Oxenreider Relays 2008

Laureldale, PA
Hosted by Muhlenberg

Girls - Complete Results

Results courtesy of Robb Gourley

Licensed to Muhlenberg Sr. High School                    Hy-Tek's Meet Manager
                      2008 Oxenreider Relays - 3/29/2008                       
                                  7th Annual                                   
                               Oxenreider Track                                
Event 1  Girls 4x100 Meter Shuttle Hurdle AA
 Meet Record: R 1:13.10  3/29/2008   North Penn, North Penn                    
                         D Howell, K Charles, L Beatty, R Biedlingmaier    
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Schuylkill Valley  'A'                              1:20.73   1   10  
  2 Oley Valley  'A'                                    1:22.21   1    8  
  3 Harriton Girls  'A'                                 1:27.15   3    6  
  4 Tulpehocken  'A'                                    1:31.90   3    4  
Event 1  Girls 4x100 Meter Shuttle Hurdle AAA
 Meet Record: R 1:13.10  3/29/2008   North Penn, North Penn                    
                         D Howell, K Charles, L Beatty, R Biedlingmaier    
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 North Penn  'A'                                     1:13.10R  1   10  
  2 Pottstown  'A'                                      1:16.73   2    8  
  3 Wilson  'A'                                         1:17.72   1    6  
  4 Hempfield  'A'                                      1:18.71   2    4  
  5 Twin Valley  'A'                                    1:22.38   2    2  
  6 Conrad Weiser  'A'                                  1:33.84   4    1  
 -- Twin Valley  'B'                                        XDQ   4 
 -- Exeter  'A'                                              DQ   4 
 -- Muhlenberg  'A'                                          DQ   3 
 -- North Penn  'B'                                    X1:20.24   2 
Event 3  Girls Distance Medley AA
 Meet Record: R 12:55.86  3/31/2007   North Penn, North Penn                   
                          J Schofield, K Dugan, L Bond, C Forshee           
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Tulpehocken  'A'                                   13:59.38    10  
  2 Kutztown Area  'A'                                 14:04.39     8  
  3 Oley Valley  'A'                                   14:12.29     6  
  4 Harriton Girls  'A'                                15:08.49     4  
  5 Schuylkill Valley  'A'                             15:09.66     2  
  6 Tulpehocken  'B'                                  x15:44.66  
Event 3  Girls Distance Medley AAA
 Meet Record: R 12:55.86  3/31/2007   North Penn, North Penn                   
                          J Schofield, K Dugan, L Bond, C Forshee           
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 North Penn  'A'                                    13:35.32    10  
  2 Hempfield  'A'                                     13:47.41     8  
  3 Muhlenberg  'A'                                    14:06.89     6  
  4 Wilson  'A'                                        14:12.35     4  
  5 North Penn  'B'                                   x14:26.03  
  6 Conrad Weiser  'A'                                 14:40.51     2  
  7 Exeter  'A'                                        14:50.07     1  
  8 Twin Valley  'A'                                   15:27.64  
  9 Reading  'A'                                       15:56.21  
 10 Fleetwood Girls  'A'                               16:05.79  
 11 Twin Valley  'B'                                  x18:58.50  
Event 5  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay AA
 Meet Record: R 50.70  3/31/2007   North Penn, North Penn                      
                       L Beatty, A Bembry-Kaintuck, M Lauro, C Mannings  
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Schuylkill Valley  'A'                                53.00   2   10  
  2 Oley Valley  'A'                                      54.95   1    8  
  3 Kutztown Area  'A'                                    55.68   2    6  
