Meet Information
Registration help:
$70 for Boys' Team; $70 for Girls' Team
$10 for Individuals
Payments Mail Payments to:
Coach Becky Glus
3580 W. 38th St.
Erie, PA 16506
Checks Payable to:
McDowell Boys and Girls Track Account
Contact Coach Glus: by 3/28/15 if your team will be attending the meet.
$70 for Boys' Team; $70 for Girls' Team
$10 for Individuals
Payments Mail Payments to:
Coach Becky Glus
3580 W. 38th St.
Erie, PA 16506
Checks Payable to:
McDowell Boys and Girls Track Account
Contact Coach Glus: by 3/28/15 if your team will be attending the meet.