BuckFit 5k / 1k Fun Run 2017

Northampton Township, PA
Timing/Results run.tf

Meet Information

To register online click here!

The BucksFit 5K Run - same rules, same run, same fun for all ages. Awards for Top runners - Male & Female, Child and School categories in 5K receive cash value gift cards. 5K Run awards in all age categories 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Elementary School Bracket. Combined times from the top 5 finishers from each school will determine top honors and donation to the physical education program of the winning school.

1K Fun Run/Walk - go at your own pace, no timing or pressure, just great exercise. No awards given out, but your registration includes a t-shirt like all 5K registrants.

BucksFit Beginner Training Plan: 6 Weeks to a 5K - CLICK HERE!


General Information
Date: April 30, 2017 Registration: 7:15am - Check -in will take place at the Playground Pavilion off of Hatboro Rd. - Rain or Shine

LOCATION: Northampton Township Municipal Park

Race Fees: (* t- shirts,while supplies last)
Grades K - 6 $12.00 (Thru 4/28) $15.00* (4/29-30)
Ages 14 thru Adult $22.00 (Thru 4/28) $25.00* (4/29-30)

Awards and Light refreshments will follow the race.
For more information call 215-357-6800 ext. 256

Special Thanks to Sponsors:
Bucks Physical Therapy & BucksFit

To download a Municipal Park Map CLICK HERE


The run will start at the playground pavilion following the green loop towards the amphitheater and around the back of the park, horseshoe area, passing the playground to the yellow star. Then the course follows the black loop up towards the maintenance garage, along Hatboro Rd and back along the parking area to the star. The final mile will then take a left at the star and following the green loop in the opposite direction, passing the playground, horseshoe areas, butterfly garden and ending at the finish line just past the amphitheater.

Race Time Line
7:15 am Registration
8:30 am 5K Run starts
9:00 am 1K Fun Run begins
9:30 am Refreshments
10:00 am Award/Presentations

Award Age Divisions
5K Run awards will be presented to the overall man, woman & child, along with age group awards for the top three males and females in the following age categories:

Under 12 yrs.,12-15 yrs,16-20 yrs.,21-29 yrs, 30-39 yrs,40-49 yrs, 50-59 yrs, 60 yrs & up

Elementary School Division
Northampton Parks & Recreation is partnering with Pennsylvania's Healthy Kids program to challenge local elementary school students to pursue the benefits of running and fitness.
A special Elementary School 5K division category will combine the average times from the top 5 finishers from each school to determine top honors.
The winning school will receive a trophy & a donation toward its physical education program
When registering you must indicate what Elementary school you will be representing in the 5K Run

General Information
Early Resident Savings (ERS) Northampton Residents registering at least one week prior to the start date of the program will pay the Early Resident Savings Fee (ERS). The ERS fee is not listed below, but will appear during the checkout process. Mail in registrations must be postmarked at least one week prior to the start of the class in order to receive this savings.
You will receive a confirmation of your registration via email after you register. Please make sure you have a current email address listed in your account.
Click Here for Departmental Information