November 3, 4

Thursday– November 3, 2005 – You're the boss, Fritzboss
Training: FritzBoss said EASY AND FLAT 60 mins, so that is what I did!?Where: Aare, which is super duper flat.?Quotes: JosiJoy (18:48:26): hugs and kisses since i am european now i kiss you three times
lesmester (18:47:09): i'll be cheering for you from the other side of the world

Friday– November 4, 2005 - Even I can be shy…
Training: 60 mins with Astrid...6:50 am?Where: Aare towards Bern, which is much more fun because it has some curves and some bridges to run over?Quotes: "I thought about you guys in the shower this morning…" -Me to Astrid on our run this morning

I will explain this quote. I was talking to Astrid on our run and about how I thought about her and Livia when I was in the shower...WHAT? You ask??? Well the thought popped into my mind in the shower from a new experience I had last Saturday in Bern. I wasn't going to tell this story, but I figured I would because it is just too funny not to share! Also, it is a good example of cultural differences between the U.S. and Europe… And I figure, those of you who know me would find it amusing as well…I find it totally amusing. I am sitting in a train station right now in Spiez (I just missed my train dammit), laughing to myself as people are staring…but anyway.

So we had just got done our "mountain run" last Saturday and we were to have a meeting afterwards…so naturally we wanted to take a shower instead of sitting and smelling like sweat the whole meeting…So we went into the locker room, like girls do and we started asking each other if the other was going to wash her hair or not since we had to do a second run in the afternoon anyway…THEN the girls just start stripping down butt-naked…and my very Americanized butt was like…AAAAHHHHHHHHH. What are they doing??? What do I do? Well, I HAD to take a shower and the girls were already naked, so it's not like I could pull out at the last minute (after just agreeing I was going to wash my hair) and say 'I changed my mind…' so I just started stripping. I'll tell you, I thought I used to be a tad self conscious walking around in my underwear and bra in the States (although I did anyway, because I didn't really care)…But at least with a bra and underwear, you don't have to be self-conscious about your breasts and your butt, only your stomach…Soooo anyway, I stripped down butt-naked because or else they would look at me like III was the weird one…So I am feeling weird as I am walking toward the shower…I have my towel wrapped around me in hopes of some cover...and I guess I was expecting curtains when I got to the showers…maybe pink or orange ones…well WELCOME TO EUROPE Josi, there weren't any curtains! It was a communal shower, like the BOYYYS have….The girls were already cranking the showers and so I was like, well, here goes nothing and just dropped my bright orange towel and hung it up. I'll tell ya', it was a weird feeling. I started feeling a bit better as one of the girls started like dancing around in there!!! Boy, it was funny. I was like oh my god my A…I mean, BUTT is sooo big compared to these two and my boobs are so small and my stomach isn't flat…DAMN, sometimes being a girl sucks…Needless to say it was a really funny experience. But I survived the communal naked shower…Luckily though, there were only two other girls…I think I will get shy again next time when there are more girls in there… And those of you who know me, KNOW I am totally not shy when it comes to walking around in my underwear and bra, and some of you don't like it and think it's weird…but you all should get your shy butts over here and see how these Euros do it. Butt-naked style and then you will think I am the conservative one. Oh man, I am cracking up over here. This really is rated PG, I apologize for the nakedness, but come on, I don't care who you are, THAT is just some funny stuff!!!

So that was my funny story…Hope you enjoyed laughing with me!!! These people in the train station think I am nuts!!!

I leave for my race tomorrow!!! I am so excited…but anxious. I don't even know what kind of goal I am looking for…In my head, I think a reasonable goal is to come in the top half of the results! Who knows what will happen. I didn't look at the results from last year. I know a lot of runners who like to know exactly what they are up against…I figure, I will just run my heart out, be competitive (which is my nature) and it doesn't matter what everyone else does…I am just going to give the race my all and leave it all on the course. If I do my best, there won't be anything to complain about. I want it to be one of those races where I just fall across the finish line. I told my friend Leslie that I was afraid of the manly women…hahahha Sorry if you are a manly offense… Anyway, I may be little, but everyone knows that saying about it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. I am going to fight!!! With no fear…just a bit of nervousness! But amen to nerves, because with nerves, comes adrenaline…and adrenaline lets your body really take more pain!!! Bring it! What! (That was for you Lew hahhaa what what)

NEXT: November 5, 6 - Putting a bad race in the past...

PREVIOUS: October 28, 29, 30, 31 – We're the Thuner Trio and we are CRAZY!!!!!!

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure.