JV XC Twilight Showcase 2022

Harmony, PA

Meet Information


The JV XC Twilight Showcase

First annual "JV X-Country Twilight Showcase"

Monday October 17th 2022


Hosted By Seneca Valley

128 Seneca School Lane

Harmony, PA 16037

*The meet will be limited to 10 schools


* No arrival until 3pm or later - buses will not have access to campus due to our school & staff dismissal.




4:15pm Girls JV Championships (Top 7)

4:55pm Boys JV Championships (Top 7)

5:35pm Boys and Girls Open JV (No Limit)

6:15pm Awards Presentation

Team Awards:

The top TWO teams in each championship race will be presented a team trophy.


Individual Awards:

Medals will be presented to the top 15 individuals in the championship races.


Meet Entry Fees:

$150 per school for all races.

Please make checks payable to SVSD.

Send to:

Seneca Valley High School ATTN: Athletics

128 Seneca School Road

Harmony, PA 16037

Race Timing:

Meet will be timed and scored by "Wolf Creek Timing"



Entries are due to Milesplit by Friday, October 14th 10:00pm


T-shirts will be sold at the meet.  

*The meet will be limited to 10 schools