Meet Information
Entry Fee paid before April 11th $175 per gender($350 boys and girls)
Entry Fee paid after April 11th $200 per gender ($400 boys and girls)
Payments Make Checks Payable to LHUF-Track
Send Checks to :
Track and Field Office
Lock Haven University
Lock Haven, PA 17745
Meet Information and Schedule
Please email or fax
Meet Interest Form to Meet Director:
Heather Leverington
fax: 570-484-2414
office phone:570-484-2635
There will be a limit of 2 entries in the Jav and Discus
Registration help:
Entry Fee paid after April 11th $200 per gender ($400 boys and girls)
Payments Make Checks Payable to LHUF-Track
Send Checks to :
Track and Field Office
Lock Haven University
Lock Haven, PA 17745
Meet Information and Schedule
Please email or fax
Meet Interest Form to Meet Director:
Heather Leverington
fax: 570-484-2414
office phone:570-484-2635
There will be a limit of 2 entries in the Jav and Discus
Registration help: