May 22 - June 22 Josianne Lauber Jul 01, 2008

No more teachers, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks…school's out for summer!!!! I have some papers to write, but a lot more time to train!!! And to FOCUS!

May 20, 2008 Josianne Lauber Jun 12, 2008

So I scrape myself up off the ground and stick my bloody, yes, literally bloody hands under my armpits because a. they are bleeding and b. I am FREAKING FREEZING and slowly walk back…crying pathetically and wiping my eyes…

April 14 - May 19 Josianne Lauber May 20, 2008

THAT'S IT!!! That was, or is, a very frustrated that's it! I have to get a coach, there is no way to get around it anymore, because this "train on your own" system is NOT working anymore! I cannot do it.


March 17 - April 13 Josianne Lauber Apr 16, 2008

I guess I am pretty down right now, I'll admit that… I just am not going anywhere!!! And I really started feeling good on my runs and tempo runs again! But I guess I should not feel sorry for myself! It just sucks! I suck! :-) Well, for right now, I am REALLY out of shape… Sooo, I just spent too much time complaining… Now… Steps to get over this barrier… So number 1. get healthy…so I see the doctor on Monday (again) 2. build, build, build up that base that has been eroded away from all the time off! 3. start up the speed work and the work on the track…

March 3 - 16 Josianne Lauber Mar 27, 2008

I don't feel great on my runs at the moment, but I don't feel that bad either… BUT I really want to run with people!!! It's rough having to run alone ALL THE TIME. Anyone want to move to Switzerland and be my training partner??? *giggles*

February 25 - March 2 Josianne Lauber Mar 09, 2008

The University of Berne is really, really tough! It's normal to have to read TONS, and I mean TONS! Again, that's what I signed up for so I guess I shouldn't complain. Running is going, well, like I took some time off… But it has been going well, but most importantly, the foot is feeling good!

February 18 - 24, 2008 Josianne Lauber Mar 03, 2008

When deciding on doing something, you have to decide if you actually WANT it… I questioned my desires for this sport last semester when I was so LOADED with work that training became a "must" instead of a privilege. In the end though, my heart won out and I decided to stay on the path I was on…

February 11 - 17, 2008 Josianne Lauber Feb 22, 2008

My orthotics are really helping me A LOT…I only realized this after running 30 minutes without them (I had forgotten them) and then coming home with PAIN in my foot… So yeah, lesson: don't run without orthotics!!!! or pay….

December 17, 2007 - January 1, 2008 Josianne Lauber Dec 30, 2007

A lot of athletes make the mistake of running before they are even healed and I have seen that too many times to do it myself.   HOWEVER, I do understand them better because I don't like not running and am itching to go on a run.

December 3 - 16, 2007 Josianne Lauber Dec 22, 2007

I jog-limped the last 2 laps and barely made it to the finish line…but I did!   But when I crossed the finish line, the shooting pain in my foot got worse and I couldn't walk on it anymore….HOLY CRAP, every time I tried to step on my forefoot, I almost fell down! 

November 12 - December 2 Josianne Lauber Dec 03, 2007

I haven't hit any really high mileage, but I'm happy to even hit 60 at the moment because of school, work, and running.  The semester has been pretty crazy and from the looks of it, it's only going to get busier!   But hey, that's what I signed up for!  The thing is that I am getting my teaching degree the same time as my master's, here in Switzerland you have to have a special degree to teach, but then of course, in Switzerland, teachers make as much as doctors do in the States and are much more respected, as they should be!

October 29-November 11 Josianne Lauber Nov 16, 2007

You either ran today or you didn't, there is no in between!   The first 10 minutes in a snow storm SUCKS, but then once you've actually warmed up, you're really glad you got out there…The hardest part is looking out the window, getting dressed, and actually getting out there…

October 15 - 28 Josianne Lauber Oct 31, 2007

Ugh!  This was a hard workout, but a very good mental workout…Josi's getting back to her roots, a good thing…Skinny used to make me run on the track like 4 times a week!   I remember doing 4-5 mile tempo runs all on the track…So yes, it feels good to get back to what I am used to doing, MENTAL and physical workouts are exhausting, but when you are racing, it's the best thing you can do to prepare…not just for track, but for any race.

October 1 - 14 Josianne Lauber Oct 30, 2007

I am motivated yet again!!!  I am sure you have all been dragged into my hole with me because I know when I'm not motivated, I can be very un-motivating…BUT, I am back yet again with my motivational spiel.  :-)   I've decided that I STILL have the potential in me that I always thought I've had, but I am not being given the opportunity to show it…I know what you want to say, Josi, you are in control of your own destiny blah blah, yes, I am in control of it…

September 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23 Josianne Lauber Oct 17, 2007

Isn't their a healthy middle-point?  Do I really have to think about food all the time (like most of the fast distance runners I know)?  Is it that I just don't care enough that I don't watch what I eat at all?  Is it terrible that I eat at least one sweet thing a day???  Or maybe two or three or four?" This, exactly this, is WHY I think that my brain needs to stop thinking and my heart should take over the steering wheel.

September 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Josianne Lauber Oct 11, 2007

It has been a really frustrating road since my "burn out" last year and not having a coach.  I need to do something about that, but I am sort of waiting on someone to coach me!

August 20 - September 2 Josianne Lauber Oct 04, 2007

Okay, enough building up…I need to get up there!  But, I also have to realize that I can't do it all!!!!  I had to cut my training back this week from the original plan due to my busy schedule of teaching, tutoring, translating, reading, writing, planning, running…  and I found out I have low iron.

July 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Josianne Lauber Jul 16, 2007

Well, for one thing it feels good to have my mileage back up to an acceptable level for a wanna' be half and marathon runner!!!  I obviously have to do more, but I can just go from 50-60 a week to 80 so I am doing it the smart way and building up.  And then I did a lot of supplemental training this week, which is NECESSARY!!!  We have had some crazy weather over here from freakin' freezing with rain to 85 and humid so I am running through the elements, but feeling good again.

June 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Josianne Lauber Jul 03, 2007

I try to do too many things for other people and end up working my schedule around others'.  So where is this line between having a healthy level of selfishness to "do" my sport properly, and helping out others….I am still learning where these boundaries are.  But our sport requires sacrifice…

June 14, 15, 16, 17 Josianne Lauber Jun 23, 2007

I need to learn that it is okay to just sit on my butt and maybe watch some TV (even though I don't have one hahah) or a DVD to let my body recover instead of rushing off to do some other little random errand or favor for someone or dogsitting hahaha or or or…!  The thing is that if someone needs a favor from me, I can't say no.

June 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Josianne Lauber Jun 21, 2007

I feel like I've run into a rut again and have just been going through the motions because I am too busy!  I am all about balance, but I need to do less…not less running, but more running, and a bit less work.

May 21-30 Josianne Lauber May 31, 2007

Went to the USA for my little sister's wedding…  I was the maid of honor so I had my duties to tend to. PLUS, I only make it home once a year so I decided to enjoy the time with my family instead of killing myself trying to squeeze everything in...

May 7-20 - Allergies, races, motivation and other thoughts... Josianne Lauber May 22, 2007

So anyway, I was talking about motivation…Of course it is EASY to go out and run alone when it is sunny and warm and you have all the energy in the world, but on those days where you are just tired and just want to sit on your butt you need to be MOTIVATED.  But how do you just "get" motivated…If I had the choice (and lots of money), I would hire some hardcore dude or gal to sit in my room and if I didn't feel like running, they'd start yelling things like "get off of your butt, don't you want to get better…don't you want to get fast…you should be happy you CAN even run…be thankful for your health, now get your ars out there." And so on….