AA Boys Complete

Results courtesy of Mark Courtney and RunHigh.com




Oct. 28, 2007

Results by RUNHIGH.COM

Click on the \"pace\" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.

Qualifiers shown in red.


  1   Lancaster Mennonite      92    7   12   18   22   33   39   73   18:33      1:09
  2   Trinity                 100    8    9   20   27   36   37   57   18:40      1:10
  3   York Suburban           111   16   17   24   26   28   42   60   18:47        37
  4   Tulpehocken             126    2   11   29   31   53   61   86   18:48      2:21
  5   Bishop McDevitt Hbg     141    1   10   30   48   52   71   81   18:50      2:44
  6   Kutztown                169    6   13   40   51   59   70   79   19:06      2:02
  7   Wyomissing Area         193    4   32   46   49   62   89   90   19:19      2:23
  8   Boiling Springs         198    3   34   44   54   63   65   69   19:18      2:35
  9   Susquenita              253   14   35   55   56   93   99        19:49      3:11
 10   Delone Catholic         255   23   43   47   64   78   83   85   19:52      2:07
 11   Oley Valley             278    5   45   72   76   80   94  100   19:59      3:08
 12   Littlestown             286   21   50   66   67   82             20:07      2:23
 13   Milton Hershey          305   38   41   74   75   77   97  103   20:13      1:38
 14   Schuylkill Valley       328   19   25   87   95  102             20:49      4:59
 15   Fleetwood Area          384   15   84   88   96  101             21:14      4:35
 16   Camp Hill               407   58   68   91   92   98             21:11      2:25

Bermudian Springs
Bible Baptist
Christian School Of Y
Eastern Lebanon Count
Eastern York
Fairfield Area
Holy Name
Lancaster Catholic
Scotland School For V
York Catholic


1. Lancaster Mennonite
    7  Seth Charles, Sr            17:59    5:48
   12  Ryan Schloneger, So         18:22    5:55
   18  Nigel Anjiri, Jr            18:32    5:59
   22  Keith Mast, So              18:45    6:03
   33  Zach Zook, Fr               19:07    6:10
   39  Chris Root, Sr              19:19    6:14
   73  Erich Eitzen, Jr            20:40    6:40
Time = 1:32:43     Places = 92

2. Trinity
    8  Shane Seymore, Sr           18:05    5:50
    9  Tommy Gruschow, Fr          18:13    5:53
   20  David Smith, Sr             18:44    6:02
   27  Mike Gruschow, Jr           19:03    6:09
   36  Joe Whitmore, So            19:15    6:12
   37  Joe Perry, Sr               19:15    6:12
   57  Brandon Claypool, Jr        19:57    6:26
Time = 1:33:18     Places = 100

3. York Suburban
   16  Nick Schrading, So          18:27    5:57
   17  Jacob Jones, So             18:29    5:58
   24  Jeremy Saur, So             18:54    6:06
   26  Kyle Cote\', So              19:02    6:08
   28  Derek Shirey, Jr            19:04    6:09
   42  Andrew Wade, Sr             19:34    6:18
   60  Adam Roth, Sr               20:06    6:29
Time = 1:33:54     Places = 111

4. Tulpehocken
    2  Tyler Riegel, So            17:33    5:40
   11  Blaise Fernandez, So        18:21    5:55
   29  Keith Sattazahn, So         19:04    6:09
   31  Matt Michaels, So           19:06    6:10
   53  Gage Mahaffey, Fr           19:53    6:25
   61  Jake Shultz, So             20:08    6:30
   86  Clint Faust, Jr             21:24    6:54
Time = 1:33:56     Places = 126

5. Bishop McDevitt Hbg
    1  Joe Beveridge, Jr           17:09    5:32
   10  Josh Sadlock, Sr            18:19    5:54
   30  Stephen Molitoris, Jr       19:05    6:09
   48  Eric Habich, Sr             19:46    6:23
   52  Mike Barry, Sr              19:52    6:24
   71  Jonas Miller, Sr            20:38    6:39
   81  Ross Diskin, Jr             21:06    6:48
Time = 1:34:10     Places = 141

6. Kutztown
    6  Stephen Welsh, So           17:57    5:47
   13  Nate Noll, Fr               18:24    5:56
   40  Tom Shrawder, Jr            19:22    6:15
   51  Caleb Wendling, Sr          19:49    6:23
   59  Sam Horwath, So             19:58    6:26
   70  Andy Friedlund, Sr          20:36    6:39
   79  Jason Phelps, Sr            21:00    6:46
Time = 1:35:28     Places = 169

