Bob and Louise Trump Invitational 2025

Myerstown, PA
Timing/Results MAC-FAT, LLC.
Registration Closes in 18 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Registration help:

Meet fee $150 per school per gender or $300 for both girls and boys team.

Payments Checks made payable to ELCO Track & Cross Country Boosters. Checks can be given the day of the meet or sent to Robert Miller: 180 ELCO Drive, Myerstown, PA 17067

Athletes may compete in three events only. Two competitors per event and one relay per team is allowed. Field event substitutions can be made at the event site if an athlete has been registered.

FAT system used for the meet. Results should be available on this site by Friday evening.

Meet site:

If questions contact: Tommy Mealy, Director of Athletics  -