Meet Information
Scott Pell Memorial
Franklin Jr/Sr High School
246 Pone Lane
Franklin, PA16323
March 11, 2023
Dear Coaches:
The Annual Franklin Scott
Pell Invitational Track Meet for 7th and 8thgrade students
will be held Wednesday May 3, 2023.The
meet will start with field events beginning @ 3:30 PM and the track events
beginning @ 4:00 PM.There will be a coach's
meeting before the start of the contest.
Eligible athletes (boys and
girls) must presently be enrolled in 7th or 8th
grade.An adult representative must
accompany each team or individual.Teams or individuals must be PIAA members
or school-affiliated.Each participant is permitted to compete in
a maximum of 4 (four) individual
events.This would include relays.There will be a limit of 4 (Four)
athletes per school, per event. Relays will be limited to 1(one) team per
We are seeding this meet on Milesplit.
Meet registration will open by April 3, 2023. You will register your athletes
and their events/performance times or distances on this website. The last day to register athletes is
tentatively set for Monday, May 1, 2023, at noon.We encourage you to enter actual performance
times and distances for the year to ensure accuracy in seeding properly.Scratch
only after this date.
Entry Fee:$10.00 per athlete or $90 per school.The entry fee should be received by April 26,
Please make checks payable to
Red & Black Club, 246 Pone Lane, Franklin,
PA 16323
The track is located at
Franklin High School on Pone Lane, mile east of Route 8, south of
Franklin.There is a traffic light on
Route 8 at Pone Lane.Buses will drop
the teams off at the field and be routed to park at an off-site location until
school is dismissed.
The track has a modern
polyurethane surface.The jumping
runways are also made of polyurethane.
The shot and
discus circles are on concrete surfaces.
Running shoes
without spikes or track shoes with 1/8" spikes must be worn on all polyurethane
Team uniforms are
not mandatory.Competitors must wear
the usual track clothing when competing.
Jewelry and
headwear rules will be enforced.
Ribbons will be
awarded for the top 6 places in each event (boys & girls).
you will find an Order of Events.If you
have any questions, please feel free to contact Jr. High Boy's and Girl's Head
Coaches: Sienna Vogel at
or Mick Wacob @
For any additional information please contact Varsity Girl's Head Coach Bill
Keely @
. Our athletic director is Becky Barnes. Her e-mail address is, Becky can be
reached @ 814-432-2121 Ext. 2114.
Hope to see you on May 3rd!!
Sienna Vogel
Mick Wachob
Junior High Head Coaches