Northeast Invitational 2008 vs Northeast Invitational 2009
Difference | This Meet | That Meet | |
Overall Athletes | +10 | 337 | 327 |
Overall Average | +21.02 | 21:59.50 | 21:38.47 |
1st-10th Place | -8.80 | 17:10.00 | 17:18.80 |
1st-25th Place | -10.42 | 17:31.70 | 17:42.12 |
1st-50th Place | -3.37 | 18:00.39 | 18:03.76 |
1st-100th Place | -0.92 | 18:40.26 | 18:41.17 |
Common Athletes | -- | -- | 128 |
Ran Faster | -36 | 46 | 82 |
Ran Season Best | 1 | 128 | 127 |
Average Time | +13.93 | 21:20.02 | 21:06.09 |
Median Time | +14.00 | 20:52.00 | 20:38.00 |
Middle 80% Times | +12.94 | 21:06.87 | 20:53.93 |
Top 10% Times | +14.85 | 17:49.31 | 17:34.46 |
Top 25% Times | +21.67 | 18:25.73 | 18:04.06 |
Top 50% Times | +21.25 | 19:11.81 | 18:50.56 |
Bottom 50% Times | +6.62 | 23:28.22 | 23:21.61 |
Bottom 25% Times | -2.53 | 25:02.38 | 25:04.91 |
Bottom 10% Times | +20.85 | 26:53.77 | 26:32.92 |
Average Difference | +13.93 | -- | -- |
Median Difference | -43.00 | -- | -- |
Middle 80% Difference | +12.55 | -- | -- |
Top 10% Difference | +16.38 | -- | -- |
Top 50% Difference | +20.66 | -- | -- |
Top 25% Difference | +10.34 | -- | -- |
Top 50% Difference | +20.66 | -- | -- |
Bottom 50% Difference | +7.21 | -- | -- |
Bottom 25% Difference | -2.97 | -- | -- |
Bottom 10% Difference | +11.38 | -- | -- |
Athlete | Team | Difference | This Meet | That Meet |
Alex Monroe | Mifflin County | +38.00 | 17:10.00 | 16:32.00 |
Tyler Erhard | East Juniata | +11.00 | 17:07.00 | 16:56.00 |
Blake Bunner | Canton Area | +1:17.00 | 18:31.00 | 17:14.00 |
Chris Brandt | Danville Area | -1:50.00 | 17:15.00 | 19:05.00 |
Ben Copenhaver | Jersey Shore Area | +36.00 | 17:54.00 | 17:18.00 |
Logan Hatton | Sullivan County | -24.00 | 17:30.00 | 17:54.00 |
Mikael Hause | Mount Carmel Area | +2:37.00 | 20:13.00 | 17:36.00 |
Paul Crowe | State College | +2.00 | 17:39.00 | 17:37.00 |
Joel Christian | Towanda | +41.00 | 18:25.00 | 17:44.00 |
Stephan Tewksbury | Wyalusing Valley Area | +1:04.00 | 18:54.00 | 17:50.00 |
Mark Yoder | Mifflin County | +24.00 | 18:15.00 | 17:51.00 |
Tyler Barnhart | Danville Area | +1.00 | 17:53.00 | 17:52.00 |
Mark Hedgeland | Sayre | -11.00 | 17:55.00 | 18:06.00 |
Miles Wolfe | Shikellamy | -16.00 | 18:01.00 | 18:17.00 |
Ryan Hotaling | Towanda | +1:32.00 | 19:33.00 | 18:01.00 |
Dan Isenebrg | Warrior Run | +1:29.50 | 19:32.50 | 18:03.00 |
Chris Monahan | Mount Carmel Area | +40.00 | 18:49.00 | 18:09.00 |
Peter Lin | State College | +24.00 | 18:33.00 | 18:09.00 |
Curtis Bickel | Selinsgrove | +1:18.50 | 19:28.50 | 18:10.00 |
Carson Baker | Lake Lehman | -43.00 | 18:13.00 | 18:56.00 |