  4 Reading Central Catholic  'A'                         56.43   3    4  
  5 Harriton Girls  'A'                                   57.83   4    2  
  6 Tulpehocken  'A'                                    1:02.08   4    1  
Event 5  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay AAA
 Meet Record: R 50.70  3/31/2007   North Penn, North Penn                      
                       L Beatty, A Bembry-Kaintuck, M Lauro, C Mannings  
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 North Penn  'A'                                       51.03   1   10  
  2 Wilson  'A'                                           52.03   1    8  
  3 Reading  'A'                                          53.20   1    6  
  4 Hempfield  'A'                                        53.49   1    4  
  5 Exeter  'A'                                           53.53   3    2  
  6 Pottstown  'A'                                        53.96   1    1  
  7 North Penn  'B'                                      x54.27   2 
  8 Conrad Weiser  'A'                                    55.39   2 
  9 Pottstown  'B'                                       x56.97   2 
 10 Twin Valley  'A'                                      57.72   3 
 11 Lebanon  'A'                                          58.21   3 
 12 Muhlenberg  'A'                                       58.54   2 
 13 Fleetwood Girls  'A'                                  59.80   3 
 14 Muhlenberg  'B'                                    x1:01.79   3 
 15 Twin Valley  'B'                                   x1:04.01   4 
Event 7  Girls 800 Sprint Medley AA
 Meet Record: R 1:53.07  3/31/2007   North Penn, North Penn                    
                         C Mannings, A Bembry-Kaintuck, M Lauro, D Howell  
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Schuylkill Valley  'A'                              1:59.66   1   10  
  2 Oley Valley  'A'                                    2:01.51   2    8  
  3 Kutztown Area  'A'                                  2:08.94   3    6  
  4 Harriton Girls  'A'                                 2:23.65   4    4  
  5 Reading Central Catholic  'A'                       2:26.61   4    2  
Event 7  Girls 800 Sprint Medley AAA
 Meet Record: R 1:53.07  3/31/2007   North Penn, North Penn                    
                         C Mannings, A Bembry-Kaintuck, M Lauro, D Howell  
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Pottstown  'A'                                      1:58.51   2   10  
  2 Exeter  'A'                                         1:58.84   2    8  
  3 North Penn  'A'                                     1:59.28   1    6  
  4 Hempfield  'A'                                      2:00.31   2    4  
  5 Reading  'A'                                        2:02.10   1    2  
  6 Muhlenberg  'A'                                     2:02.78   1    1  
  7 Wilson  'A'                                         2:05.67   2 
  8 Conrad Weiser  'A'                                  2:13.19   3 
  9 Fleetwood Girls  'A'                                2:13.55   3 
 10 Twin Valley  'A'                                    2:16.77   1 
 11 Lebanon  'A'                                        2:22.65   2 
 -- North Penn  'B'                                    X2:08.09   1 
 -- Pottstown  'B'                                     X2:11.10   3 
 -- Muhlenberg  'B'                                    X2:16.80   3 
 -- Twin Valley  'B'                                   X2:23.04   4 
Event 9  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay AA
 Meet Record: R 10:03.32  3/31/2007   North Penn, North Penn                   
                          J Schofield, L Bond, A Simons, C Forshee          
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Oley Valley  'A'                                   10:34.72    10  
  2 Tulpehocken  'A'                                   10:50.84     8  
  3 Schuylkill Valley  'A'                             11:04.54     6  
  4 Kutztown Area  'A'                                 11:07.75     4  
  5 Harriton Girls  'A'                                11:24.63     2  
  6 Reading Central Catholic  'A'                      13:06.21     1  
 -- Oley Valley  'B'                                  X11:27.05  
 -- Schuylkill Valley  'B'                            X12:01.73  
 -- Tulpehocken  'B'                                  X12:04.24  
Event 9  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay AAA
 Meet Record: R 10:03.32  3/31/2007   North Penn, North Penn                   
                          J Schofield, L Bond, A Simons, C Forshee          
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 North Penn  'A'                                    10:08.56    10  
  2 Hempfield  'A'                                     10:08.75     8  
  3 Wilson  'A'                                        10:52.38     6  
  4 Conrad Weiser  'A'                                 11:05.34     4  
  5 Twin Valley  'A'                                   11:30.82     2  
  6 Reading  'A'                                       11:42.22     1  
  7 Exeter  'A'                                        11:52.44  
  8 Fleetwood Girls  'A'                               12:07.24  
 -- North Penn  'B'                                   X10:51.15  
 -- Twin Valley  'B'                                  X14:29.60  
Event 11  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay AA
 Meet Record: R 1:47.72  3/29/2008   North Penn, North Penn                    
                         D Howell, C Mannings, J Rauscher, M Ruff          
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Schuylkill Valley  'A'                              1:57.92   2   10  
  2 Oley Valley  'A'                                    1:59.47   1    8  
  3 Harriton Girls  'A'                                 2:06.26   3    6  
  4 Kutztown Area  'A'                                  2:06.57   2    4  
Event 11  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay AAA
 Meet Record: R 1:47.72  3/29/2008   North Penn, North Penn                    
                         D Howell, C Mannings, J Rauscher, M Ruff          
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 North Penn  'A'                                     1:47.72R  1   10  
  2 Wilson  'A'                                         1:49.13   1    8  
  3 Pottstown  'A'                                      1:53.98   1    6  
  4 Exeter  'A'                                         1:54.17   3    4  
  5 Hempfield  'A'                                      1:54.83   2    2  
  6 North Penn  'B'                                    x1:55.38   2 
  7 Twin Valley  'A'                                    2:04.61   1    1  
  8 Fleetwood Girls  'A'                                2:07.67   3 
  9 Pottstown  'B'                                     x2:09.72   2 
 10 Conrad Weiser  'A'                                  2:12.84   3 
 11 Muhlenberg  'B'                                    x2:14.46   3 
 -- Muhlenberg  'A'                                          DQ   2 
 -- Reading  'A'                                             DQ   1 
Event 13  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay AA
 Meet Record: R 4:08.39  3/31/2007   North Penn, North Penn                    
                         D Howell, M Lauro, K Dugan, K Dugan               
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Schuylkill Valley  'A'                              4:16.57   1   10  
  2 Oley Valley  'A'                                    4:24.24   2    8  
  3 Kutztown Area  'A'                                  4:42.49   2    6  
Event 13  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay AAA
 Meet Record: R 4:08.39  3/31/2007   North Penn, North Penn                    
                         D Howell, M Lauro, K Dugan, K Dugan               
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 North Penn  'A'                                     4:13.00   1   10  
  2 Hempfield  'A'                                      4:18.06   2    8  
  3 Wilson  'A'                                         4:23.09   1    6  
  4 Pottstown  'A'                                      4:32.06   1    4  
  5 Muhlenberg  'A'                                     4:46.22   3    2  
  6 Twin Valley  'A'                                    4:49.23   1    1  
  7 Conrad Weiser  'A'                                  4:50.71   2 
  8 Fleetwood Girls  'A'                                4:51.46   2 
  9 Reading  'A'                                        5:05.26   3 
 -- Exeter  'A'                                              DQ   2 
 -- Twin Valley  'B'                                        XDQ   3 
 -- North Penn  'B'                                    X4:36.23   1 
 -- Pottstown  'B'                                     X4:57.98   3 
Event 16  Girls High Jump AA
 Meet Record: R  8-10  2002        D. Alexander, J. Schmehl, Muhlenberg        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Emerich, Devyn            12 Tulpehocken            5-00.00     4  
  2 Richard, Marci            12 Oley Valley            4-10.00     5  
  3 Kunkel, Carly             10 Oley Valley            4-04.00     5  
  4 Rydzewski, Katrina        09 Kutztown Area          4-02.00     2.5
  4 Smith, Jessie             09 Kutztown Area          4-02.00     2.5
  4 Rapp, Amy                 10 Reading Central        4-02.00     2.5
  4 Landis, Amanda            11 Reading Central        4-02.00     2.5
  8 Adams, Katie              12 Tulpehocken            4-00.00     4  
 -- Boeve, Taylor             11 Reading Central            XNH  
Event 16  Girls High Jump AAA
 Meet Record: R  8-10  2002        D. Alexander, J. Schmehl, Muhlenberg        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Brandenberger, Tracy      10 North Penn             5-00.00     4  
  2 McManness, Laura          12 Hempfield              4-08.00     5  
  3 Carroll, Leann            11 Twin Valley            4-06.00     1.5
  3 Jacobs, Brittany          10 Muhlenberg             4-06.00     3  
  3 McMinn, Monica            12 Hempfield              4-06.00     5  
  6 Ball, Jessica             11 Wilson                 4-04.00     1.5
  6 Godinet, Leala            10 Muhlenberg             4-04.00     3  
  6 Guinther, Corinne         10 Wilson                 4-04.00     1.5
  9 Ahearn, Chelsea           12 Twin Valley            4-02.00     1.5
  9 Doster, Chelsea           10 Lebanon                4-02.00     0.5
 11 Koerner, Cortney          11 Lebanon                4-00.00     0.5
 11 Ceccoli, Erin             11 North Penn             4-00.00     4  
 -- Fella, Megan              09 Fleetwood Girls             NH  
 -- Elliker, Elyse            09 Fleetwood Girls             NH  
 -- Dessources, Jolaine       12 Muhlenberg            X4-04.00  
 -- Fegley, Colleen           11 North Penn            X4-02.00  
 -- Delong, Katy              09 Muhlenberg            X4-00.00  
 -- Krail, Stephanie          10 North Penn            X4-00.00  
Event 17  Girls Triple Jump AA
 Meet Record: R 62-09.50  4/3/2004    D. Alexander, J. Riley, Muhlenberg       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ziegler, Kasey            12 Oley Valley           28-11.50     3  
  2 Landis, Amanda            11 Reading Central       28-06.50     4  
  3 Jroski, Samantha          12 Schuylkill Valle      28-05.75     5  
  4 Strause, Kelly            12 Schuylkill Valle      27-07.00     5  
  5 Scull, Bethany            11 Reading Central       27-04.50     4  
  6 Friedlund, Karen          10 Kutztown Area         26-03.50  
  7 Shreve, Brittany          10 Oley Valley           25-09.25     3  
 -- Rodino, Sarah             11 Reading Central          XFOUL  
 -- Stevens, Emily            11 Kutztown Area             FOUL  
 -- Blessing, Julie           09 Schuylkill Valle     X28-09.50  
Event 17  Girls Triple Jump AAA
 Meet Record: R 62-09.50  4/3/2004    D. Alexander, J. Riley, Muhlenberg       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Gaynor, Megan             11 Wilson                34-08.50     4  
  2 Nendza, Spencer           09 Hempfield             34-05.75     5  
