Brookville @ Oil City 2023

Oil City, PA
Hosted by Oil City

Meet Information

Dear Coaches,

Please use the Milesplit website( to enter all of your athletes.  Registration is now open! Please make note of the registration deadlines for the dual meets, as they are typically by Noon a day or two prior to the meet.

There is no limit to the number of entries per event. Entries will be downloaded from the Milesplit website shortly after the entry deadline, the meet will be seeded, and an email copy of the heat sheets will be sent to each coach. Please forward the email addresses of the girls and boys coaches to me (

*Do not provide seed times/distances or heights*

Please give your fastest or best athlete a seed of 1.0, the second fastest will be given a 2.0, the third best a 3.0, etc for any events shorter than 400 meters. For any individual events or relays longer than the 400, you will need to seed them as 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, etc. Continue until you have entered all the athletes you want for each event.

In the field events, the order of competitors will alternate between the two schools with the best-seeded athletes from each school being at the end of the order. Please use the same format as with the track events, but the numbering for the seeding would be reversed. For example, if you have 3 long jumpers you want to enter, your best performer would be entered as 3-0, your next best 2-0and your third best performer gets a 1-0 (You have to enter the field events using the 3-0, 2-0, 1-0 format for milesplit to accept the seeds.

 If you would like to enter any "B" relays and want them to be listed in the results, please enter them on mile split the same way you would your "A" team. If they are not entered online they can still run and get a time, but it won't show up in the final results. During the meet, you will still be able to make any changes such as additions, substitutions or scratches you feel are needed.

 As always, if you have any changes that need to be made to your entries, you can email me and I will update the entries and re-seed wherever necessary. Please email me or contact me via text/cell at 814 673-3956 if you have any issues. I will email results as well as put them on the Milesplit website.

 Thank you for your assistance in helping the meets run smoothly.

 Trevor Johnson