Meet Information
There will be no fans permitted INSIDE the stadium fence since we will be using the stands to house teams and their belongings.
Exeter Township Junior High County Track & Field Meet
3:15 - Coaches Meeting
3:45 - 110 Meter Hurdles - Boys Trials
4:00 - 100 Meter Hurdles - Girls Trials
4:15 - 100 Meter Dash - Boys Trials
4:30 - 100 Meter Dash - Girls Trials
4:45 - 1600 Meter Run - Boys Finals
5:05 - 1600 Meter Run - Girls Finals
5:25 - 200 Meter Dash - Boys Trials
5:40 - 200 Meter Dash - Girls Trials
5:55 - 4 x 100 Meter Relay - Boys Finals
6:10 - 4 x 100 Meter Relay - Girls Finals
6:25 - 400 Meter Dash - Boys Finals
6:35 - 400 Meter Dash - Girls Finals
6:50 - 110 Meter Hurdles - Boys Finals
6:55 - 100 Meter Low Hurdles - Girls Finals
7:05 - 100 Meter Dash - Boys Finals
7:10 - 100 Meter Dash - Girls Finals
7:15 - 800 Meter Run - Boys Finals
7:30 - 800 Meter Run - Girls Finals
7:45 - 200 Meter Dash - Boys Finals
7:50 - 200 Meter Dash - Girls Finals
7:55 - 4 x 400 Meter Relay - Boys Finals
8:05 - 4 x 400 Meter Relay - Girls Finals
FIELD EVENTS(Trials/Finals)
3:45 Girls High Jump ... (Boys High Jump at conclusion of Girls)
3:45 Boys Long Jump (open pit) all jumps must be completed by 5:15
4:00 Boys Pole Vault ... (Girls Pole Vault at conclusion of Boys)
4:00 Boys Discus (Boys Shot Put at conclusion of Discus)
4:00 Girls Shot Put (Girls Discus at conclusion of Shot Put)
5:45 Girls Long Jump (open pit) all jumps must be completed by 7:15
Automatic timing will be used in this meet so although athletes will be seeded, advancement will be strictly on time. Trials will be held in 110m hurdles, 100m hurdles, 100m, and the 200m. Top 8 will advance to the finals. All other events are finals.
Minimum throws / jumps to be marked:
Boys discus 75'
Girls discus 55'
Boys shot put 28'
Girls shot put 20'
Boys long jump 15' pit
Girls long jump 13' pit
Boys high jump will start at 4' 6" ... raised 2" until final two contestants.
Girls high jump will start at 4' 2" ... raised 2" until final two contestants.
Boys Pole vault will start at 6' ... raised 6" until conclusion.
Girls pole vault will start at 5' ... raised 6" until conclusion.