Meet Information
Information in printable format
Time Race Max # runners Team Awards Medals
8:50 Girls Novice (9th & 10th grade only) unlimited none 30
9:30 Boys Novice (9th & 10th grade only) unlimited none 30
10:00 Small School Girls' Varsity 7 top 3 30
10:35 Large School Girls' Varsity 7 top 3 30
11:10 Small School Boys' Varsity 7 top 3 30
11:40 Large School Boys' Varsity 7 top 3 30
12:10 Girls' JV unlimited none 30
12:45 Boys JV unlimited none 30
Large Schools (500 & up)
Small Schools (499 & down)
Entry Fees: Checks payable to Interboro Track & Field based on the number of races to be entered:
To enter 1 varsity race (either B or G): $60
To enter 2 varsity races (both B & G): $100
To add on 1 JV race (either B or G) add: $20
To add on 2 JV races (both B & G) add: $40
To add 1 novice race (either B or G) add: $20
To add 2 novice races (both B & G) add: $40
To enter 1 - 4 runners: $10/runner
Note: if you are not entering a varsity and are running a jv or nov team the fee is $50
Kirk McGrotty, Meet Director
Phone # (215) 527 - 6611
Checks may be brought to the meet or mailed to Kirk McGrotty, 3650 Geryville Pike, Green Lane, PA 18054
1) Entries to be done via by Tues 9/8 ONLY ENTER THE ATHLETES WHO WILL COMPETE.
Registration help:
Information in printable format
Time Race Max # runners Team Awards Medals
8:50 Girls Novice (9th & 10th grade only) unlimited none 30
9:30 Boys Novice (9th & 10th grade only) unlimited none 30
10:00 Small School Girls' Varsity 7 top 3 30
10:35 Large School Girls' Varsity 7 top 3 30
11:10 Small School Boys' Varsity 7 top 3 30
11:40 Large School Boys' Varsity 7 top 3 30
12:10 Girls' JV unlimited none 30
12:45 Boys JV unlimited none 30
Large Schools (500 & up)
Small Schools (499 & down)
Entry Fees: Checks payable to Interboro Track & Field based on the number of races to be entered:
To enter 1 varsity race (either B or G): $60
To enter 2 varsity races (both B & G): $100
To add on 1 JV race (either B or G) add: $20
To add on 2 JV races (both B & G) add: $40
To add 1 novice race (either B or G) add: $20
To add 2 novice races (both B & G) add: $40
To enter 1 - 4 runners: $10/runner
Note: if you are not entering a varsity and are running a jv or nov team the fee is $50
Kirk McGrotty, Meet Director
Phone # (215) 527 - 6611
Checks may be brought to the meet or mailed to Kirk McGrotty, 3650 Geryville Pike, Green Lane, PA 18054
1) Entries to be done via by Tues 9/8 ONLY ENTER THE ATHLETES WHO WILL COMPETE.
Registration help: