Meet Information
Robert Morris University will be hosting 2 high school field event meets in the Sewall Center on Tuesday 12/13/16 and Monday 12/19/16. The cost per athlete will be $10.00 and registration will be on a first come first serve basis. We will be limiting the number of athletes per event; Long Jump or Triple Jump 15 each gender, High Jump 15 each gender, Pole Vault 12 each gender and Shot Put 16 each gender.
If we do not fill a specific gender, we will fill the field to allow the max number of athletes.
Entries must be submitted to Nash Oven via email again those coaches who submit entries first will have priority. Coach Oven will send a confirmation email to the coach once their athletes have been accepted and are registered into the meet.
The Long Jump or Triple Jump will be run as an open pit for both genders. Each athlete will get 4 marked jumps. High Jump opening height will be 40 increasing 2 each height and Pole Vault opening height will be 77 and increase 3 each height. Shot Put each athlete will get 4 marked throws.
*We ask that coaches help the RMU track and field coaches and athletes to make this event run smoothly.
*If we do not fill a specific gender, we will fill the field to allow the max number of athletes.
*Entries are on a first come first serve basis.
Schedule for 12/13
Sewall Center opens at 3:45 PM coaches meeting at 4:00 PM
Girls High Jump and Girls Pole Vault 4:15 PM Boys High and Pole Vault to follow
Boys Shot Put and Boys Long Jump 4:15 PM Girls Shot Put and Long Jump to follow
Boys and Girls Triple Jump to follow LJ
Facility Closes at 7:30 PM
Tentative Schedule for 12/19
Sewall Center opens at 3:45 PM coaches meeting at 4:00 PM
Girls High Jump and Girls Pole Vault 4:15 PM Boys High and Pole Vault to follow
Girls Shot Put and Boys Triple Jump 4:15 PM Boys Shot Put and Girls Triple Jump to follow
Boys and Girls Long Jump to follow TJ
Facility Closes at 7:30 PM
If you have any questions please email or call Nash Oven at or 412-397-4973.
Meet Registration
If we do not fill a specific gender, we will fill the field to allow the max number of athletes.
Entries must be submitted to Nash Oven via email again those coaches who submit entries first will have priority. Coach Oven will send a confirmation email to the coach once their athletes have been accepted and are registered into the meet.
The Long Jump or Triple Jump will be run as an open pit for both genders. Each athlete will get 4 marked jumps. High Jump opening height will be 40 increasing 2 each height and Pole Vault opening height will be 77 and increase 3 each height. Shot Put each athlete will get 4 marked throws.
*We ask that coaches help the RMU track and field coaches and athletes to make this event run smoothly.
*If we do not fill a specific gender, we will fill the field to allow the max number of athletes.
* After the first competition we will determine if we are able to increase the number of entries for the meets.
*Entries are on a first come first serve basis.
Schedule for 12/13
Sewall Center opens at 3:45 PM coaches meeting at 4:00 PM
Girls High Jump and Girls Pole Vault 4:15 PM Boys High and Pole Vault to follow
Boys Shot Put and Boys Long Jump 4:15 PM Girls Shot Put and Long Jump to follow
Boys and Girls Triple Jump to follow LJ
Facility Closes at 7:30 PM
Tentative Schedule for 12/19
Sewall Center opens at 3:45 PM coaches meeting at 4:00 PM
Girls High Jump and Girls Pole Vault 4:15 PM Boys High and Pole Vault to follow
Girls Shot Put and Boys Triple Jump 4:15 PM Boys Shot Put and Girls Triple Jump to follow
Boys and Girls Long Jump to follow TJ
Facility Closes at 7:30 PM
If you have any questions please email or call Nash Oven at or 412-397-4973.
Meet Registration