MahoneyTiming DirectAthletics MeetPro
Lady Hatter
Hatter Stadium, Horsham, PA - 4/24/2015
Women's 100 Meters
PL Athlete Yr Team Final HPL
1 Reid, Elizabeth 12 Lansdale Catholic 12.57 1
2 Kratz, Bailey 12 Christopher Dock 12.92 2
3 Lewis, Brielle 9 Cheltenham 13.07 3
4 Braeunle, Jessica 11 Quakertown 13.16 1
5 Schroy, Allison 10 Southern Lehigh 13.25 4
6 Vandegrift, Meredith 12 Quakertown 13.32 5
7 Parker, Deja 10 Cheltenham 13.34 6
8 Wagner, Mary Rose 10 Lansdale Catholic 13.44 1
9 Gonzalez, Kayla 10 Hatboro Horsham 13.48 2
10 Moritz, Taylor 9 Souderton Area 13.49 3
11 Rucker, Asha 10 Cheltenham 13.75 1
12 Schmitt, Kylie 12 Southern Lehigh 13.82 4
13 Fitzmaurice, Yemme 10 Southern Lehigh 13.88 2
13 Hand, Molly 9 Christopher Dock 13.88 2
15 Duffey, Kasey 9 Lower Moreland 13.89 2
16 Laucella, Allison 10 Hatboro Horsham 13.96 5
17 Keys, Tiara 10 Lower Moreland 14.00 6
18 Succi, Olivia 10 Lower Moreland 14.03 3
19 Onu, Ego 10 Lansdale Catholic 14.07 4
20 Cirafesi, Carley 9 Upper Merion 14.17 4
21 Potts, Robin 10 Souderton Area 14.17 5
22 Wochele, Rachel 10 Upper Merion 14.34 5
23 Mead, Jasmine 11 Upper Moreland 14.38 1
24 Powell, Georgia 10 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 14.41 1
25 Caldwell, Naneka 11 Souderton Area 14.48 2
26 Overend, Jane 10 Academy of Notre Dam 14.58 3
27 Diamond, Brynn 9 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 14.87 2
28 Hardee, Faith 9 Upper Moreland 15.29 3
29 Abrey, Katelyn 10 Upper Merion 15.37 4
30 McCarty, Cianna 9 Hatboro Horsham 15.75 6
31 Klenn, Olivia 12 Academy of Notre Dam 16.60 5
32 Martelak, Abby 11 Upper Moreland 18.42 6
Women's 200 Meters
PL Athlete Yr Team Final HPL
1 Reid, Elizabeth 12 Lansdale Catholic 25.49 1
2 Ryan, Lexi 11 Upper Merion 26.43 2
3 Hickey, Janae 12 Quakertown 26.54 3
4 Kratz, Bailey 12 Christopher Dock 26.60 4
5 Woodson, Neketa 11 Quakertown 27.25 1
6 Vandegrift, Meredith 12 Quakertown 27.45 5
7 Lewis, Brielle 9 Cheltenham 27.49 2
8 Somers, Robyn 12 Southern Lehigh 27.76 6
9 Newell, Abbey 9 Hatboro Horsham 27.84 3
10 Keys, Tiara 10 Lower Moreland 28.06 1
11 Hand, Molly 9 Christopher Dock 28.47 2
12 Seykora, Teresa 11 Academy of Notre Dam 28.55 3
13 Thompson, Heather 10 Hatboro Horsham 28.86 4
14 Wagner, Mary Rose 10 Lansdale Catholic 28.92 5
15 Bruecks, Samantha 10 Souderton Area 29.01 1
16 Andrews, Ciani 10 Upper Merion 29.13 2
17 Duffey, Kasey 9 Lower Moreland 29.22 3
18 Mcgill, Megan 9 Southern Lehigh 29.36 6
19 McCarthy, Molly 10 Souderton Area 29.53 1
20 Bergey, Katelyn 12 Southern Lehigh 29.62 4
21 Rosle, Michaela 9 Souderton Area 30.19 2
22 Dever, Allison 12 Hatboro Horsham 30.79 3
23 Wu, Janet 11 Academy of Notre Dam 31.10 4
24 Gallagher, Kiera 10 Lansdale Catholic 31.84 4
25 Ewell, T. 9 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 31.88 1
26 Mead, Jasmine 11 Upper Moreland 32.21 5
27 Osby, Endiah 9 Upper Moreland 32.34 2
28 Barone, Morgan 9 Upper Merion 32.52 6
29 Voschilo, Deana 10 Upper Moreland 38.90 3
