Meet Information
Dear Coach,
The annual Washington County Coaches Meet will take place on Monday October 19th, 2020 at Mingo Park. (PAVILION # 6) Hosted by Ringgold. There will NOT be a middle school race this year (2020) due to CoVid.
NO SPECTATORS FOR 2020!!!! We MUST keep within the 250 person event limits.
1:25 High School Coaches Meeting
2:00 Boys Varsity Race (7 athletes) (Top 20 individual awards)
2:40 Girls Varsity Race (7 athletes) (Top 20 individual awards)
3:20 Boys JV Race (up to a max of 12 athletes)(Ribbons awarded to the top 10 individuals)
4:00 Girls JV Race (up to a max of 12 athletes)(Ribbons awarded to the top 10 individuals)
TEAM AWARDS: AAA Girls/Boys: Top two teams each gender, A-AA Combined Classification Girls/Boys Top three teams each gender
Due to CoVid there will NOT be an awards ceremony for 2020. One coach from each school should come to pavilion #6, after the conclusion of the girls JV race once all results are finalized to pick up their teams awards.
TIMING SERVICE: Miles of Smiles
Meet Fees: $175.00 Total each school (Includes both genders, all races)
Checks made payable to: Ringgold Rams Track Boosters
Send to: Ringgold High School Athletic Office C/O Jennifer McMichael #1 RAM DRIVE, Monongahela PA, 15063