Meet Information
Registration help:
McDowell High School
3580 W. 38th St.
Erie, PA 16506
Individuals: Maximum of 4 events
Teams: Allowed one entry per relay
Allowed three entries per individual event
Questions: McDowell Athletic Office: 814-835-5428
Coach Joe Sanford: 814-873-9692 or
Coaches' Meeting: 8am in North Gym (must enter from
side near 38th St. Parking Lot)
Meet Begins: 9am
McDowell High School
3580 W. 38th St.
Erie, PA 16506
Individuals: Maximum of 4 events
Teams: Allowed one entry per relay
Allowed three entries per individual event
Questions: McDowell Athletic Office: 814-835-5428
Coach Joe Sanford: 814-873-9692 or
Coaches' Meeting: 8am in North Gym (must enter from
side near 38th St. Parking Lot)
Meet Begins: 9am