Taryn Parks of Greencastle-Antrim went to Virginia and came away with a second place finish. Parks ran 18:07 for runner-up honors at the Oatlands Invitational in Leesburg, Va. Bethany Graham of John Champe (VA) took the the win in 17:57.
Graham, a Furman-commit, claimed her third win of the season. Parks' second place finish comes a week after the senior's second straight win at PTXC.
Saturday was Parks second trip to Oatlands. She took seventh at the meet as a sophomore. She was supposed to race there last year, but the meet was cancelled. Parks battled well with Graham before the eventual winner was able to gain some space on Parks.
Next up for Parks will likely be the Carlisle Invitational back in Pennsylvania. Watch the race above and check out a post-race interview with Parks below.