Meet Information
- This meet is a Last Chance event for all AA/AAA athletes to qualify for the WPIAL Championship Meet.
- Please only register athletes who are close to qualifying or those that wish to improve seeding assignments.
- The meet is designed for INDIVIDUALS / Relays and NOT full teams.
- We reserve the right to REJECT athletes not near the current WPIAL Qualifying marks!
- Standards / Short Lines will be set based off latest current AA Qualifying Standard prior to the meet date.
- Visiting Coaches will be required to assist in running Field Events.
DATE / TIME: May 8th, 2018 / 3:45 PM
**Please do not arrive on campus before 2:45 PM**
LOCATION: PR Stadium - 700 Warrendale Road, Gibsonia, PA 15044
FACILITIES: FinishLynx FAT timing. 8-lane track. No indoor facilities if rain.
EVENTS: ALL track/field events, including relays. All events run as FINALS.
REGISTRATION: Register through pa.milesplit.
Results posted to pa.milesplit at the conclusion of the meet.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Monday, May 7th at 8:00 PM
It is expected that all entries will participate in the meet.
Track heat sheets will be provided on arrival.
PAYMENT: $15/individual athlete/$225 School Maximum & 3 athletes per event
Checks payable to Pine-Richland Track Boosters.
Pay at stadium entry point.
MEET STANDARDS: Short Lines for Shot, Discus, Javelin, Long Jump, & Triple Jump
Aggressive Opening Heights for High Jump and Pole Vault
Determined by the Current WPIAL AA Qualifying Marks
We reserve the right to REJECT athletes not near the current WPIAL Qualifying marks!