  3 Ruff, Melanie             11 North Penn            32-06.50     3  
  4 Turner, Stacy             12 Pottstown             32-03.00     2  
  5 Rauscher, Jesse           09 North Penn            31-09.25     3  
  6 Griffiths, Paige          11 Hempfield             31-09.00     5  
  7 Guinther, Corinne         10 Wilson                30-09.25     4  
  8 Scaltrito, Julie          10 Pottstown             29-03.00     2  
  9 Howley, Mary Beth         11 Twin Valley           28-08.75  
 10 Jaraczewski, Pam          11 Muhlenberg            28-06.00     1  
 11 Morgan, Ashton            12 Muhlenberg            28-02.50     1  
 12 Lengel, Andrea            11 Conrad Weiser         27-10.25     0.5
 13 Cohn, Abigail             12 Fleetwood Girls       27-09.25  
 14 Cipolla, Taylor           09 Conrad Weiser         27-06.50     0.5
 15 Norman, Caitlyn           11 Lebanon               27-06.00  
 16 Watson, Saskiyah          09 Exeter                26-09.50  
 17 Less, Courtney            10 Twin Valley           26-06.50  
 18 Blake, Kamoy              09 Exeter                26-06.00  
 19 Capitle, Nicole           09 Fleetwood Girls       26-05.00  
 -- Dudas, Brittany           11 North Penn           X30-01.50  
 -- Ceccoli, Erin             11 North Penn           X29-06.75  
 -- Rozzi, Laura              11 Muhlenberg           X27-00.75  
 -- Zimmerman, Sarah          09 Muhlenberg           X25-01.25  
Event 19  Girls Javelin Throw AA
 Meet Record: R 154-06  4/3/2004    B. Ache, K. Garland, Kutztown              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Pucul, Alli               12 Schuylkill Valle        112-00     5  
  2 Ziegler, Kasey            12 Oley Valley              88-08     4  
  3 Kozlowski, Megan          10 Reading Central          87-03     3  
  4 Hall, Jessie              10 Harriton Girls           85-08     0.5
  5 Adams, Katie              12 Tulpehocken              85-07     2  
  6 Graeff, Lynsey            12 Schuylkill Valle         82-04     5  
  7 Aulenbach, Amber          11 Oley Valley              78-01     4  
  8 Mauro, Christina          12 Kutztown Area            76-10     1  
  9 Spinka, Jennifer          12 Reading Central          75-08     3  
 10 Reber, Anna               12 Tulpehocken              69-09     2  
 11 Dietrich, Alyssa          12 Kutztown Area            69-00     1  
 12 Liss, Madison             10 Harriton Girls           57-07     0.5
 -- Barr, Megan               11 Schuylkill Valle        X87-07  
 -- Flannery, Katie           10 Oley Valley             X79-04  
Event 20  Girls Discus Throw AAA
 Meet Record: R 179-08  4/3/2002    K. Fisher, L. Versagli, Muhlenberg         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Dugan, Brianna            10 Muhlenberg              114-02     3  
  2 Bamberger, Caitlin        12 Fleetwood Girls         112-00     5  
  3 Hare, Rachelle            12 Lebanon                  93-01     4  
  4 Epps, Ashley              12 Wilson                   89-03     2  
  5 Johnson, Ali              09 Lebanon                  87-01     4  
  6 Oliver, Cassie            12 North Penn               86-01     1  
  7 Lockhart, Jasmine         12 Conrad Weiser            85-06     0.5
  7 Smith, Erin               11 Hempfield                85-06  
  9 LeBlanc, Ayanna           11 North Penn               80-09     1  
 10 Hottenstein, Amanda       10 Fleetwood Girls          79-04     5  
 11 Beisswanger, Jess         11 Wilson                   78-03     2  
 12 Sunderland, Morgan        10 Conrad Weiser            72-10     0.5
 13 Kane, Alysha              10 Exeter                   72-07  
 14 Lesagonicz, Randi         10 Exeter                   71-09  
 15 Rosario, Iesha            10 Hempfield                70-03  
 16 Sanford, Brittney         10 Pottstown                69-10  
 17 Geible, Katie             11 Muhlenberg               63-03     3  
 18 Carroll, Leann            11 Twin Valley              59-05  
 19 Watson, Camille           11 Pottstown                56-10  
 20 Reitz, Madeline           12 Twin Valley              55-10  