Women's 400 Meters
PL Athlete Yr Team Final HPL
1 Woodson, Neketa 11 Quakertown 1:00.86 1
2 Hickey, Janae 12 Quakertown 1:01.80 2
3 Hyman, Lia 10 Cheltenham 1:02.75 1
4 Staropoli, Lena 10 Lansdale Catholic 1:04.12 2
5 Noti, Caroline 10 Lansdale Catholic 1:04.49 3
6 Cikowski, Shannon 11 Lansdale Catholic 1:05.11 4
7 Mayer, Jamie 9 Lower Moreland 1:06.33 3
8 Hunt, Diana 11 Upper Moreland 1:06.90 5
9 Curtis, Sharon 11 Christopher Dock 1:09.17 4
10 Evans, Bekah 10 Quakertown 1:09.30 6
11 Bender, Serena 10 Cheltenham 1:10.72 1
12 Drakeley, B. 11 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 1:11.58 2
13 Plinke, Samantha 10 Souderton Area 1:12.44 3
14 Feliciani, Vivian 10 Souderton Area 1:13.42 4
15 Benson, Amanda 11 Upper Moreland 1:13.59 5
16 Thomas, Kelley 9 Hatboro Horsham 1:13.80 1
17 Sweeney, Rebeka 11 Souderton Area 1:16.58 2
18 Azzi, Yasmine 9 Hatboro Horsham 1:18.64 3
19 Kreiling, Julia 9 Hatboro Horsham 1:19.06 4
20 Cromwell, Brigid 9 Lower Moreland 1:20.29 5
Women's 800 Meters
PL Athlete Yr Team Final HPL
1 Harmon, Caroline 12 Lower Moreland 2:24.73 1
2 Lutz, Kaitlyn 12 Upper Merion 2:25.72 2
3 DeLuna, Nina 10 Southern Lehigh 2:26.71 3
4 Swartley, Makenzie 9 Christopher Dock 2:27.02 4
5 Yanega, Allyson 10 Southern Lehigh 2:27.10 5
6 Yanega, Sarah 10 Southern Lehigh 2:27.33 6
7 Royds, Miranda 10 Hatboro Horsham 2:28.59 7
8 Morton, Morgan 10 Upper Merion 2:30.35 8
9 Webster, Tara 11 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 2:34.32 9
10 Anderson, Alexis 9 Upper Merion 2:35.08 10
11 Antoni, Maria 11 Upper Moreland 2:37.23 1
12 Bauder, Madison 12 Quakertown 2:38.64 11
13 O'Donnell, Jackie 12 Souderton Area 2:40.89 2
14 VandeBunte, Brianna 10 Southern Lehigh 2:41.90 12
15 Cusumano, Katie 9 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 2:41.97 3
16 Neborg, Nicole 10 Hatboro Horsham 2:45.04 13
17 Rotelle, Julianna 10 Christopher Dock 2:45.45 4
18 Grigoras, Maria 10 Cheltenham 2:45.61 5
19 Woods, Abbie 9 Christopher Dock 2:48.26 6
20 Bell, Katie 12 Souderton Area 2:49.61 7
21 Knotek, Erin 9 Cheltenham 2:53.53 8
22 Watters, Emma 10 Souderton Area 2:54.01 9
23 Scoll, Becca 9 Lower Moreland 2:55.27 10
24 Nadal, Brianna 9 Quakertown 3:07.23 11
Women's 1600 Meters
PL Athlete Yr Team Final HPL
1 Ocamb, Madeline 11 Quakertown 5:22.42 1
2 Yanega, Allyson 10 Southern Lehigh 5:25.13 2
3 Connelly, Kayla 10 Lansdale Catholic 5:27.03 3
4 Hart, Meseret 12 Southern Lehigh 5:29.70 4
5 Antoni, Maria 11 Upper Moreland 5:33.32 5
6 Geis, Zoe 11 Southern Lehigh 5:34.45 6
7 Bernd, Lindsey 9 Christopher Dock 5:39.22 7
8 Rittler, MaryGrace 9 Cheltenham 5:40.60 8
9 Stribrny, Sydney 10 Academy of Notre Dam 5:42.10 9
10 Bonaventure, Emily 9 Souderton Area 5:44.28 1
11 Harmon, Lizzie 10 Lower Moreland 5:47.68 10
12 Straw, Emma 10 Upper Merion 5:48.48 11
13 McCloskey, Camryn 10 Christopher Dock 5:49.76 12
14 Dennin, Caroline 11 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 5:53.45 13
