Meet Information
Use the following Link to sign up for the meet!
GA All Comers Meet 2024 REGISTRATION and Information
August 1st, 2024
Athletes 13+, $20 first event and $10 for each additional event!
Athletes 12 & Under, discounted to $10 first event, and $5 for each additional event!
Any athlete (3rd thru 6th grade) participating in GA's Track and Field Summer Camp, Aug. 5th-9th, will receive an additional discount code!
Meet T-Shirts on Sale at Registration for $20, get them while they last!
There will be a concessions stand available throughout the entire duration of the meet
5:30 Rolling Start (As each event finishes, then next begins)
110/100m High Hurdles (13+)
400m Intermediate Hurdles (13+)
Warm Ups may Start as early as 4:30
5:00pm - Pole VaultWarm Ups Begin at 4:30
5:00 - 6:15 Discus and Javelin
5:15 - High Jump
Warm Ups Begin at 4:30
5:15 - Long Jump
Open Pit until 7:15
6:15 - 8:30 Shot Put
Warm Ups Begin at 5:45
7:30 - Triple Jump
Open Pit until last jumper
*Three Throws/Horizontal Jumps. PV and HJ will base open heights and flights on entries**Based on number of entries, we may alter this timeline accordingly
Save the date! GA All Comers Meets are Back. We are introducing our All-Comers Meet on August 1st, 2024. Registration opens soon. Information will be coming out in the next couple weeks. We look forward to hosting ANYONE to compete in this event.
We are still accepting sponsors for this meet. Reach out to Head Coach Steve Moll, to inquire about promoting your business at our meet!