 -- Corcoran, Beth            12 Wilson                  X73-11  
 -- Pifer, Michelle           10 North Penn              X71-03  
 -- Benne, Lauren             11 Twin Valley             X69-07  
 -- Piper, Kaylynne           12 Wilson                  X67-00  
 -- Knectle, Kira             11 Muhlenberg              X62-09  
 -- Lampe, Lauren             09 Twin Valley             X56-08  
 -- Nelson, Kelley            10 North Penn              X53-02  
 -- Burke, Jaquelynn          09 Muhlenberg              X52-01  
 -- James, Jessica            12 Pottstown               X51-04  
Event 25  Girls Shot Put AAA
 Meet Record: R 65-09  4/3/2002    K. Fisher, L. Versagli, Muhlenberg          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Oliver, Cassie            12 North Penn            34-10.25     5  
  2 LeBlanc, Ayanna           11 North Penn            33-07.00     5  
  3 Bamberger, Caitlin        12 Fleetwood Girls       32-10.75     3  
  4 Epps, Ashley              12 Wilson                32-08.25     4  
  5 Smith, Erin               11 Hempfield             30-10.00     2  
  6 Lockhart, Jasmine         12 Conrad Weiser         30-04.00     0.5
  7 Dugan, Brianna            10 Muhlenberg            29-07.75  
  8 Hare, Rachelle            12 Lebanon               29-02.00     1  
  9 Piper, Kaylynne           12 Wilson                28-03.50     4  
 10 Dy, Leakana               11 Lebanon               27-10.00     1  
 11 Hottenstein, Amanda       10 Fleetwood Girls       27-07.25     3  
 12 Sanford, Brittney         10 Pottstown             27-00.25  
 13 Carroll, Leann            11 Twin Valley           26-06.00  
 14 Fisher, Nicky             12 Hempfield             26-02.50     2  
 15 Sunderland, Morgan        10 Conrad Weiser         25-11.00     0.5
 16 Wright, Nicole            12 Exeter                23-04.75  
 17 Geible, Katie             11 Muhlenberg            22-09.00  
 18 Watson, Camille           11 Pottstown             21-11.50  
 19 Olsen, Danielle           09 Twin Valley           21-01.50  
 20 Lawrence, Kelly           09 Exeter                20-10.75  
 -- Landis, Nikki             11 Wilson               X29-03.00  
 -- Corcoran, Beth            12 Wilson               X26-02.00  
 -- Larson, JoAnna            12 Twin Valley          X22-04.00  
 -- DelloBuono, Olivia        11 North Penn           X21-11.25  
 -- Pifer, Michelle           10 North Penn           X21-06.50  
 -- Benne, Lauren             11 Twin Valley          X21-01.50  
 -- Wenzel, Laura             11 Muhlenberg           X20-08.50  
 -- James, Jessica            12 Pottstown            X20-04.75  
 -- Kamel, Sylvia             10 Fleetwood Girls      X15-08.50  
Event 26  Girls Javelin Throw AAA
 Meet Record: R 198-10  4/3/2002    K. Grubb, D. Johnson, Conrad Weiser        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 LeBlanc, Ayanna           11 North Penn              113-04     5  
  2 Bamberger, Caitlin        12 Fleetwood Girls         112-06     2  
  3 Smith, Erin               11 Hempfield               100-03     4  
  4 Reitz, Madeline           12 Twin Valley              97-03     3  
  5 Griffiths, Paige          11 Hempfield                95-09     4  
  6 Carroll, Leann            11 Twin Valley              92-02     3  
  7 Wright, Nicole            12 Exeter                   89-10     1  
  8 Oliver, Cassie            12 North Penn               89-00     5  
  9 Mioskie, Kira             12 Exeter                   88-01     1  
 10 Ciatto, Kristina          10 Muhlenberg               87-11  
 11 Landis, Nikki             11 Wilson                   86-05     0.5
 12 Lockhart, Jasmine         12 Conrad Weiser            75-10  
 13 Epps, Ashley              12 Wilson                   73-02     0.5
 14 Hottenstein, Amanda       10 Fleetwood Girls          69-03     2  
 15 Zimmerman, Sarah          09 Muhlenberg               69-02  
 16 Mishoe, Adrienne          11 Lebanon                  66-06  
 17 Gingrich, Nikki           10 Lebanon                  66-01  
 18 Sunderland, Morgan        10 Conrad Weiser            65-11  
 19 Watson, Camille           11 Pottstown                41-05  
 -- Kane, Alysha              10 Exeter                  X79-02  
 -- Pifer, Michelle           10 North Penn              X71-07  
 -- Wenzel, Laura             11 Muhlenberg              X66-09  
 -- DelloBuono, Olivia        11 North Penn              X64-00  
 -- Lesagonicz, Randi         10 Exeter                  X60-02  
 -- James, Jessica            12 Pottstown               X42-07  
 -- Knectle, Kira             11 Muhlenberg              X41-00  
Event 27  Girls Discus Throw AA
 Meet Record: R 163-06  4/3/2004    K. Garland, J. Weider, Kutztown            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lykens, Nikki             12 Schuylkill Valle         98-10     5  
  2 Schleicher, Rachel        12 Reading Central          84-03     4  
  3 Schappell, Kristen        11 Kutztown Area            81-08     3  
  4 Feeg, Megan               11 Oley Valley              81-04     2  
  5 Pucul, Alli               12 Schuylkill Valle         76-03     5  
  6 Newpher, Tara             10 Oley Valley              74-07     2  
  7 Mauro, Christina          12 Kutztown Area            74-04     3  
  8 Graeff, Lynsey            12 Schuylkill Valle         72-10  
  9 Spinka, Jennifer          12 Reading Central          72-02     4  
 10 Adams, Katie              12 Tulpehocken              70-08     1  
 11 Reber, Anna               12 Tulpehocken              63-01     1  
 12 Hall, Jessie              10 Harriton Girls           52-02     0.5
 13 Liss, Madison             10 Harriton Girls           47-06     0.5
 -- Smith, Shannon            09 Schuylkill Valle        X64-09  
Event 31  Girls Shot Put AA
 Meet Record: R 55-00  4/3/2004    K. Garland, J. Weider, Kutztown             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lykens, Nikki             12 Schuylkill Valle      33-00.50     5  
  2 Schleicher, Rachel        12 Reading Central       30-10.75     4  
  3 Smith, Shannon            09 Schuylkill Valle      28-02.25     5  
  4 Spinka, Jennifer          12 Reading Central       24-09.75     4  
  5 Hall, Jessie              10 Harriton Girls        24-08.25     1  
  6 Mauro, Christina          12 Kutztown Area         24-03.00     3  
  7 Schappell, Kristen        11 Kutztown Area         24-02.75     3  
  8 Feeg, Megan               11 Oley Valley           24-01.50     2  
  9 Reber, Anna               12 Tulpehocken           23-07.00     0.5
 10 Newpher, Tara             10 Oley Valley           22-06.50     2  
 11 Attaliadis, Mary          09 Harriton Girls        20-08.75     1  
 12 Swope, Ashley             10 Tulpehocken           14-06.00     0.5
 -- Graeff, Lynsey            12 Schuylkill Valle     X34-06.25  
 -- shrawder, Amanda          12 Kutztown Area        X19-06.25  
 -- Laudadio, Danielle        09 Kutztown Area        X19-01.25  
Event 33  Girls Long Jump AA
 Meet Record: R 30-03  4/3/2004    A. Bailey, B. Heinsohn, Hamburg             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ziegler, Kasey            12 Oley Valley           14-08.50     5  
  2 Jroski, Samantha          12 Schuylkill Valle      13-11.50     4  
  3 Friedlund, Karen          10 Kutztown Area         13-11.00  
  4 Strickler, Breah          09 Schuylkill Valle      13-09.75     4  
  5 Landis, Amanda            11 Reading Central       13-07.00     3  
  6 Scull, Bethany            11 Reading Central       13-05.25     3  
  7 Flannery, Katie           10 Oley Valley           13-03.25     5  
  8 Epstein, Wendy            11 Harriton Girls        11-02.75  
 -- Robinson, Anna            09 Kutztown Area             FOUL  
 -- Rapp, Amy                 10 Reading Central          XFOUL  
 -- Griffith, Hali            10 Reading Central          XFOUL  
 -- Blessing, Julie           09 Schuylkill Valle     X13-00.00  
 -- Shreve, Brittany          10 Oley Valley          X12-02.50  
 -- Strause, Kelly            12 Schuylkill Valle     X11-09.00  