15 Noble, Noelle 12 Souderton Area 5:58.33 14
16 Erzhanova, Mira 9 Upper Merion 6:10.10 2
17 Strouse, Amber 9 Upper Merion 6:10.83 3
18 James, Angela 12 Calvary Christian Ac 6:14.85 15
19 Meuleners, Alyssa 10 Souderton Area 6:17.96 16
20 Knudsen, Hannah 10 Hatboro Horsham 6:18.38 4
21 DiPasquale, Madeline 9 Hatboro Horsham 6:18.79 5
22 Waddington, Sarah 10 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 6:21.37 6
23 Dougherty, Maura 12 Academy of Notre Dam 6:22.56 7
24 Riley, Penelope 9 Academy of Notre Dam 6:24.88 8
25 Jacquez, Beverly 11 Cheltenham 6:31.20 9
26 Bergey, Alana 10 Christopher Dock 6:32.54 10
27 Murgia, Sarah 11 Lansdale Catholic 6:40.38 11
28 Leonardi, Missy 12 Upper Moreland 7:09.33 12
29 Holden, Lauren 9 Hatboro Horsham 7:17.27 13
30 Simeu, Joelle 11 Quakertown 7:25.45 14
Women's 3200 Meters
PL Athlete Yr Team Final
1 Landis, Maddison 11 Christopher Dock 11:20.95
2 Hart, Meseret 12 Southern Lehigh 11:30.47
3 Richart, Sarah 11 Cheltenham 11:40.10
4 Stribrny, Sydney 10 Academy of Notre Dam 11:51.91
5 Quinn, Alyssa 11 Hatboro Horsham 11:59.67
6 Morris, Elizabeth 12 Souderton Area 12:04.34
7 Bolton, Karina 12 Quakertown 12:11.61
8 VandeBunte, Alissa 10 Southern Lehigh 12:21.20
9 Harmar, Lila 9 Cheltenham 12:24.52
10 Bell, Elisabeth 11 Souderton Area 12:24.54
11 Barton, Mary Kate 11 Lower Moreland 12:26.06
12 Hayden, Brittnay 9 Souderton Area 12:43.99
13 Saxon, Gabby 9 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 13:05.09
14 Webster, Emily 10 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 13:14.92
15 Sanchez, June 9 Upper Merion 13:20.49
16 McHugh, Molly 12 Cheltenham 13:22.30
17 Walbert, Rachel 11 Hatboro Horsham 13:48.74
18 Fireman, Mollie 9 Hatboro Horsham 14:19.97
Women's 100m Hurdle
PL Athlete Yr Team Final HPL
1 Anderson, Haley 11 Christopher Dock 16.28 1
2 Desipio, Rebecca 10 Hatboro Horsham 16.34 2
3 Livezey, Shannon 11 Southern Lehigh 16.59 3
4 Higgins, Jordan 11 Hatboro Horsham 16.92 4
5 Smith, Rachel 11 Quakertown 17.09 5
6 Castor, Cora 10 Lower Moreland 17.17 1
7 Seykora, Katrina 12 Academy of Notre Dam 17.43 2
8 Billings, Laura 10 Southern Lehigh 17.49 6
9 Dudzinsky, Jane 12 Academy of Notre Dam 17.59 1
10 Yatsko, Mikayla 9 Upper Merion 17.70 2
11 Colley, Tanner 9 Southern Lehigh 17.93 3
12 DeBernardi, Bria 10 Quakertown 18.29 3
13 Seavy, Olivia 12 Christopher Dock 18.40 4
14 Haney, Catryna 9 Hatboro Horsham 19.05 4
15 Murphy, Sarah 12 Quakertown 19.21 5
16 Villano, Isabella 8 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 20.61 6
Women's 300m Hurdle
PL Athlete Yr Team Final HPL
1 Higgins, Jordan 11 Hatboro Horsham 47.98 1
2 Camburn, Sierra 10 Quakertown 48.89 2
3 Turner, Neeyah 10 Cheltenham 49.77 3
4 Hunt, Diana 11 Upper Moreland 50.17 4
5 Billings, Laura 10 Southern Lehigh 51.34 1
6 Castor, Cora 10 Lower Moreland 52.49 2
7 Smith, Rachel 11 Quakertown 52.99 5
8 Nixon, Shannon 10 Cheltenham 53.49 6
9 Seykora, Katrina 12 Academy of Notre Dam 54.08 3
