Meet Information
The TSTCA Cross Country Championship Meet is free to all TSTCA Team members.
The cost for Non-TSTCA Members is $80.00 per team ($80.00 for Men's Team and $80.00 for Women's Team> Entry fee Payable at the meet. Make checks payable to "TSTCA"
Send all Payments to TSTCA
PO Box 18114
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Any questions please call Ed Helbig (412-418-1259) or Rich Wright (412)607-1794
The cost for Non-TSTCA Members is $80.00 per team ($80.00 for Men's Team and $80.00 for Women's Team> Entry fee Payable at the meet. Make checks payable to "TSTCA"
Send all Payments to TSTCA
PO Box 18114
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Any questions please call Ed Helbig (412-418-1259) or Rich Wright (412)607-1794