7. Wyomissing Area
    4  Mike Stone, Sr              17:48    5:44
   32  Troy Ziegler, Sr            19:07    6:10
   46  Jake Fromm, Jr              19:41    6:21
   49  Dan Barron, Sr              19:47    6:23
   62  Creighton Beiber, Fr        20:10    6:30
   89  Blaine Feinauer, Jr         21:30    6:56
   90  Brendan McElroy, Sr         21:30    6:56
Time = 1:36:31     Places = 193

8. Boiling Springs
    3  Eric Evans, Sr              17:37    5:41
   34  Drew Line, Jr               19:12    6:11
   44  Keith Groshans, Sr          19:34    6:18
   54  Jon Burgess, Sr             19:55    6:25
   63  Brandon Chamberlain, So     20:11    6:31
   65  Eric Helm, Sr               20:24    6:35
   69  Speed Watson, So            20:32    6:37
Time = 1:36:27     Places = 198

9. Susquenita
   14  Zach Dicks, Sr              18:24    5:56
   35  Craig Dewitt, So            19:14    6:12
   55  Neal Brightbill, Jr         19:57    6:26
   56  Leon Ulrich, So             19:57    6:26
   93  Aaron Snook, Jr             21:35    6:58
   99  David Hestor, Fr            22:27    7:14
Time = 1:39:05     Places = 253

10. Delone Catholic
   23  Tyler Dye, Sr               18:51    6:05
   43  Aaron Higgins, Sr           19:34    6:18
   47  Tyler Smith, Sr             19:42    6:21
   64  Chris Sauvageau, Fr         20:17    6:32
   78  Marc Perry, So              20:57    6:45
   83  Garrett Faber, Jr           21:12    6:50
   85  T J. Coleman, Fr            21:16    6:51
Time = 1:39:19     Places = 255

11. Oley Valley
    5  Ryan Reich, Sr              17:53    5:46
   45  Dave Foley, Jr              19:35    6:19
   72  Joe Ninni, So               20:40    6:40
   76  Alex Talarico, Jr           20:49    6:43
   80  Phil Thomas, Sr             21:01    6:47
   94  Ethan Frey, Sr              21:39    6:59
  100  Kevin Fisher, So            22:30    7:15
Time = 1:39:56     Places = 278

12. Littlestown
   21  Andy Breighner, Jr          18:44    6:03
   50  Robbie Lackey, Sr           19:49    6:23
   66  Alex Tarczy, Jr             20:26    6:35
   67  Murray Beachtel, Jr         20:28    6:36
   82  Cody Huffman, So            21:07    6:48
Time = 1:40:31     Places = 286

13. Milton Hershey
   38  Jeremiah Graham, So         19:15    6:12
   41  Nick Bowers, Jr             19:31    6:18
   74  Tyler Bowers, So            20:43    6:41
   75  Chris Janke, Jr             20:45    6:42
   77  Ruslan Ryan, Fr             20:53    6:44
   97  Raul Abaraca, So            22:22    7:13
  103  John Warkowski, Sr          23:46    7:40
Time = 1:41:05     Places = 305

14. Schuylkill Valley
   19  Jason Hartman, Sr           18:33    5:59
   25  Kyle Wagonseller, Sr        18:56    6:06
   87  Max Moll, Sr                21:24    6:54
   95  Jeremy Brenner, Sr          21:41    7:00
  102  Conner Geer, Fr             23:32    7:35
Time = 1:44:04     Places = 328

15. Fleetwood Area
   15  Joe Huyett, So              18:25    5:56
   84  Daniel Rouse, So            21:13    6:50
   88  Alex Watson, So             21:28    6:55
   96  Nicholas Theodore, Sr       22:03    7:07
  101  Timothy Burkhart, So        23:00    7:25
Time = 1:46:07     Places = 384

16. Camp Hill
   58  Shafraz Zain, Sr            19:58    6:26
   68  Miller Ron, Jr              20:29    6:36
   91  Aadil Ghazaly, Sr           21:32    6:57
   92  Tim Adams, Sr               21:34    6:57
   98  Jamie Karl, Fr              22:22    7:13
Time = 1:45:52     Places = 407

        TEAM                                  1M          2M        FINAL
 PLACE SCORE           FINISHER              TIME        TIME        TIME      PACE        TEAM