10 Byrne, Amanda 12 Southern Lehigh 55.20 1
11 Leonard, Cheyenne 9 Cheltenham 55.31 4
12 Woods, Abbie 9 Christopher Dock 55.39
13 Quinn, Shannon 9 Southern Lehigh 55.70
14 corso, meghan 9 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 56.08 1
15 Yoo, Priscilla 9 Hatboro Horsham 56.55 2
16 Yatsko, Mikayla 9 Upper Merion 56.66 5
17 Scoll, Becca 9 Lower Moreland 58.23 3
18 Murphy, Sarah 12 Quakertown 58.95 2
19 Stuart, Emily 10 Hatboro Horsham 1:00.39 4
20 Haines, Alison 11 Christopher Dock 1:00.46 3
21 Bobak, Chantell 9 Souderton Area 1:09.98 4
Women's 4 x 100m Relay
PL HPL Sq Team Final
1 1 A Quakertown 52.98
2 1 A Upper Merion 54.42
3 2 A Southern Lehigh 54.49
4 2 B Hatboro Horsham 55.14
5 3 A Hatboro Horsham 55.15
6 4 A Souderton Area 55.25
7 5 A Lansdale Catholic 56.22
8 3 A Cheltenham 56.80
9 4 B Gwynedd-Mercy Academy 58.75
10 1 A Upper Moreland 59.19
11 2 B Quakertown 59.72
A Christopher Dock DQ
Women's 4x400 Meter Relay
PL HPL Sq Team Final
1 1 A Upper Merion 4:21.13
2 2 A Southern Lehigh 4:23.08
3 1 A Hatboro Horsham 4:25.96
4 3 A Lower Moreland 4:29.34
5 4 A Quakertown 4:36.40
6 2 B Quakertown 4:42.67
7 3 A Upper Moreland 4:43.22
8 4 A Souderton Area 4:45.47
9 5 B Souderton Area 5:18.76
Women's 4x800 Meter Relay
PL Sq Team Final
1 A Christopher Dock 10:07.76
2 A Hatboro Horsham 10:45.37
3 A Quakertown 11:03.48
4 A Academy of Notre Dame 11:18.56
5 A Souderton Area 11:23.54
6 B Gwynedd-Mercy Academy 11:49.57
7 A Lansdale Catholic 11:55.54
8 B Christopher Dock 11:56.23
9 B Hatboro Horsham 12:00.88
10 B Souderton Area 12:10.97
11 A Cheltenham 12:14.32
Women's 4x100 Meter Shuttle Hurdles Relay
PL HPL Sq Team Final
1 1 A Christopher Dock 1:07.22
2 2 A Hatboro Horsham 1:08.77
3 1 A Quakertown 1:14.21
4 2 B Quakertown 1:25.98
Women's High Jump
PL Athlete Yr Team Final
1 Cummings, Lindsay 11 Quakertown 4-10
2 Livezey, Shannon 11 Southern Lehigh 4-8
2 Miller, Tabitha 12 Christopher Dock 4-8
2 MacEntee, Cara 10 Hatboro Horsham 4-8
5 Grauer, Kristy 11 Academy of Notre Dam 4-6
5 VandeBunte, Brianna 10 Southern Lehigh 4-6
7 Woods, Abbie 9 Christopher Dock 4-4
7 Khan, Rabia 9 Southern Lehigh 4-4
7 Keys, Tiara 10 Lower Moreland 4-4
7 Seavy, Olivia 12 Christopher Dock 4-4
O'malley, Lindsay 10 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ NH
Denin, Lauren 9 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ NH
corso, meghan 9 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ NH
McCarthy, Molly 10 Souderton Area NH
McCarty, Cianna 9 Hatboro Horsham NH
Braeunle, Jessica 11 Quakertown NH
Women's Pole Vault
PL Athlete Yr Team Final
1 Clements, Niki 11 Christopher Dock 9-0
2 Forrester, Jenna 12 Southern Lehigh 8-6
2 Han, Tianna 12 Cheltenham 8-6
4 Alpha, Shiann 10 Quakertown 7-6
4 Derstine, Hannah 10 Souderton Area 7-6
6 Moritz, Taylor 9 Souderton Area 7-0
6 Moritz, Logan 12 Souderton Area 7-0
8 Steinmetz, Reanne 9 Quakertown 6-6
8 Roque, Rebecca 10 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 6-6
