March 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Monday – March 12, 2007

Training:  90 minutes

Day Mileage: 12 miles

Week Total:  12 miles

          Long run today with Asilein along the Aare.  We picked up the pace the last half hour on the Boss's orders J It's nice to have a training partner!  


Tuesday– March 13, 2007

Training:  feeling a little sick today, only 20 minutes

Strength:  sitting on my butt, does that count because I was regaining my strength….umm, no.

Day Mileage: 0…CRAP!

        I was not at all happy today about not being able to run more, but my glands were killing me and I was like, I better rest…so I turned around and went back home.



Wednesday– March 14, 2007

Training:  15 minute warm up

                 15 minute tempo run

                  3x1 minute

                 20 minutes cool down

Day Mileage: 7 miles

Week Total:

        I have a slight cold, so I didn't go and hammer a long workout.  I would like to race on Saturday so I'm taking it kind of easy the next few days.  I don't have a fever, just a runny nose and a sore throat and my test is really tight so I'm hoping I can hold off until Saturday.


Thursday– March 15, 2007

Training:  58

Day Mileage: 8 miles

Week Total:  27 miles


Friday -- March 16, 2007

Training:  50

Strength:  Six pack workout at Daytona Gym

Day Mileage: 7 miles

Week Total:  34 miles

          Called my doctor today to ask about whether I can run or not…He is on vacation so I called one of our pros and asked him if I should run and he said as long as I don't have a fever, I'm good to go…it could just be the case that it gets worse after the race, but that there's no reason I should call it off if I feel okay on runs n' stuff…So I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow and then go with it.


Saturday -- March 17, 2007

Training:  20 mins warm up, 15km road race, cool down

Day Mileage: 12 miles

Week Total:  46 miles

             Well the race WENT.  I noticed as soon as I would dip under about 6 minute per mile pace, I started getting cramps from breathing because of my bronchitis.   (I really think there is something wrong with me, every time I get sick, I get bronchitis.  Every year since my junior year in college, every time I get sick, I get bronchitis and then I can't breath right…)  Anyway, so I ran 15km hilly at about 3:57 per k, which is not fast, but it was a good tempo workout.  I am going to the doctor on Tuesday to check to see if I need to get yet another inhaler… Oh yeah, I was 24th out of 1261 runners...There was some Kenyans, Russians, Czeckoslovakians and of course all of our best Swiss runners!!!  My teammates from my club ran REALLY well so that always pumps me up because I train with them!


Sunday – March 18, 2007

Training:  65 minutes

Day Mileage: 9 miles

Week Total:  55 miles yet again!

          The good news, I didn't get sicker.  The bad news, my chest is still really tight so I took some expectorant cough syrup and some NASTY stuff is coming up…well, I guess it's good news because it's coming out, but it's bad news because it is green….GROOOOSSSS.  Ah well, I'm feeling okay and my glands aren't that swollen anymore.  I slept about 10 hours last night, so that could have something to do with it.  I am looking forward to this season though because although I was sick, the pace I was running at felt really comfortable.  So an okay first race, but I'm anxious to do some REAL workouts again.  It's weird, because it is March and it is still early in my season so I have to keep reminding myself of that.  I need to be ready in June and July!!! Patience Josi…Always patience.

          Another positive thing though, my mileage has been over 50 for over a month now.  Good base, good base and still building.  Now for some SPEEEEED.


NEXT: March 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 – Finally, a workout (and a good one) 


PREVIOUS: March 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 – I am in better shape than I thought...


INDEX: Unfinished Business -- Former PA XC state champion Josi Lauber's post-collegiate adventure