Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
DEADLINE - Entries must be submitted by Wednesday, April 30 at Midnight
Coaches will receive the password protected link for the meet once the
registration form for the invitational has been received. Coaches will be able
to enter athletes online at once they receive the link.
1. Invitational will start at 4:00 PM and there will be a coaches meeting at 3:45 PM
2. Teams may enter ONE (1) relay and THREE (3) entries per event
3. Track events will be FINALS only and seeded by TIME
4. Field events will be FINALS only and seeded by DISTANCE
5. Top SIX (6) places, in each event/relays, will receive medals
6. There will be NO team scoring or team awards
7. Spikes should be 1/4" maximum
8. Shot and Discus will be thrown outside the stadium area, on the WEST end of our campus
9. Starting blocks will be provided
10. A concession stand will be open and operated by the Harbor Creek Sports Boosters
11. Admission fee will be $2 per adult and $1 per student at the gate
12. T-shirts and Meet Programs will also be on sale in limited quantities
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