    1     1  Joe Beveridge, Jr                4:59       10:36    17:09    5:32  Bishop McDevitt Hbg
    2     2  Tyler Riegel, So                 5:08       11:01    17:33    5:40  Tulpehocken
    3     3  Eric Evans, Sr                   5:11       11:02    17:37    5:41  Boiling Springs
    4        James McBride, Sr                5:10       11:06    17:39    5:42  Eastern York
    5     4  Mike Stone, Sr                   5:08       11:03    17:48    5:44  Wyomissing Area
    6     5  Ryan Reich, Sr                   5:09       11:03    17:53    5:46  Oley Valley
    7     6  Stephen Welsh, So                5:17       11:10    17:57    5:47  Kutztown
    8     7  Seth Charles, Sr                 5:10       11:06    17:59    5:48  Lancaster Mennonite
    9     8  Shane Seymore, Sr                5:21       11:17    18:05    5:50  Trinity
   10     9  Tommy Gruschow, Fr               5:22       11:25    18:13    5:53  Trinity
   11    10  Josh Sadlock, Sr                 5:03       11:01    18:19    5:54  Bishop McDevitt Hbg
   12    11  Blaise Fernandez, So             5:12       11:24    18:21    5:55  Tulpehocken
   13    12  Ryan Schloneger, So              5:13       11:16    18:22    5:55  Lancaster Mennonite
   14    13  Nate Noll, Fr                    5:32       11:34    18:24    5:56  Kutztown
   15    14  Zach Dicks, Sr                   5:28       11:34    18:24    5:56  Susquenita
   16    15  Joe Huyett, So                   5:18       11:26    18:25    5:56  Fleetwood Area
   17        Michael Allen, Sr                5:40       11:45    18:26    5:56  Bermudian Springs
   18    16  Nick Schrading, So               5:20       11:25    18:27    5:57  York Suburban
   19    17  Jacob Jones, So                  5:19       11:28    18:29    5:58  York Suburban
   20    18  Nigel Anjiri, Jr                 5:17       11:28    18:32    5:59  Lancaster Mennonite
   21    19  Jason Hartman, Sr                5:32       11:39    18:33    5:59  Schuylkill Valley

