Meet Information
Registration until 10 am on day of meet. Please enter athletes in all events they may complete in. It is much easier to scratch than to add an athlete to an event. You may change line-up at meet. For example Athlete A may be entered in more than four event...Then the coach can scratch athlete from event they wish. It will be the coaches-athletes responsibility to make sure they only compete in 4 events.
FAT timing will be used for most events on the track. (Distance events may be hand held if events are combined)
Coaches meeting at 3:50 with starter at start finish line.
Track event will start at 4:00pm
Field Events will start at 4:00pm and event order will be run as follows:
Long Jump followed by triple Jump.
Girls High Jump followed by Boys High Jump
Girls Pole Vault Followed by Boys Pole Vault (Be sure to have verification form) Pole Check will be at 3:45 for boys and girls poles. This years point of emphasis for officials was to have poles checked at meet.
Boys Throws:
Javelin, followed by Discus, then Shot Put
Girls Throws:
Shot Put, Followed by Javelin, then Discus
All results will be loaded to mile split for coaches and athletes at conclusion of meet.