PA Salute to Seniors - Andrew Maxwell, Slippery Rock Area

What was your most memorable race/competition?

My most memorable race was almost certainly the 2014 Cross Country State Championship. It was a race where I can genuinely say that everything went right, and reminded me how enjoyable running is. A close second has to be mentioned. At my conference meet in XC this year about a mile in, another runner (Who I will not name, but knows who he is!) accidentally swatted a jagger bush into my face. I ran the whole race bleeding everywhere, and it stung really badly, but I ended up winning the race, which made it all worth it!

Where did you face your biggest competition?

Definitely this year's Baldwin Invitational. I just missed the fast heat in both of my events (1600 and 3200) but the presence of so many great runners pushed me to get two PRs within 90 minutes of each other. Not to mention I got to see some really great runner's like Mike Kolor and Sebastian Curtin who I would always here about but rarely got to see run.

Out of all of your high school accomplishments, which stands out the most?

Medaling at states in cross country was something I will never forget in my entire life. It was the culmination of all of the hard work I put in and the support of my team. So I guess you could say it stood out a little bit!

If you could do it all over again, what would you change about your athletic career in high school?

First of all I would have started running competitively much earlier. I have been running for five years, but was too worried I wouldn't be any good to join the team until my sophomore year. The moment I joined everything changed and I wish I would have taken the chance earlier.

What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?

After States this year I had a number of injuries that made it difficult to keep training at the level I used to. It was an experience that taught me a lot about patience, and about not giving up. The injuries all but ruined my track season, but now I am wiser going into college.

What will you miss the most?

Spending time with my teammates at track meets will be something I miss. Really, I am just going to miss all of them a lot, as I have seen them all grow into great young men with endless potential.

Do you have any advice for younger athletes?

Don't get carried away. We all want to get better, but it doesn't happen all at once. If you try to make it happen like I did, you end up hurt and mentally drained.

How have your coaches influenced your performances and your life goals overall?

All of my coaches led me in the right direction. My XC Coach, Mike Hilliard taught me to keep a bad race in perspective, and to work as a team. My track coaches, Meling and Consbruck, taught me about smart training and pushing the bounds of what I am capable of. All of these things help me on the track and in my life and I can't thank them all enough.

What are your college plans?

I am running for Slippery Rock University this fall and will be majoring in exercise science in the hope of becoming a physical therapist.


I have to give shout outs to Nick Shea, George Ackerman, and Evan Maxwell, as they will are in charge of keeping Slippery Rock's distance legacy alive. Another shout out to my girlfriend, Brooke, telling her that I love her very much and that she has to keep running until she passes the finish line!