Meet Information
Dear Coach(s),
We would like to invite you and your cross-country team to the 11th annual 4 x XC Relay Meet at the Belmont Plateau in Philadelphia on September 9th, 2017.
For 2017, we are altering the events to make the Invite even more athlete friendly. Our goal is for all runners, varsity, junior varsity, and freshman to race in the relay. There will be separate divisions that we hope fit different teams dynamics. The relay is great way to promote team building when athletes are dependent on each other. In many ways, this meet is an ideal way to kick off your 2017 cross country season! Last year a vast array of teams from PA and NJ competed. We would like to add your team to this incredible event.
We are very fortunate to have Bryn Mawr Running Company and our new sponsor Hoka serving as our meet sponsors! We have attempted to make the meet an enjoyable experience for you and your athletes. This meet will include the following:
The Open 5k will take runners on the traditional 5K course at the Belmont Plateau. Our goal is to grow this race and promote cross country beyond high school competition. For all open race details please visit:
Boys and Girls Divisions, each division will have different colored bibs:
Varsity 2 boys/2 varsity limit
Junior-Senior unlimited
Freshman-Sophomore unlimited
Mixed unlimited
All athletes will compete over the same two mile course, but in a four person relay format that will cover a total of eight thrilling miles. Schools can enter up to two teams of four runners in the varsity race and unlimited in the 3 other divisions. If a team does not have enough for an additional 4, they can run a shortened relay of 1-3 runners.
Course and Schedule:
Upon registration, a baton with a chip will be issued to each relay team competing in the 4 different divisions. The girls' and boys' relay will be 4 X 2 miles run entirely on grass and dirt trails. Both the boys and girls will be racing on the same course at the same time. The girls divisions will start approximately 9-10 minutes before the boys divisions to avoid the afternoon heat and to add more excitement to the races (Battle of the Sexes, see above).
Course Map
8:45 am COACHES MEETING (Near Start/Finish)
9:00am Quad X Open Race 5k- Coaches run free.
10:00am Girl Divisions Relay (4 x 2 miles)
~10:09am Boy Divisions Relay (4 x 2 miles)
11:30am Awards
Registration, two steps:
Online Registration- Go to and go to 9/19/2017 to find Quad XC Invite. Enter all of your athletes into their respective relay.
Mail in your Registration:
The entry fee is $110 dollars per team, or $185 per school if both girl and boys teams are attending.
Fill out the accompanying entry form below by Wednesday, September 6th, 2017 and please make checks payable to "Bryn Mawr Racing Company" and forward the check with the entry blank to:
Attn: Race Director
828 West Lancaster Ave
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Hoka prizes will be awarded to the top:
5 boys and girls varsity
Top 4 boys and girls junior-senior division
Top 4 boys and girls freshman-sophomore division
Top 1 mixed division
One special prize for the BATTLE OF THE SEXES*
*Girls will get a lead based on average difference of previous year races.
Timing and Results:
We will again be chip timing using MYLAPS Bibtag. We anticipate having all Open and Relay results online by the time the race is complete. For the relays, we'll do our best to get all splits accurately online within 1-2 hours after the race is complete. We anticipate having all splits available with the chip timing system. However as a backup, coaches are encouraged to take splits for their relay runners.
Relay Course Map
Medical Assistance:
Ambulance service will have EMT's onsite throughout the event at the finishing area. Ice will be provided by Bryn Mawr Running Company.
Additional Information:
If you have any questions regarding the meet, please contact Ryan Walsh at: (484) 686-5900 or email:
Thank you for your interest in the XXXC Relay Meet. We look forward to having you join us for a great day of racing!
Sincerely yours,
Ryan Walsh, Bob Schwelm, Sean Linehan
Bryn Mawr Racing Co.
Bryn Mawr Running Co.
Dear Coach(s),
We would like to invite you and your cross-country team to the 11th annual 4 x XC Relay Meet at the Belmont Plateau in Philadelphia on September 9th, 2017.
For 2017, we are altering the events to make the Invite even more athlete friendly. Our goal is for all runners, varsity, junior varsity, and freshman to race in the relay. There will be separate divisions that we hope fit different teams dynamics. The relay is great way to promote team building when athletes are dependent on each other. In many ways, this meet is an ideal way to kick off your 2017 cross country season! Last year a vast array of teams from PA and NJ competed. We would like to add your team to this incredible event.
We are very fortunate to have Bryn Mawr Running Company and our new sponsor Hoka serving as our meet sponsors! We have attempted to make the meet an enjoyable experience for you and your athletes. This meet will include the following:
The Open 5k will take runners on the traditional 5K course at the Belmont Plateau. Our goal is to grow this race and promote cross country beyond high school competition. For all open race details please visit:
Boys and Girls Divisions, each division will have different colored bibs:
Varsity 2 boys/2 varsity limit
Junior-Senior unlimited
Freshman-Sophomore unlimited
Mixed unlimited
All athletes will compete over the same two mile course, but in a four person relay format that will cover a total of eight thrilling miles. Schools can enter up to two teams of four runners in the varsity race and unlimited in the 3 other divisions. If a team does not have enough for an additional 4, they can run a shortened relay of 1-3 runners.
Course and Schedule:
Upon registration, a baton with a chip will be issued to each relay team competing in the 4 different divisions. The girls' and boys' relay will be 4 X 2 miles run entirely on grass and dirt trails. Both the boys and girls will be racing on the same course at the same time. The girls divisions will start approximately 9-10 minutes before the boys divisions to avoid the afternoon heat and to add more excitement to the races (Battle of the Sexes, see above).
Course Map
8:45 am COACHES MEETING (Near Start/Finish)
9:00am Quad X Open Race 5k- Coaches run free.
10:00am Girl Divisions Relay (4 x 2 miles)
~10:09am Boy Divisions Relay (4 x 2 miles)
11:30am Awards
Registration, two steps:
Online Registration- Go to and go to 9/19/2017 to find Quad XC Invite. Enter all of your athletes into their respective relay.
Mail in your Registration:
The entry fee is $110 dollars per team, or $185 per school if both girl and boys teams are attending.
Fill out the accompanying entry form below by Wednesday, September 6th, 2017 and please make checks payable to "Bryn Mawr Racing Company" and forward the check with the entry blank to:
Attn: Race Director
828 West Lancaster Ave
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Hoka prizes will be awarded to the top:
5 boys and girls varsity
Top 4 boys and girls junior-senior division
Top 4 boys and girls freshman-sophomore division
Top 1 mixed division
One special prize for the BATTLE OF THE SEXES*
*Girls will get a lead based on average difference of previous year races.
Timing and Results:
We will again be chip timing using MYLAPS Bibtag. We anticipate having all Open and Relay results online by the time the race is complete. For the relays, we'll do our best to get all splits accurately online within 1-2 hours after the race is complete. We anticipate having all splits available with the chip timing system. However as a backup, coaches are encouraged to take splits for their relay runners.
Relay Course Map
Medical Assistance:
Ambulance service will have EMT's onsite throughout the event at the finishing area. Ice will be provided by Bryn Mawr Running Company.
Additional Information:
If you have any questions regarding the meet, please contact Ryan Walsh at: (484) 686-5900 or email:
Thank you for your interest in the XXXC Relay Meet. We look forward to having you join us for a great day of racing!
Sincerely yours,
Ryan Walsh, Bob Schwelm, Sean Linehan
Bryn Mawr Racing Co.
Bryn Mawr Running Co.