Meet Information
Welcome to The Mingo Classic sponsored by Pro Bike & Run of Pittsburgh and The Tandem Connection Bike and Running Store
October 14th 2021 @ Mingo Park
October 14th 2021 @ Mingo Park
This race is closed to only 30 schools so there is a password.
The Washington County Police as well as the Ringgold AD will be at the entrance to assist.
Any questions please contact Rich Wright (4126071794) or
Meet Info:
Dear Cross-Country Coaches,
Your team has been invited to the Mingo Classic held October 14th 2021 sponsored by The Tandem Connection Bike and Running Store for competition and breast cancer awareness. The cost will be 150 dollars for all four teams. If you only have an individual athlete the fee is 25 dollars per athlete. We have 30 schools that attend this event. This year due to the generosity of The Tandem Connection Bike and Running Store and UPMC cancer center, we will be selling t-shirts and assorted items with all proceeds to be donated to St Clair Hospital Breast cancer center located in Oxford center 5th floor in Bethel for the support of breast cancer patients.
Since you are invited to this event you will be provided with a password to use for signing up your team on PennTrack .The race is closed to only those invited. Schools invited are; Avella, Baldwin, Bethel Park,Bishop-Canevin,Brentwood, North Catholic, Cannon-Macmillan, Carrick, Chartiers Houston, Chartiers Valley, Eden Christian, Elizabeth Forward, Fort Cherry, Gateway, Jefferson-Morgan, Keystone Oaks, McKeesport, Peters, Ringgold, Seton-LaSalle, Serra Catholic, South Fayette, South Park, Steel Valley, Thomas Jefferson, Trinity Christian, USC, Washington, Waynesburg(Central Greene), West Greene, West Mifflin, Woodland Hills,Aquintist academy
You are still invited to wear your best pink for this event the usual uniform rule is waved so you may show your support for breast cancer. REMEMBER bring extra money for a t-shirt, Concession stand food is usually provided by Ringgold booster ladies.
All information will be on PennTrac. A map of the course, directions if needed. List of events are as follows:
Coaches meeting 2:25 PM
Mens Varsity 2:45 pm
Womens Varsity 3:30 PM
Mens JV 4:15 pm
Womens JV 4:50 pm
You may run 7 in the varsity races. Unlimited in the JV races.
Awards are as follows Top 20 in Varsity races men and women
Long sleeve shirts
Top 20 in JV races men and women short sleeve shirts
Varsity Men and Women Team 10 shirts each team
Second place in varsity M&W and JV M&W receive cookies
1 large tray of cookies
Third place will receive 1 small tray of cookies
**Send your checks to Richard Wright 5332 Elmwood Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15227 and make them out to Baldwin Cross-country Club Use this page for your schools payment
**Some time mid-September you will be given the code to enter the race thru PennTrack do not share this with other teams