 -- Zook, Kelsey              09 Oley Valley          X11-06.50  
Event 33  Girls Long Jump AAA
 Meet Record: R 30-03  4/3/2004    A. Bailey, B. Heinsohn, Hamburg             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Rauscher, Jesse           09 North Penn            15-11.75     5  
  2 Karoullas, Stephania      12 Hempfield             15-07.00     4  
  3 Charles, Kayla            09 North Penn            15-04.75     5  
  4 Ressler, Ellie            10 Hempfield             15-03.00     4  
  5 Kutz, Taylor              11 Reading               15-00.00     1  
  6 Jaraczewski, Pam          11 Muhlenberg            14-07.50     0.5
  6 Linderman, Sara           12 Wilson                14-07.50     2.5
  8 Griffin, Natasha          12 Pottstown             14-07.00     2.5
  9 Harper, Aiesha            11 Pottstown             14-05.00     2.5
 10 Beisswanger, Jess         11 Wilson                14-04.50     2.5
 11 Camacho, Joanne           11 Reading               13-08.75     1  
 12 Blake, Kamoy              09 Exeter                13-07.50  
 13 Morgan, Ashton            12 Muhlenberg            13-05.50     0.5
 14 Cipolla, Taylor           09 Conrad Weiser         13-05.25  
 15 Lengel, Andrea            11 Conrad Weiser         13-04.75  
 16 Howley, Mary Beth         11 Twin Valley           13-03.50  
 17 Less, Courtney            10 Twin Valley           13-03.25  
 18 Norman, Caitlyn           11 Lebanon               13-00.00  
 19 Fella, Megan              09 Fleetwood Girls       12-05.50  
 20 Watson, Saskiyah          09 Exeter                12-00.75  
 21 Cohn, Abigail             12 Fleetwood Girls       11-10.25  
 -- Koerner, Cortney          11 Lebanon                   FOUL  
 -- Bembry-Kaintuck, Ashley   12 North Penn           X14-08.75  
 -- Braxton, Janee            11 North Penn           X14-03.25  
 -- McNeil, Angela            10 Pottstown            X13-11.25  
 -- Reddick, Tiara            11 Pottstown            X13-06.50  
 -- Delong, Katy              09 Muhlenberg           X12-06.75  
 -- Rozzi, Laura              11 Muhlenberg           X12-06.25  
Event 34  Girls Pole Vault AA
 Meet Record: R 16-00  4/3/2004    A. Edmonds, D. Kauffman, Exeter             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Adams, Katie              12 Tulpehocken            7-06.00     5  
  1 Rydzewski, Katrina        09 Kutztown Area          7-06.00  
  3 Yoder, Brianna            11 Tulpehocken            6-06.00     5  
  4 Richard, Marci            12 Oley Valley            6-00.00  
 -- Aulenbach, Amber          11 Oley Valley                 NH  
Event 34  Girls Pole Vault AAA
 Meet Record: R 16-00  4/3/2004    A. Edmonds, D. Kauffman, Exeter             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lundy, Taylor             12 Hempfield              9-09.00     5  
  1 Fellenbaum, Melissa       12 Hempfield              9-09.00     5  
  3 Dudas, Brittany           11 North Penn             8-00.00     4  
  4 Allen, Alyssa             10 Pottstown              7-00.00  
  4 Brandenberger, Tracy      10 North Penn             7-00.00     4  
  4 Gibson, Emily             10 Muhlenberg             7-00.00  
  4 Gaynor, Megan             11 Wilson                 7-00.00  
  4 Selheimer, Heather        09 North Penn             7-00.00  
  9 Schlitzer, Amie           11 Twin Valley            6-06.00     3  
  9 Hill, Nicolette           09 North Penn             6-06.00  
 11 McWilliams, Bri           11 Twin Valley            6-00.00     3  
 -- Gulotta, Shaliesha        09 Pottstown                   NH  
 -- Capitle, Nicole           09 Fleetwood Girls             NH  
 -- Moore, Jamie              10 Pottstown                  XNH  
 -- Zimmerman, Sarah          09 Muhlenberg                  NH  
 -- Blosenski, Katie          12 Twin Valley                XNH  
 -- Gring, Brianne            10 Wilson                      NH  
 -- Price, Tenisha            10 Pottstown                   NH  
 -- Burkholder, Kathryn       10 Twin Valley                XNH