Meet Information
Please enter a maximum of threeathletes per event and enter each athlete in a maximum of four events.We will accept thirty-two competitors in the sprint events, eighteen inthe pole vault, eighteen in the 3200, and twenty-four in all other events.All teams may enter one relay team per relayevent, and those relays are guaranteed to be accepted.
Your entries are due no later than 11:59pmon Tuesday, April 24, 2018. No updates will be accepted after that time.Additionally, please realize that allentries must be actual 2018 performances; we do not accept estimatesor old performances.A list ofathletes who have qualified will be sent to you on Wednesday, April 25.
Entry Fees:The entry fee is $130.00 per boys'team and $130.00 per girls' team.Entryfees need to be postmarked by April 16, 2018.
Please make checks payable to
Dallastown Track and Field Booster Club.
Mailto:Neil GutekunstHead Track and Field CoachDallastown Area High School700 New School LaneDallastown, PA 17313
Schoolphone:(717) 885-1270 (ext. 8202)
Cell Phone:(717) 353-1998
Timing:**This meet will feature FAT Timingprovided by Lexicon Timing ( There will be online real-timeresults and split times available.
*SpecialNotes: 1) The javelin runway will be a grass surface
2)Our track surface requires 3/16 pyramidspikes
3)StartingHeights: High jump (Boys - 5'4"/ Girls - 4' 4")
Pole vault (Boys - 9' 0"/ Girls - 7' 0")
4)We will send8 to finals in the 100/110m Hurdles and the 100m. The top 7 will qualifyforthe finals in the throws, Long Jump, and Triple Jump. Medals will be awarded tothe top 6 finishers in each event.
**Coaches planning onattending, please email me directly at ngutekunst@yssd.orgso I can establish a new up-to-date contact list ASAP.This will be used to email performance lists,meet information, and results.