SOL American Conference Championship 2017 vs SOL American Conference Championships 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +3 85 82
Overall Average -5.83 20:07.13 20:12.96
1st-10th Place +5.10 16:46.50 16:41.40
1st-25th Place -1.00 17:11.20 17:12.20
1st-50th Place -13.82 18:12.70 18:26.52
1st-100th Place +31.43 17:06.06 16:34.63
Common Athletes -- -- 31
Ran Faster -17 7 24
Ran Season Best 2 7 5
Average Time +24.13 19:47.87 19:23.74
Median Time +11.00 19:41.00 19:30.00
Middle 80% Times +20.96 19:52.52 19:31.56
Top 10% Times +28.50 16:59.75 16:31.25
Top 25% Times +31.25 17:22.13 16:50.88
Top 50% Times +30.56 18:05.00 17:34.44
Bottom 50% Times +16.19 20:16.50 20:00.31
Bottom 25% Times +22.13 22:32.75 22:10.63
Bottom 10% Times +30.50 23:18.25 22:47.75
Average Difference +24.13 -- --
Median Difference +46.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +19.96 -- --
Top 10% Difference +18.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +33.31 -- --
Top 25% Difference +31.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference +33.31 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +16.31 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +17.75 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:05.75 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jason Cornelison Cheltenham 01 -19.00 16:01.00 16:20.00
Brendan Duff Plymouth Whitemarsh 01 +54.00 17:20.00 16:26.00
Devon Comber Hatboro Horsham 01 +1:00.00 17:35.00 16:35.00
Ryan Duff Plymouth Whitemarsh 01 +1:23.00 18:07.00 16:44.00
Josh Chaiken Wissahickon 01 +26.00 17:21.00 16:55.00
Kylan Willis Cheltenham 01 +11.00 17:17.00 17:06.00
Shane Coll Upper Moreland 01 +28.00 17:44.00 17:16.00
Steven Foster Plymouth Whitemarsh 01 +7.00 17:32.00 17:25.00
James Fitzmaurice Upper Dublin 01 +47.00 18:14.00 17:27.00
Ben Soboloff Cheltenham 01 +56.00 18:23.00 17:27.00
Joey Welch Cheltenham 01 +46.00 18:28.00 17:42.00
Benjamin Carr Plymouth Whitemarsh 01 +1:14.00 19:01.00 17:47.00
Ryan Allen Hatboro Horsham 01 +10.00 18:17.00 18:07.00
Will Strutton Springfield Township 01 -1:09.00 19:01.00 20:10.00
Francis Okonski Plymouth Whitemarsh 01 +31.00 19:41.00 19:10.00
Janelle Williams Cheltenham 01 +46.00 20:00.00 19:14.00
Gustavo Deleon Upper Moreland 01 -27.00 19:18.00 19:45.00
Elaina O'Toole Upper Dublin 01 +1:35.00 21:05.00 19:30.00
Colin Walsh Springfield Township 01 -27.00 19:55.00 20:22.00
Jill Kelly Upper Moreland 01 -1:57.00 20:03.00 22:00.00
Madeline Spaulding Upper Dublin 01 +26.00 20:34.00 20:08.00
Caroline Stuart Hatboro Horsham 01 +1:36.00 22:13.00 20:37.00
Ally Bukstel Plymouth Whitemarsh 01 +23.00 21:02.00 20:39.00
Maddy Hippensteal Wissahickon 01 +24.00 21:23.00 20:59.00
Katelin Jorge Cheltenham 01 +2:34.00 23:36.00 21:02.00
Grace Weaver Hatboro Horsham 01 -39.00 21:30.00 22:09.00
Catherine Thompson Upper Moreland 01 +21.00 21:57.00 21:36.00
Katie Werner Hatboro Horsham 01 +1.00 21:43.00 21:42.00
Lauren Palmer Hatboro Horsham 01 +14.00 22:08.00 21:54.00
Alexandra West Hatboro Horsham 01 -10.00 21:59.00 22:09.00
Lauren Cosgrave Plymouth Whitemarsh 01 +23.00 25:16.00 24:53.00