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | Top

22 20 David Smith, Sr 5:26 11:42 18:44 6:02 Trinity 23 21 Andy Breighner, Jr 5:21 11:34 18:44 6:03 Littlestown 24 22 Keith Mast, So 5:19 11:34 18:45 6:03 Lancaster Mennonite 25 Jered Stonge, Sr 5:28 11:47 18:46 6:03 Bible Baptist 26 23 Tyler Dye, Sr 5:20 11:27 18:51 6:05 Delone Catholic 27 24 Jeremy Saur, So 5:19 11:35 18:54 6:06 York Suburban 28 Luke Walmer, Sr 5:33 12:01 18:55 6:06 Eastern Lebanon Count 29 25 Kyle Wagonseller, Sr 5:22 11:46 18:56 6:06 Schuylkill Valley 30 Ben Rhoads, Fr 5:33 11:55 19:00 6:08 Annville-Cleona 31 26 Kyle Cote\', So 5:20 11:38 19:02 6:08 York Suburban 32 27 Mike Gruschow, Jr 5:23 11:43 19:03 6:09 Trinity 33 28 Derek Shirey, Jr 5:29 11:56 19:04 6:09 York Suburban 34 29 Keith Sattazahn, So 5:44 12:07 19:04 6:09 Tulpehocken 35 30 Stephen Molitoris, Jr 5:39 12:03 19:05 6:09 Bishop McDevitt Hbg 36 31 Matt Michaels, So 5:35 11:55 19:06 6:10 Tulpehocken 37 32 Troy Ziegler, Sr 5:35 11:58 19:07 6:10 Wyomissing Area 38 33 Zach Zook, Fr 5:37 11:59 19:07 6:10 Lancaster Mennonite 39 Greg Johnson, So 5:35 12:02 19:08 6:10 Bible Baptist 40 34 Drew Line, Jr 5:32 11:59 19:12 6:11 Boiling Springs 41 35 Craig Dewitt, So 5:28 11:48 19:14 6:12 Susquenita 42 36 Joe Whitmore, So 5:38 12:04 19:15 6:12 Trinity 43 37 Joe Perry, Sr 5:27 11:53 19:15 6:12 Trinity 44 38 Jeremiah Graham, So 5:27 11:55 19:15 6:12 Milton Hershey 45 Ben Martin, Sr 5:37 11:54 19:17 6:13 Christian School Of Y 46 39 Chris Root, Sr 5:38 12:05 19:19 6:14 Lancaster Mennonite 47 Brandon Alexander, Sr 5:33 12:01 19:21 6:14 Eastern Lebanon Count 48 40 Tom Shrawder, Jr 5:41 12:05 19:22 6:15 Kutztown 49 Nate Shank, Sr 5:42 12:07 19:29 6:17 Fairfield Area 50 41 Nick Bowers, Jr 5:24 11:52 19:31 6:18 Milton Hershey 51 42 Andrew Wade, Sr 5:24 12:00 19:34 6:18 York Suburban 52 43 Aaron Higgins, Sr 5:37 12:20 19:34 6:18 Delone Catholic 53 44 Keith Groshans, Sr 5:39 12:07 19:34 6:18 Boiling Springs 54 45 Dave Foley, Jr 5:36 12:01 19:35 6:19 Oley Valley 55 Devon Bievenour, Jr 5:39 12:06 19:37 6:20 Bermudian Springs 56 46 Jake Fromm, Jr 5:41 12:13 19:41 6:21 Wyomissing Area 57 47 Tyler Smith, Sr 5:21 12:02 19:42 6:21 Delone Catholic 58 48 Eric Habich, Sr 5:39 12:15 19:46 6:23 Bishop McDevitt Hbg 59 49 Dan Barron, Sr 5:40 12:18 19:47 6:23 Wyomissing Area 60 50 Robbie Lackey, Sr 5:43 12:16 19:49 6:23 Littlestown 61 51 Caleb Wendling, Sr 5:49 12:21 19:49 6:23 Kutztown 62 52 Mike Barry, Sr 5:50 12:27 19:52 6:24 Bishop McDevitt Hbg 63 Derek Myers, So 5:49 12:30 19:52 6:25 Eastern York 64 53 Gage Mahaffey, Fr 5:50 12:28 19:53 6:25 Tulpehocken 65 54 Jon Burgess, Sr 5:38 12:13 19:55 6:25 Boiling Springs 66 55 Neal Brightbill, Jr 5:48 12:24 19:57 6:26 Susquenita 67 56 Leon Ulrich, So 5:52 12:26 19:57 6:26 Susquenita 68 57 Brandon Claypool, Jr 5:43 12:20 19:57 6:26 Trinity 69 58 Shafraz Zain, Sr 5:29 11:49 19:58 6:26 Camp Hill 70 59 Sam Horwath, So 5:49 12:26 19:58 6:26 Kutztown 71 60 Adam Roth, Sr 5:31 12:22 20:06 6:29 York Suburban 72 61 Jake Shultz, So 5:47 12:29 20:08 6:30 Tulpehocken 73 62 Creighton Beiber, Fr 5:54 12:40 20:10 6:30 Wyomissing Area 74 Derek Gerberich, So 5:54 12:34 20:11 6:31 Eastern Lebanon Count 75 63 Brandon Chamberlain, So 5:51 12:29 20:11 6:31 Boiling Springs 76 64 Chris Sauvageau, Fr 5:47 12:38 20:17 6:32 Delone Catholic 77 65 Eric Helm, Sr 5:53 12:42 20:24 6:35 Boiling Springs 78 66 Alex Tarczy, Jr 5:42 12:33 20:26 6:35 Littlestown 79 67 Murray Beachtel, Jr 5:50 12:39 20:28 6:36 Littlestown 80 Phil Partin, Sr 5:57 12:49 20:28 6:36 Annville-Cleona 81 68 Miller Ron, Jr 5:38 12:38 20:29 6:36 Camp Hill 82 Alex Hinnenkamp, Fr 5:56 12:53 20:30 6:37 Lancaster Catholic 83 69 Speed Watson, So 5:54 12:47 20:32 6:37 Boiling Springs 84 John Luciani, Jr 6:06 12:51 20:34 6:38 York Catholic 85 Dylan Laurenzano, So 5:39 12:14 20:34 6:38 Holy Name 86 70 Andy Friedlund, Sr 5:36 12:09 20:36 6:39 Kutztown 87 71 Jonas Miller, Sr 5:53 :00 20:38 6:39 Bishop McDevitt Hbg 88 72 Joe Ninni, So 5:52 12:46 20:40 6:40 Oley Valley 89 73 Erich Eitzen, Jr 5:29 12:23 20:40 6:40 Lancaster Mennonite 90 74 Tyler Bowers, So 6:01 12:59 20:43 6:41 Milton Hershey 91 75 Chris Janke, Jr 6:05 12:58 20:45 6:42 Milton Hershey 92 Jonathan Basso, Jr 6:02 12:52 20:47 6:42 York Catholic 93 76 Alex Talarico, Jr 5:37 12:41 20:49 6:43 Oley Valley 94 Ben Eisenhauer, Sr 6:03 12:55 20:50 6:43 Annville-Cleona 95 77 Ruslan Ryan, Fr 6:09 13:16 20:53 6:44 Milton Hershey 96 Taylor Zimmerman, So 5:53 12:56 20:56 6:45 Bermudian Springs 97 78 Marc Perry, So 5:59 12:54 20:57 6:45 Delone Catholic 98 79 Jason Phelps, Sr 6:03 13:12 21:00 6:46 Kutztown 99 80 Phil Thomas, Sr 5:58 :00 21:01 6:47 Oley Valley 100 Mark Gapinsky, Jr 6:01 13:03 21:01 6:47 Holy Name 101 Stephen Stankiewicz III, So 6:14 13:15 21:02 6:47 York Catholic 102 Kevin Staskel, Sr 6:07 13:16 21:03 6:47 Lancaster Catholic 103 Jordan Ballantine, Sr 6:03 13:03 21:05 6:48 Lancaster Catholic 104 81 Ross Diskin, Jr 6:03 13:05 21:06 6:48 Bishop McDevitt Hbg 105 82 Cody Huffman, So 5:44 12:48 21:07 6:48 Littlestown 106 83 Garrett Faber, Jr 5:53 13:02 21:12 6:50 Delone Catholic 107 84 Daniel Rouse, So 6:10 13:24 21:13 6:50 Fleetwood Area 108 85 T J. Coleman, Fr 6:13 13:17 21:16 6:51 Delone Catholic 109 Daniel Taylor, Jr 6:11 13:14 21:18 6:52 York Catholic 110 Shane Kerrigan, Jr 5:57 13:10 21:22 6:53 Scotland School For V 111 86 Clint Faust, Jr 6:01 13:18 21:24 6:54 Tulpehocken 112 87 Max Moll, Sr 6:17 13:35 21:24 6:54 Schuylkill Valley 113 88 Alex Watson, So 6:01 13:11 21:28 6:55 Fleetwood Area 114 89 Blaine Feinauer, Jr 5:55 13:14 21:30 6:56 Wyomissing Area 115 90 Brendan McElroy, Sr 5:48 13:14 21:30 6:56 Wyomissing Area 116 91 Aadil Ghazaly, Sr 5:58 13:11 21:32 6:57 Camp Hill 117 92 Tim Adams, Sr 6:02 13:18 21:34 6:57 Camp Hill 118 93 Aaron Snook, Jr 6:04 13:21 21:35 6:58 Susquenita 119 94 Ethan Frey, Sr 6:07 13:27 21:39 6:59 Oley Valley
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | Top

