Central Columbia Invitational 2004

Bloomsburg, PA

Varsity Boys

Team Finals:
1, Bloomsburg 33; 
2, Berwick 42; 
3, Southern Columbia 68; 
4, Central Columbia 88.

1, Nathan Roth, Berwick, 17:10; 
2, Ryan Boyer, Southern, 17:12; 
3, Josh Fridman, Bloomsburg, 17:13; 
4, Matt Bonsall, Berwick; 
5, Tyler Diltz, Vo-Tech; 
6, Tim Hefflinger, Central; 
7, Justin Aten, Vo-Tech; 
8, Joel Fitzgerald, Bloomsburg;
9, Nick Mensch, Bloomsburg; 
10, Justin Stephens, Bloomsburg. 
11, Colin Mensch, Bloomsburg; 
12, Jayson Terdiman, Berwick; 
13, Matt Wynn, Southern; 
14, Austin Lonoconus, Southern; 
15, Robert Albertson, Berwick; 
16, Mike Zaginaylo, Berwick; 
17, Derek Gower, Berwick; 
18, Fred Schrader, Bloomsburg; 
19, Matthew Waruner, Central; 
20, Kirk Tasker, Southern; 
21, Josh Brochyus, Bloomsburg; 
22, Jon Motter, Berwick; 
23, Stephen Bonsall, Berwick; 
24, Jesse Morrissey, Central; 
25, Travis Martucci, Bloomsburg; 
26, Jeff Sanford, Central;
27, Travis Manning, Vo-Tech; 
28, Zach Presswood, Bloomsburg; 
29, David Albertson, Berwick; 
30, Matt Barron, Vo-Tech; 
31, Josh Yablonski, Bloomsburg; 
32, Ryan Rongone, Central; 
33, Ben Allen, Berwick; 
34, Nick Lichtner, Central; 
35, Greg Miles, Southern; 
36, Toby Schwartzman, Bloomsburg; 
37, Wade Bower, Vo-Tech; 
38, Imani Elahi, Bloomsburg; 
39, Adam Odorizzi, Southern; 
40, David Lerch, Southern;
41, Justin Howell, Central.

*Due to a timer malfunction, times were
only available for the top three boys.