March 3 - 16

Monday – March 3, 2008
Training: 55 minutes
Supplements: abs, foot exercises
Details: My stupid big toe is starting to hurt…I'm assuming it's because I am running differently due to the almost-stress fracture I had… A stupid big toe better not put me out of commission…Then again, the big toe is vital! hahaha. Stupid toe.

Tuesday – March 4, 2008
Training: 61 minutes in a bleeping blizzard!!!
Supplements: core strength
Details: I ran at 7am today in the middle of a blizzard! I came back soaked because it was snowing so hard and then as soon as I got back, it stopped snowing…of course! But at least I got it out of the way because I have 6 hours of class on Tuesdays.

Wednesday – March 5, 2008
Training: off day
Details: I always plan a day off every three weeks…I think it's been three weeks…I hope it has! hah!

Thursday – March 6, 2008
Training: 46 minutes
Supplements: core strength
Details: I ran a bit faster today to see how it felt… I ran a sort of "crescendo" where I started out slow and then got faster along the way…it felt pretty good, so I think I'll be ready for my first workout back next week.

Friday – March 7, 2008
Training: 63 minutes
Details: Felt a wee bit tired today…

Saturday – March 8, 2008
Training: 43 minutes
Supplements: ABCs!!!!! (err, umm, I know, it's been a while. But, I always forget!!!)
Details: Felt fine, but I need to run with people!!! I need to be motivated…

Sunday– March 9, 2008

Training: 60 minutes
Details: ran aww awone!

So, yeah, I need to be motivated…Does that make me unmotivated????
I don't feel great on my runs at the moment, but I don't feel that bad either… BUT I really want to run with people!!! It's rough having to run alone ALL THE TIME. I am sure there are people out there who can do so all the time, and sometimes it makes me think that because of that, I'm not motivated enough for this sport… Well, at the level I'd like to be at… But hey, I am out there every day, so that's gotta' be worth something.?. Although, I must say, I HAVE been making more of an effort of calling people up and fitting it into my schedule to run with them. Sometimes it means I have to stick in Bern for 2 extra hours, but I don't mind it because first of all, I have enough stuff to read so it's not like I waste my time and second of all, I'd rather stick around for 2 extra hours than run alone. Sooo, I've been trying to run with these 2 girls I know, but our schedules don't necessarily always match up OR it just doesn't always work out so I think I have to call up some of the guys on our team and I could maybe run with them at least once a week so at least I'll be with someone and be more motivated!!! I need to get into some sort of NORMAL rhythm again! I'm going to work out starting next week, which means that I can go back to my club people who will be there to work out with. The thing is that my normal training partner has been out of commission for about 3 months now due to problems with her achilles, which is of course also a bummer for me, but even more a bummer for her because she can't run… Anyone want to move to Switzerland and be my training partner??? *giggles*


Monday – March 10, 2008
Training: 65 minutes
Supplements: abs

Tuesday – March 11, 2008
Training: 40 minutes
Supplements: abs again

Wednesday – March 12, 2008
Training: 25 minute tempo run, Total 65 minutes
Supplements: striders

Details: My first middle tempo run since my buildup…It went well, I just tried not to look at the pace because it was sad… but, oh yeah, that is where my patience is supposed to come in… I'll get up to the level I want to be at soon……..with lots of hard work, dedication, and PATIENCE. I am kind of worried about my stupid metatarsal (so I don't call it a big toe, because it sounds so wussy if I say, I am worried about my big toe….) so anyway, I am worried about my metatarsal on my right foot (the foot that was injured)… And as far as I understand, when your foot heals from a stress fracture or an "almost" stress fracture in my case, the bone regenerates itself, but it gets hard and the bone is not as flexible as it was before…We don't think of bones being flexible since they are the hardest in our bodies, but they are actually quite flexible…anyway, so when a bone is healing, it loses some of that flexibility and your foot or whatever changes the way you run as to protect that part of the foot that was injured??? That is how I understood it when my physical therapist was explaining it to me, but she was speaking a really strong Germany German accent, so I may have misunderstood… Anyway, she told me that once the bone gains its flexibility back, I'll probably have to go back and get new orthotics since they are now making my toe, I mean, metatarsal hurt….ouchy, ouchy

Thursday – March 13, 2008
Training: 30 mins
Supplements: physical therapy
Details: Physical therapy again, the foot is coming along slowly but surely…just trying to "put" flexibility back into that foot or something…

Friday – March 14, 2008
Training: 63 minutes
Supplements: abs, feet (exercises)
Details: Ran at a normal, faster pace today. Comfortable…except that darn metatarsal.

Saturday – March 15, 2008

Training: Fartlek pyramid, 1-2-4-6-6-4-2-1
Supplements: stretching, I always stretch, but I stretched for about half an hour today…
Details: My first "real" workout today! I felt good, but my toe didn't…stupid toe.

Sunday – March 16, 2008
Training: 65 minutes
Supplements: the course I ran today was hilly..does that count?
Details: My stupid big toe is really hurting!!! Hmmm, what to do….




NEXT: March 17 - April 13 – I am really running out of patience...

PREVIOUS: February 25 - March 2 – Tons of reading... but running again pain-free!

INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure