Meet Information
Location: McKeesport Area High School Stadium, 1960 Eden Park Boulevard, McKeesport, PA 15132
Time and Date: Saturday, February 27th, 2021, at 1:00pm. You may enter the Stadium no earlier than 12:00pm to begin to warming up.
Order of Events: 1 mile run, 400 meter dash, 800 meter run, and 3000 meter run. Girls first, then Boys.
Entry Fees: $10.00 per athlete. We are allowing a limit of 2 events per athlete provided we have space in each event.
Awards: Top 3 in each event will win medals. They will be given to the coaches.
Each event will have a limited amount of competitors. COVID waivers from each athlete will be required. Please wear masks at all times when not running. There will not be an athletic trainer available.
Please fill out the Covid Waiver Form for each of your athletes. The link is below.
Please contact me at for any information about this meet.