Philadelphia Catholic League Championships 2016

Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia Catholic League Championships 2016 vs Philadelphia Catholic League Championships 2013

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -77 303 380
Overall Average -8.72 22:16.63 22:25.35
1st-10th Place -1.65 16:41.28 16:42.93
1st-25th Place +4.39 17:13.53 17:09.13
1st-50th Place +5.43 17:44.65 17:39.22
1st-100th Place +9.59 18:33.16 18:23.57
Common Athletes -- -- 54
Ran Faster 30 42 12
Ran Season Best 2 19 17
Average Time -59.61 20:05.64 21:05.26
Median Time -1:05.40 19:22.60 20:28.00
Middle 80% Times -1:00.99 19:51.55 20:52.54
Top 10% Times -1:01.52 16:36.23 17:37.76
Top 25% Times -1:11.08 17:04.65 18:15.73
Top 50% Times -1:17.90 17:47.66 19:05.56
Bottom 50% Times -41.32 22:23.63 23:04.95
Bottom 25% Times -47.74 24:14.12 25:01.86
Bottom 10% Times -37.14 26:40.68 27:17.82
Average Difference -59.61 -- --
Median Difference -1:05.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -59.43 -- --
Top 10% Difference -38.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:15.95 -- --
Top 25% Difference -53.97 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:15.95 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -43.27 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -45.47 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -31.47 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ryan James Cardinal O'Hara -1:02.64 16:09.70 17:12.34
Gavin Inglis Cardinal O'Hara -2:30.60 16:29.40 19:00.00
Stephen Paul La Salle College HS -42.22 16:39.50 17:21.72
Patrick James Cardinal O'Hara -1:47.00 16:42.70 18:29.70
Sean Brown Roman Catholic -3:19.00 16:46.00 20:05.00
Brendan Price La Salle College HS -1:08.86 16:50.10 17:58.96
Quinn O'Neill La Salle College HS -2:01.98 16:54.30 18:56.28
Billy Donovan Cardinal O'Hara -1:06.84 17:03.40 18:10.24
Greg Galbreath La Salle College HS -1:44.57 17:07.20 18:51.77
Andrew Flinn Archbishop Wood +47.02 18:05.60 17:18.58
David Kennedy La Salle College HS -36.10 17:28.60 18:04.70
Tom Farrell La Salle College HS -48.52 17:31.60 18:20.12
Nick Cardamone La Salle College HS -3:35.90 17:35.10 21:11.00
Jack Galbreath La Salle College HS -1:04.79 17:48.80 18:53.59
Tyler Zwicharowski Roman Catholic +1:32.37 19:22.60 17:50.23
John Loftus La Salle College HS -1:38.30 17:58.70 19:37.00
Joey Console Saint Joseph's Prep -1:32.20 18:07.80 19:40.00
Kieran Morgan La Salle College HS -1:20.40 18:13.60 19:34.00
Matt Pires La Salle College HS -1:52.20 18:19.80 20:12.00
Jack Campbell Saint Joseph's Prep -2:11.90 18:20.10 20:32.00
Michael O'Donnell Archbishop Wood -1:39.90 18:24.10 20:04.00
Ryan Riley Archbishop Ryan -1:59.60 18:31.40 20:31.00
Joseph Quinn Roman Catholic -2:08.90 18:33.10 20:42.00
Spencer Norris La Salle College HS -1:16.10 18:41.90 19:58.00
Eddie Issertell Cardinal O'Hara -20.90 18:51.10 19:12.00
Cary Boyd Roman Catholic -1:25.60 18:56.40 20:22.00
Luke Arizin Saint Joseph's Prep -2:42.90 19:05.10 21:48.00
Olivia Arizin Cardinal O'Hara -54.01 19:11.70 20:05.71
Mike Maransky Saint Joseph's Prep -1:21.40 19:33.60 20:55.00
Kayla Connelly Lansdale Catholic -16.84 19:38.90 19:55.74
Evan Smith Cardinal O'Hara +1:55.20 21:34.20 19:39.00
Sean King Saint Joseph's Prep -1:05.00 19:40.00 20:45.00
Andrew Danielson Lansdale Catholic -1:17.50 19:45.50 21:03.00
Greg Agnew La Salle College HS -1:05.10 20:08.90 21:14.00
Victoria Nangle Archbishop Wood +54.60 21:09.50 20:14.90
Sara Hayes Cardinal O'Hara +32.85 20:55.30 20:22.45
Tom Cawley La Salle College HS +48.60 21:16.60 20:28.00
Richard Chekay Conwell-Egan -2:49.17 20:29.20 23:18.37
Maura Lyons Cardinal O'Hara +2:08.32 22:44.10 20:35.78
Patrick Burnham Lansdale Catholic -29.20 20:45.80 21:15.00
Tessa Gibbons Archbishop Carroll -1:36.01 21:00.20 22:36.21
Natalie Cornely Archbishop Wood +9.92 21:57.90 21:47.98
Colin McClafferty Roman Catholic -1:51.20 21:51.80 23:43.00
Matt Anzideo Archbishop Wood +51.05 22:45.10 21:54.05
Cj Curry Father Judge -5:22.50 22:11.50 27:34.00
Patrick McCabe Lansdale Catholic -2:18.30 22:15.70 24:34.00
Bridgid O'Dea MsgrBonner & AbpPrendergast -2:09.72 22:27.70 24:37.42
Brian McMonagle Archbishop Carroll +2:42.80 25:39.80 22:57.00
Emily Markley Cardinal O'Hara -33.88 22:59.80 23:33.68
Hannah Evans Cardinal O'Hara -44.89 23:17.90 24:02.79
Thomas Sweeney Archbishop Wood +22.90 25:06.90 24:44.00
Cara DiMarcantonio Archbishop Ryan -13.80 25:56.70 26:10.50
Nicole Davis Archbishop Ryan -1:24.60 27:20.40 28:45.00
Jenna Marchesano Archbishop Ryan +46.41 32:42.40 31:55.99