Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Shot Put Night in the Valley Entry Information
This is a shot put only indoor meet with the girl's and boy's competitions starting at 6:00.
They will throw simultaneously from two different circles.
Entry to the gym for all competitors will start at 5:15.
All throwers will receive 3 preliminary attempts with the top 6 throwers receiving an extra 3 throws in a finals round.
The top 5 overall finishers for the boys and girls competitions will receive medals.
In addition, the team with the highest total distance thrown for their top 3 throwers will receive a team award and will be crowned Shot Put Night champions.
Perkiomen Valley will provide all officials. The PIAA uniform rule will be in effect.
The entry fee for the meet is $10.00 per athlete or $50 for the whole team (Up to 5 competitors) Boy ands Girls teams count as separate teams.
If interested in attending, please contact Joe Petsko,
You may pay at the meet but please let me know your intentions and how many athletes you intend to bring as soon as possible.Make checks payable to PVHS.
Entries are due on Milesplit by 11:59 on February 4th.
Changes are allowed when you arrive to the meet but in the interest of time, I would like to try to set up the flights ahead of time.
Perkiomen Valley will provide a small concession stand.