.07   2 
 10 Phoenixville Area  'A'                              4:27.62   1 
 11 Abington Friends  'A'                               4:38.76   3 
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Divison II
   Haverford: R 8:16.2h  12/16/1995  , WC Henderson                            
         MOC: M 8:36.24                                                        
         SQS: S 8:22.06                                                        
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Radnor  'A'                                         8:32.56M 
  2 Neumann Goretti  'A'                                8:46.39  
  3 Harriton  'A'                                       9:08.59  
  4 Holy Ghost Preparatory School  'A'                  9:24.60  
  5 West Chester East  'A'                              9:30.64  
  6 Strath Haven  'A'                                   9:31.51  
  7 Penncrest  'A'                                      9:35.53  
  8 Great Valley  'A'                                   9:36.37  
  9 Glen Mills Schools  'A'                             9:48.40  
 10 Upper Merion  'A'                                   9:58.74  
 11 Wissahickon  'A'                                   10:04.60  
 12 Lansdale Catholic  'A'                             10:06.36  
 13 Cardinal O'Hara  'A'                               10:06.79  
 14 Interboro  'A'                                     10:13.60  
 15 Twin Valley  'A'                                   10:28.04  
Boys Distance Medley Divison II
   Haverford: R 10:31.3h  1/6/2007    , Wissahickon                            
         MOC: M 11:07.24                                                       
         SQS: S 10:49.23                                                       
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Malvern Prep  'A'                                  10:57.57M 
  2 West Chester East  'A'                             11:00.35M 
  3 Holy Ghost Preparatory School  'A'                 11:06.33M 
  4 Masterman  'A'                                     11:10.53  
  5 Cardinal O'Hara  'A'                               11:13.78  
  6 Msgr Bonner & Abp Prendergast  'A'                 11:19.56  
  7 Upper Merion  'A'                                  11:23.89  
  8 Twin Valley  'A'                                   11:34.89  
  9 Great Valley  'A'                                  12:03.36  
 10 Penncrest  'A'                                     12:19.41  
 11 Radnor  'A'                                        12:27.51  
 12 Glen Mills Schools  'A'                            12:32.88  
 13 Wissahickon  'A'                                   12:42.54  
 14 Strath Haven  'A'                                  13:08.71  
 15 Archbishop Carroll  'A'                            13:09.62  
 16 Upper Moreland  'A'                                13:09.76  
 17 Lower Merion  'A'                                  13:20.36  
 18 Swenson Arts & Technology  'A'                     13:29.87  
 19 Interboro  'A'                                     15:15.94  
Boys High Jump Divison II
   Haverford: R 6-08.25  1/5/1991    Chris Southcott, Marple Newtown           
         MOC: M    5-10                                                        
         SQS: S    6-03                                                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Thompson, Steve           12 WC Henderson           6-03.00S 
  2 Ferguson, Marcell         12 Glen Mills Schoo       5-06.00  
  3 Norris, Shane             10 Devon Prep             5-04.00  
  4 Finley, Sean              10 Twin Valley           J5-04.00  
  5 cellucci, james           11 Radnor                 5-00.00  
 -- Doherty, Dan              12 Marple Newtown              NH  
 -- Smith, Omari               9 Neumann Goretti             NH  
Boys Long Jump Divison II
   Haverford: R 21-10  1/12/2008   Doug Moppert, Malvern Prep                  
         MOC: M 20-06                                                          
         SQS: S 21-09                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Thompson, Phillip         12 Springfield (D)       21-01.00M 
  2 Collins, J.P.             12 Cardinal O'Hara       19-08.75  
  3 Gursay, D'Andrew          12 Conwell-Egan          19-07.75  
  4 Glasscott, Daniel         12 WC East               19-04.00  
  5 Raymond, Aj               12 Academy Park          19-03.75  
  6 Goins, David              11 Delaware County       19-02.75  
  7 Patrick, Corey            12 Glen Mills Schoo      19-01.50  
  8 Ruza, John                12 Strath Haven          18-09.50  
  9 Zielinski, Connor         11 Radnor                18-07.00  
 10 D'Ambrosio, Kyle             Pope John II          18-06.00  
 11 Cionci, Nick              10 Great Valley          17-09.00  
 12 Rai, Gurjeet              11 Marple Newtown        17-03.00  
 13 Ragsdali, Tim                Swenson Arts & T      17-01.75  
 14 Iacono, Mike              12 Lansdale Catholi      16-10.50  
 15 Iannuzzi, John            11 Malvern Prep          15-11.50  
 16 Stephenson, Derrick       10 Sun Valley            15-10.50  
 17 Rounds, Thomas            11 Penncrest             14-09.50  
 18 Ocoonahern, Zachary       11 Holy Ghost Prep       14-03.00  
 -- King, Tyrell              12 Boys Latin Chart          FOUL  
Boys Shot Put Divison II
   Haverford: R 56-07.50  12/10/1998  Theis Weckesser, Chestnut Hill Academy   
         MOC: M    46-00                                                       
         SQS: S    51-00                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Hertsenberg, Eric Von     12 Radnor                45-08.50  
  2 Anderson, Tyshawn         12 Glen Mills Schoo      45-02.75  
  3 Malkowicz, Michael        11 Delaware County       42-09.75  
  4 Cleary, Joseph            11 Holy Ghost Prep       41-00.50  
  5 Arndt, Mike               10 Penncrest             40-09.00  
  6 Feinberg, Ron             10 Marple Newtown        39-09.50  
  7 Harris, Davante           10 Academy Park          37-11.75  
  8 Banning, Patrick          10 Neumann Goretti       36-09.75  
  9 He, Winston               11 WC Henderson          35-07.50  
 10 O'Brien, Lliam            12 Sun Valley            27-06.75  
 11 Finley, Jack              11 Strath Haven          27-06.25  
 12 Babb, Kevin                9 Great Valley          24-10.00  
 13 Walezak, Michael          10 Archbishop Carro      23-00.00  
 14 Rafter, Patrick           10 WC East               16-02.00  
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Frosh/Soph Div II
   Haverford: R 9:08.5h                                                        
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Wissahickon  'A'                                    9:37.10  
  2 Twin Valley  'A'                                    9:38.60  
  3 West Chester East  'A'                              9:40.50  
  4 Cardinal O'Hara  'A'                                9:46.70  
  5 Great Valley  'A'                                   9:48.10  
  6 Harriton  'A'                                       9:52.30  
  7 Upper Merion  'A'                                  10:04.30  
  8 Upper Moreland  'A'                                10:05.30  
  9 Interboro  'A'                                     10:07.10  
 10 Holy Ghost Preparatory School  'A'                 10:18.90  
 11 Strath Haven  'A'                                  10:19.30  
 12 Penncrest  'A'                                     10:22.00  
 13 Radnor  'A'                                        10:23.80  
 14 The Haverford School for Boys  'A'                 10:46.50  
 15 Marple Newtown  'A'                                12:11.00