Meet Information
Performance list: Performance List
The 13 thAnnual Hoka One OneJohn Hay Memorial Pennsylvania Distance
Presented by The Chester County Running Store
When: Friday, June 1, 2018
Where: Henderson High School in West Chester.
Information: Enter through
Pamilesplit. Entries close at 6PM on Thursday,
May 31. Race entry fee due on check
in. Event assignments will be posted by
9AM on June 1.
What: A post-season opportunity for elementary,
middle school, high school, college and
post-collegiate distance runners to compete on
a lightning fast track.
Cost: $10.00 per
athlete for an unlimited number of events.
Concessions will be sold at the meet.
Order of
Events: Heets will be co-ed based on seed time.
Slow heet 1st.
5:45PM-Open 400m
6:00PM-The Pinnacle Performance Open 800
6:25PM- Chester County Running Store 200 meters
6:35PM- The Dub C 4 Miler Open Mile
ELITE Races-
7:25PM-The Warner Hotel 3000 meters
7:40PM- Chester County XC Camp Elite HS Girls'
7:45PM-The Service Now Elite men's 1500
7:55 PM Elite Women's 1500m8:00PM-John Hay Scholarship Presentation
8:05PM-The West Chester Mile Elite High School
Boys Mile
8:20PM-The Burkholder Brothers Elite High
School Boy's 800 Meters
8:30PM-WC Summer XC Series-Elite Women's 800
meters(non-elite 800m runners will be placed in the open 800)
8:35PM- Joe Plevelich Elite men's 800 meters
8:40PM- Innovative Muscle Therapy Mixed 5000
Please e-mail Kevin Kelly at for
questions about the meet.
There will a
limited amount of race night registrations.
Registration for all will close at 5:45PM.