Nate Henderson | Jersey Shore Area | +10.00 | 18:24.00 | 18:14.00 |
Julian Hinkelman | Canton Area | +25.50 | 18:42.50 | 18:17.00 |
Jared Toll | Lewisburg Area | +30.50 | 18:48.50 | 18:18.00 |
Brian Smith | Sullivan County | +1:13.00 | 19:31.00 | 18:18.00 |
Tim Sayre | Wellsboro Area | +38.50 | 18:59.50 | 18:21.00 |
Thomas Toole | Lewisburg Area | +50.50 | 19:15.50 | 18:25.00 |
Tyler Sutton | Wyalusing Valley Area | +1:31.00 | 19:58.00 | 18:27.00 |
Kyle Robbins | Troy | +58.00 | 19:26.00 | 18:28.00 |
Josh Evans | Wellsboro Area | -3:11.00 | 18:29.00 | 21:40.00 |
James Guffey | Towanda | +37.00 | 19:10.00 | 18:33.00 |
Jarrett Higley | Sullivan County | +7.00 | 18:44.00 | 18:37.00 |
Cameron Foultz | Mifflin County | +37.00 | 19:15.00 | 18:38.00 |
Matthew Gordon | Lewisburg Area | -1:07.00 | 18:40.00 | 19:47.00 |
Theodore Reynolds | Warrior Run | +1:38.00 | 20:18.00 | 18:40.00 |
Kyle Attinger | Shikellamy | -37.00 | 18:41.00 | 19:18.00 |
Lucas Evans | Canton Area | -28.00 | 18:42.00 | 19:10.00 |
Adam Schaub | Midd-West | +31.00 | 19:17.00 | 18:46.00 |
Kevin Miller | Williamsport Area | -33.00 | 18:47.00 | 19:20.00 |
Mike Ramsey | Danville Area | +27.00 | 19:16.00 | 18:49.00 |
Bob Owlett | Wellsboro Area | +44.00 | 19:39.00 | 18:55.00 |
Wyatt Baxter | Canton Area | -6.00 | 18:58.00 | 19:04.00 |
Ben Knecht | Athens Area | +44.00 | 19:43.00 | 18:59.00 |
Andrew Merz | Lewisburg Area | -35.00 | 19:03.00 | 19:38.00 |
Colton Schools | Wyalusing Valley Area | -16.00 | 19:04.00 | 19:20.00 |
Wes Winter | Southern Columbia | +3.00 | 19:14.00 | 19:11.00 |
Brandon Talisesky | Southern Columbia | -32.00 | 19:13.00 | 19:45.00 |
Glen Hamilton | Sullivan County | +2:28.00 | 21:42.00 | 19:14.00 |
Kevin Biallas | Selinsgrove | +20.00 | 19:38.00 | 19:18.00 |
Allen Westerban | Canton Area | -15.00 | 19:21.00 | 19:36.00 |
Jordan Stover | Jersey Shore Area | +10.00 | 19:32.00 | 19:22.00 |
James Welliver | Montoursville Area | +3:03.50 | 22:25.50 | 19:22.00 |
Tyler Maneval | Selinsgrove | +1:11.50 | 20:43.50 | 19:32.00 |
Michael Rogan | Sullivan County | +55.50 | 20:27.50 | 19:32.00 |
Diedrich Farber | Selinsgrove | +37.00 | 20:10.00 | 19:33.00 |
Shannon Wright | Lewisburg Area | -58.00 | 19:45.00 | 20:43.00 |
Kaleb Loht | Mifflin County | +36.50 | 20:23.50 | 19:47.00 |
Katie Sick | Millville | +6.00 | 20:01.00 | 19:55.00 |
Sean Yingling | Jersey Shore Area | +4.50 | 19:59.50 | 19:55.00 |
Brock Mullen | Sullivan County | +58.00 | 20:53.00 | 19:55.00 |
Nate Brown | Athens Area | -20.00 | 19:59.00 | 20:19.00 |
Taylor Lightman | Lewisburg Area | +1:19.50 | 21:23.50 | 20:04.00 |
Morgan Smith | Williamsport Area | +15.00 | 20:27.00 | 20:12.00 |
