State College HS Invitational #1 2025

Meet Information

ENTRIES, STARTLISTS, and RESULTS will be available at: 

This meet is by invitation only due to the weeknight and facility time constraints. Invited teams will be sent a password for online entries the weekend before the competition. Online entry deadline through MileSplit is Monday 12/16/2024 by 7pm. Contact Boys Head Coach Artie Gilkes by email with any questions (

Important information below for invited teams:


We are able to wear 1/4 inch pyramid spikes only. As many of you know the use of spikes has been an issue that was always a difficult sticking point at these meets in the past. There will be a spike check. The use of only 1/4  inch spikes will be very strictly enforced. Every spike in the shoe must be a 1/4 inch pyramid. No pins, no Christmas trees, no 8mm spikes or no one long spike that can't come out of the shoe. Every single spike must be a 1/4  inch pyramid spike. The athlete will not be permitted to compete without the spikes being checked and having a designated color zip tie one of our spike checkers will put on the shoe.


We will have a packet pick up for each team with bib numbers for the athletes. Packet pickup will be in a designated place when you enter the building.

We must limit people on the infield. No coaches or athletes can congregate on the infield. Only athletes competing in active events (this includes athletes warming up for the jumps and vault) and officials. Coaches need to stay on the back stretch of the track. There will be a designated Coaching Box for a jumps coach at the jumps. We can not have athletes or coaches congregating around the start finish area and/or the finish line of the dashes. In the past this has made it difficult to move equipment, officiate and keep the meet moving in the timely manner we're required. Coaches if you want to talk to your athletes after their race you need to meet them on the turf outside of the infield area. You will be asked to leave the infield if this is not adhered to. Coaches stay on the back straight just like the Penn State hosted meets.

There will be only one entrance to get on and off the track for non-officials.


After entries close, we will put together a time schedule that will include event check-in times. There will be no "calls" for events. It is up to athletes to make sure they are checked in and ready to compete when their event and check-in is scheduled. There will be check-in times listed in our final schedule that will be 15 minutes before the start of each event. If the athlete is not checked-in with approved spikes they will miss their event. We will hold to a tight time schedule.


Athletes, Coaches, and Officials can get in the building at 6:00pm.

The general admission can begin at 6:30pm

The meet will start at 6:45pm

Entries close on Monday 12/16 at 7:00pm.


There is an admission ticket price for spectators: This will be handled by the SCASD Athletic Department. Any non-official must be in the stands.

-$5 for adults

-$3 for kids

As it should seem clear our facility rental costs have gone up and we have had to increase our entry fees.

-Cost per team per gender is $250 ($500 for both boys and girls teams combined)

-Entry fee for Individuals is $65. An additional $20 for Individuals competing in more than one event.

-Entry fee for Individual Relays is $70.

-You can pay at Packet pickup and Checks can be made to The SCASD Athletic Department


Our timing will be done again by Nittany Track & Field. There will be live paperless results posted after each event. I will share the link with you prior to the meet.


Only High School athletes can compete in the SC Invites!!! No Athletes other than High School Athletes are permitted to compete at the meets!!!

For us the best part of these meets has been the spirit of the thing. This year is already a much more formal affair. We feel if we can keep to the requirements we can hold onto that free-flowing spirit of the meets. Thank you for your participation and adhering to the requirements. Regarding the aforementioned requirements there will invariably be something that comes up or has gone unaccounted for that needs to be dealt with. We will deal with these situations as they arise in a manner most appropriate for the meet.

A major thank you to our officials. The vast majority of our officials are volunteers. Without them there would be no SC Invites. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. And please be on the lookout for time schedules and final instructions. I look forward to seeing you all Thursday.

ORDER OF EVENTS-We will have a more precise time schedule when after entries close and we set up heats.

Track Events (Girls followed by Boys):

4x800m Relays (Girls and Boys together)

60m Hurdles - Starting blocks allowed

60m Dash - Starting blocks allowed


400m - No Starting blocks


200m - Starting blocks allowed for the first 3 heats only.  No starting blocks for heats 4 and higher


4x200m Relay - No starting blocks

4x400m Relay - No starting blocks

Field Events:

Shot Put - (Girls followed by Boys - 4 throws / no finals)

Pole Vault - (One pit)

Long Jump & Triple Jump (Two Wave Open Pit  7:15 girls LJ/boys TJ & 8:15

girls TJ/boys LJ - 4 jumps / no final)

High Jump - (Two Pits: will open following the 60m Dash)