8 Milton, Ciera 10 Cheltenham 6-6
8 Glueck, Grace 9 Southern Lehigh 6-6
8 Bernd, Lindsey 9 Christopher Dock 6-6
Women's Long Jump
PL Athlete Yr Team Final
1 Langley-Walker, Madi 9 Cheltenham 18-4.25
2 Bennett, Samantha 11 Quakertown 16-7.50
3 Kratz, Bailey 12 Christopher Dock 16-6.50
4 Wilcox, Terry 11 Souderton Area 16-0.75
5 Reid, Elizabeth 12 Lansdale Catholic 15-8
6 Jones, Ayanna 9 Hatboro Horsham 15-7
7 O'Keefe, Caroline 10 Academy of Notre Dam 15-4.25
8 Lee, Tricia 11 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 15-3.25
9 Laucella, Allison 10 Hatboro Horsham 15-2.75
10 Patterson, Mary 12 Southern Lehigh 15-1
11 Varallo, Alex 10 Lansdale Catholic 15-0
12 Cusumano, Katie 9 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 14-10.50
13 Baj, Holly 9 Quakertown 14-8.75
14 Livezey, Shannon 11 Southern Lehigh 14-8.50
15 Hand, Molly 9 Christopher Dock 14-8.25
16 Seavy, Olivia 12 Christopher Dock 14-7.50
17 Yatsko, Mikayla 9 Upper Merion 14-6.25
18 Ewell, T. 9 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 14-2.50
18 Grossman, Jessica 9 Southern Lehigh 14-2.50
20 Hall, Meg 10 Upper Merion 14-2
21 Moyer, Kaitlin 10 Quakertown 14-1
22 Magaha, Elizabeth 11 Upper Moreland 13-10
23 Collingwood, Paige 12 Souderton Area 13-8.75
23 Park, Debby 9 Upper Moreland 13-8.75
25 Kurylec, Julia 9 Lower Moreland 13-8
26 Parker, Deja 10 Cheltenham 13-6.25
27 Desipio, Rebecca 10 Hatboro Horsham 13-2.25
28 Teresiak, Michelle 9 Lower Moreland 12-11.50
29 Kraus, Emma 11 Souderton Area 12-9
30 Long, Shannon 10 Lower Moreland 12-6.50
Women's Shot Put
PL Athlete Yr Team Final HPL
1 Alexander, Ashley 11 Cheltenham 34-7.25 1
2 Grossov, Barbara 11 Quakertown 32-5 2
3 Morano, Olivia 11 Quakertown 32-3.75 3
4 Gollie, Erin 12 Southern Lehigh 32-1 4
5 Way, Abby 11 Souderton Area 32-0.25 5
6 Melck, Kimbereley 10 Upper Merion 30-5.50 6
7 Forrester, Jenna 12 Southern Lehigh 30-2.50 7
8 Sage, Megan 11 Souderton Area 29-1 1
9 Demetrius, Sabrina 10 Christopher Dock 28-5.25 8
10 Hall-yurasits, Jaque 12 Southern Lehigh 28-2.50 9
11 Onu, Ego 10 Lansdale Catholic 27-11 2
12 Taing, Ching Ching 10 Upper Merion 26-8 3
13 Crozier, Jacey 10 Hatboro Horsham 26-5 4
14 McKenna, Caoilainn 10 Souderton Area 26-3.75 10
15 Dieterly, Katherine 12 Hatboro Horsham 25-11.50 11
16 Thompson, Taiylor 11 Cheltenham 25-11 5
17 Ostapenko, Iryna 10 Hatboro Horsham 25-9 6
18 Gang, Julie 11 Lower Moreland 25-4.50 12
19 Holm, Emily 12 Upper Moreland 24-2 7
20 Mood, Madison 9 Quakertown 23-11 8
21 Marinko, Mindy 9 Christopher Dock 23-10.50 9
22 Bowe, Jessica 9 Upper Merion 23-2.50 10
23 Friend, Lindsay 9 Christopher Dock 21-6.50 11
Women's Discus
PL Athlete Yr Team Final HPL
1 Morano, Olivia 11 Quakertown 113-6 1
2 Alexander, Ashley 11 Cheltenham 104-6 2
3 Demetrius, Sabrina 10 Christopher Dock 99-11 3
4 Gollie, Erin 12 Southern Lehigh 84-0 4
5 Way, Abby 11 Souderton Area 83-7 5
6 Dieterly, Katherine 12 Hatboro Horsham 82-9 6
