February 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Monday .. February 12, 2007

Training:  40 minutes

Strength:  strides

Day Mileage: 6 miles

Week Total:  6 miles


Tuesday .. February 13, 2007

Training:  25 minutes warm up

                 5x1,000 meters with 60-90 sec. rest


                 20 minutes cool down

Strength:  strides, ABC drills

Day Mileage:  10 miles

Week Total:  16 miles


Wednesday .. February 14, 2007

Training:  76 minutes, moderate long run

Day Mileage:  10 miles

Week Total:  26 miles


Thursday .. February 15, 2007

Training:  68 minutes

Day Mileage:  9.5 miles

Week Total:  35.5 miles


Friday – February 16, 2007

Training: 70 minutes

Strength:  40 minutes abs and core

Day Mileage:  10 miles

Week Total:  45.5 miles


Saturday .. February 17, 2007

Training:  45 minutes

Day Mileage:  6.5 miles

Week Mileage:  52 miles


Sunday .. February 18, 2007

Training:  63 minutes

                 (20 minutes in the middle, tempo)

Day Mileage:  9 miles

Week Mileage:  61 miles

I have vacation, but not really.  I had a bunch to do the last two weeks, but I am looking forward to being able to reload the old batteries again next week!  

I am also looking forward to my "real" season coming up in the Spring.  Right now I am trying to lay a really good base!  Work, work, work!



NEXT: February 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 – Change is good. This is a big one.


PREVIOUS: February 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 – Vaca! Kind of...


INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure