Union City Bear Cub Classic 2021

Union City, PA

Meet Information

THIS IS A YOUTH XC MEET FOR GRADES K-6.  There will be 2 to 3 separate races based on the number of entries.

Divisions K-2,  3/4, and 5/6.  Girls and boys will be run together unless numbers warrant separate races.

Entry fee - $5.00 per runner.

Payment can be made on-site at packet pick up on RACE DAY.

Checks payable to:  Union City Cross Country

Registration/Packet Pick up at Gazebo between 4:00-4:50pm

Races begin: 5:00pm.

If you are unable to access milesplit to enter please download the entry Excel sheet and attach the completed form to:  pboyd@ucasd.org   


Please return entries on or before Sept 7th by 6pm

For questions or additional information contact:  Jeannette Boyd  - jboyd@ucasd.org

or Peter Boyd - pboyd@ucasd.org