120 95 Jeremy Brenner, Sr 5:57 13:22 21:41 7:00 Schuylkill Valley 121 Bryant Peters, Sr 6:14 13:28 21:42 7:00 Bermudian Springs 122 96 Nicholas Theodore, Sr 6:14 13:39 22:03 7:07 Fleetwood Area 123 97 Raul Abaraca, So 6:16 14:11 22:22 7:13 Milton Hershey 124 98 Jamie Karl, Fr 6:00 13:22 22:22 7:13 Camp Hill 125 99 David Hestor, Fr 6:32 14:23 22:27 7:14 Susquenita 126 100 Kevin Fisher, So 6:07 13:38 22:30 7:15 Oley Valley 127 Steven George, Sr 6:04 13:33 22:33 7:16 Christian School Of Y 128 101 Timothy Burkhart, So 6:18 14:17 23:00 7:25 Fleetwood Area 129 102 Conner Geer, Fr 6:31 14:42 23:32 7:35 Schuylkill Valley 130 103 John Warkowski, Sr 6:43 15:03 23:46 7:40 Milton Hershey 131 Curt Kirchner, So 6:50 14:54 23:55 7:43 Annville-Cleona \"*\" indicates females 13 finishers among Men 1 & Under 36 finishers among Men 2 - 2 30 finishers among Men 3 - 3 52 finishers among Men 4 - 4 131 male finishers 0 female finishers 131 total finishers

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