May 5, 6, 7

Friday – May 5, 2006
Training: 28 mins
Day mileage: 3.5 miles
Week Total: 27.5 miles, 44km
Weather: RAINY, warm
Quotes: Happy Birthday Ueli!!!
Training details: This is going to be my lowest running week in history I think! Hahaha! But I am enjoying a down week.

The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach

There are no guarantees in this sport…or in any sport for that matter. We can\'t see into the future and see whether or not we are going to accomplish the goals we set, reach the dreams we dream…All we can do is control what we do every day! There are outside factors, which we can\'t control of course, but we can control many factors in our training. Right now, I am working on motivating myself on a daily basis and doing everything right. I have to constantly remind myself of the small details. Even though I am really laid back about almost everything, I have also realized that I have to pay attention to details. Just because of the fact that I have \"time\" to improve, I have to make sure I am putting quality work into this running thing. I want to make sure I keep getting my ABC drills in, keep my core strength routine up, stay aware of my pace when I am running (make sure it is neither too fast nor too slow depending on where I am in my training cycle), keeping my head straight in workouts etc... There are so many little details that I would like to pay more attention to, but I have to work constantly at simply staying aware of them. It is so easy for me to step out the door in my running shoes and then just go through the motions without putting any thought into it whatsoever, but I would like to try and change that! Of course there will still be times, where I am just going to want an empty head on a run and truly just not think about anything at all…But I have to keep on top and make sure I don\'t just run empty-headed every day!

Saturday – May 6, 2006
Training: 67 mins Total
20 warm up, 10 cool down, 6.2 miles race 10k!
Day mileage: 9miles, 14.5 km
Week Total: 36.5 miles,58.5km
Where: Meiringen, Unterbach
Weather: VERY WINDY! warm
Training details: A tempo race…Averaged about 3:33+ per km. (Time: 35:35). I won! As a prize, I got a whole kilo of cheese. Only in Switzerland! Haha But I actually ate some for dinner and it was delicious!!! I am bringing the rest of it to my aunt though, there is absolutely no way I can eat a whole kilo of cheese alone! Hahaha It was a fun race though. Fritz road his bike next to me the whole 10k, so it was really cool! Even though we ran in one direction for a whole 10k into the wind…Takes a lot of strength!

Oh yeah, Fritz checked my lactic acid levels before and after the race, and they were actually kind of high! Even before the race, I was up at about 4 already!!! But they weren\'t as high as they were when we had our official lactic acid test at that pace, so there\'s an improvement there!

Sunday – May 7, 2006
Training: 70 mihutes

Day mileage: 9.5 miles, 15km
Week Total: 46 miles, 73.5km
Where: Around here!
Weather: decent. Drizzle at times, but warm!
Quotes: \"Soo mega sch