7 Brecker, Kelly 10 Quakertown 82-4 7
8 Grossov, Barbara 11 Quakertown 81-2 8
9 Ostapenko, Iryna 10 Hatboro Horsham 77-0 9
10 Hueber, Ruthie 11 Calvary Christian Ac 76-5 1
11 Grossman, Jessica 9 Southern Lehigh 75-10 10
11 Helenski, Carolyn 11 Upper Merion 75-10 10
13 Thompson, Taiylor 11 Cheltenham 72-7 2
14 Black, Dymond 12 Hatboro Horsham 72-0 12
15 Succi, Olivia 10 Lower Moreland 63-11 3
16 Lugg, Ashleigh 10 Upper Merion 61-3 4
17 Mazzeo, Michaela 10 Lansdale Catholic 60-5 5
18 Burger, Mary Katheri 10 Lansdale Catholic 59-7 6
19 Garlick, Christine 11 Lower Moreland 58-8 7
20 Paparella, Shannon 12 Souderton Area 58-4 8
21 Gang, Julie 11 Lower Moreland 58-2 13
22 Felton, Ajái 10 Cheltenham 57-6 9
23 Hall-yurasits, Jaque 12 Southern Lehigh 57-1 10
24 Marinko, Mindy 9 Christopher Dock 56-8 11
25 McFadden, Colleen 10 Lansdale Catholic 41-8 12
26 Strubing, Carol 10 Upper Merion 39-5 13
Women's Javelin
PL Athlete Yr Team Final HPL
1 Dever, Allison 12 Hatboro Horsham 118-1 1
2 Hershey, Sarah 12 Souderton Area 103-4 2
3 Helenski, Carolyn 11 Upper Merion 101-3 3
4 Deyo, Brittany 12 Hatboro Horsham 100-3 4
5 Morano, Olivia 11 Quakertown 94-9 5
6 Rushlau, Madeline 12 Upper Merion 85-4 6
7 Arnold, Madeline 9 Southern Lehigh 82-1 7
8 Hay, Katie 12 Souderton Area 81-7 8
9 Derstine, Hannah 10 Souderton Area 78-7 9
10 Demetrius, Sabrina 10 Christopher Dock 76-10 10
11 Kelly, Bryanne 10 Southern Lehigh 74-7 1
12 Black, Dymond 12 Hatboro Horsham 74-2 11
13 Rotelle, Julianna 10 Christopher Dock 70-6 2
14 Park, Phoebe Upper Moreland 70-0 3
15 Marrow, Gwen 10 Quakertown 67-3 4
16 Stayer, Shelby 10 Southern Lehigh 64-5 5
17 Norton, Samantha 9 Quakertown 64-4 6
18 McQuoid, Brooklyn 10 Lower Moreland 61-7 7
19 Siegfried, Sierra 11 Upper Moreland 59-11 8
20 O'Donnell, Casey 10 Lansdale Catholic 49-8 9
21 Wolfe, Alyssa 9 Christopher Dock 49-4 10
22 Powell, Georgia 10 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 49-2 11
Women's Triple Jump
PL Athlete Yr Team Final
1 Miller, Tabitha 12 Christopher Dock 37-6
2 Langley-Walker, Madi 9 Cheltenham 35-8
3 Nixon, Shannon 10 Cheltenham 33-8.75
4 Wilcox, Terry 11 Souderton Area 33-8
5 O'Keefe, Caroline 10 Academy of Notre Dam 33-3
6 Collingwood, Paige 12 Souderton Area 31-7.50
7 Moyer, Kaitlin 10 Quakertown 30-5.75
8 Baj, Holly 9 Quakertown 30-3.25
9 Hall, Meg 10 Upper Merion 30-1.50
10 Anderson, Haley 11 Christopher Dock 29-10.50
11 Woods, Abbie 9 Christopher Dock 29-6
12 Patterson, Mary 12 Southern Lehigh 29-2.50
13 Lee, Tricia 11 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 29-1.50
14 Magaha, Elizabeth 11 Upper Moreland 28-10.25
15 Grossman, Jessica 9 Southern Lehigh 28-5.50
16 Sheva, Sabrina 9 Quakertown 28-3
17 Long, Shannon 10 Lower Moreland 27-11
17 Kurylec, Julia 9 Lower Moreland 27-11
19 Weber, Emma 11 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 27-10.50
20 Lee, Bridget 9 Gwynedd-Mercy Academ 27-9.50
21 Glueck, Grace 9 Southern Lehigh 26-9