Meet Information
The second annual Explorers Invitational will be hosted on La Salle's brand new track. It will be limited to just 6-7 invited schools. It will be a boys-only meet.
Entries: Unlimited entries per team in all track events. Field event entries we will try to accept as many as possible
Entry Fees: $125 per team. Check payable to La Salle High School
Assistance: If each team could provide one assistant coach to help run one event that would be greatly appreciated.
Schedule of Events:
Track 3:15pm
Novice 100m, hand timed (primarily for LS athletes who will then assist with the meet)
Novice 800m, hand timed (primarily for LS athletes who will then assist with the meet)
110m HH
300m IH
800m (fast sections in lanes)
3200m (only 1 heat)
4x400m (3 turn stagger)
Field Events (depending on number of entries we may need to limit some Field Event sizes to 20-25):
Long Jump (1.5-2 hour open pit, just 4 jumps)
Pole Vault (96 opening height)
High Jump (54 opening height)
Shot Put (number of throws TBD based on entries)
Javelin (number of throws TBD based on entries)
Triple Jump (open pit will follow Long Jump)
Discus (will follow Shot Put number of throws TBD based on entries)