Kevin Mostik | Southern Columbia | +1:12.00 | 21:29.00 | 20:17.00 |
Alison Billas | Danville Area | +29.00 | 20:50.00 | 20:21.00 |
Sophie Weaver | Wellsboro Area | -10.00 | 20:28.00 | 20:38.00 |
Travis Keister | Midd-West | +36.00 | 21:04.00 | 20:28.00 |
Hannah Robinson | Sayre | -43.00 | 20:30.00 | 21:13.00 |
Sal Dipetro | Lake Lehman | +1:36.00 | 22:12.00 | 20:36.00 |
Ashley Daniels | Danville Area | -1:06.00 | 20:38.00 | 21:44.00 |
Yelena Share | Milton Area | +55.00 | 21:35.00 | 20:40.00 |
Alex Sassani | Southern Columbia | +32.00 | 21:12.00 | 20:40.00 |
Eric Davis | Troy | -3:21.00 | 20:43.00 | 24:04.00 |
Jesse Cease | Midd-West | +1:38.00 | 22:25.00 | 20:47.00 |
Nathan Weber | Williamsport Area | +11.00 | 21:00.00 | 20:49.00 |
Jayme Daly | Shikellamy | -19.00 | 20:51.00 | 21:10.00 |
Sam Rocktashel | Milton Area | -31.00 | 20:52.00 | 21:23.00 |
Chris Tiffany | Wyalusing Valley Area | -43.00 | 20:55.00 | 21:38.00 |
Hannah Harvey-Sampson | Athens Area | +22.50 | 21:26.50 | 21:04.00 |
Gretta Deutschle | Troy | +1:21.00 | 22:25.00 | 21:04.00 |
Tori Kingsley | Towanda | +40.00 | 21:56.00 | 21:16.00 |
Kathryn Colley | Montoursville Area | +1:30.50 | 22:47.50 | 21:17.00 |
Brooke King | Mifflin County | +1:13.00 | 22:31.00 | 21:18.00 |
Mary Challman | Lewisburg Area | -1:32.00 | 21:22.00 | 22:54.00 |
Emily Knight | Lewisburg Area | +35.00 | 22:03.00 | 21:28.00 |
Hunter Chubb | Warrior Run | +1:46.00 | 23:16.00 | 21:30.00 |
William Klaus | Midd-West | +1:33.00 | 23:07.00 | 21:34.00 |
Kate Bassett | Danville Area | +8.50 | 21:46.50 | 21:38.00 |
Rachel Magliane | Danville Area | -20.00 | 21:46.00 | 22:06.00 |
Kelly Fry | Warrior Run | -10.50 | 21:47.50 | 21:58.00 |
Rose Velazquez | Sayre | +51.00 | 22:40.00 | 21:49.00 |
Sydney Williams | Towanda | -50.00 | 21:53.00 | 22:43.00 |
Raina Rogers | Wellsboro Area | +6.50 | 22:24.50 | 22:18.00 |
Katie Korona | Mifflin County | +2:22.00 | 24:44.00 | 22:22.00 |
Sara Secules | Towanda | -46.10 | 22:25.90 | 23:12.00 |
Shelby Foster | Lake Lehman | -38.00 | 22:26.00 | 23:04.00 |
Victoria White | Towanda | -1:31.50 | 22:27.50 | 23:59.00 |
Kelley Lepley | Mifflin County | -18.00 | 22:32.00 | 22:50.00 |
Diana Deprimo | Lake Lehman | -1:06.00 | 22:35.00 | 23:41.00 |
Ayeshah Turner | Williamsport Area | -13.00 | 22:36.00 | 22:49.00 |
Ashley Whipple | Athens Area | +9.00 | 22:47.00 | 22:38.00 |
Emily Huss | Danville Area | -24.00 | 22:39.00 | 23:03.00 |
Erin Harklerode | Mifflin County | -1:21.00 | 22:41.00 | 24:02.00 |
Hannah Primrose | Towanda | -1:25.00 | 22:45.00 | 24:10.00 |
Alicia Sobers | Jersey Shore Area | +38.00 | 23:23.00 | 22:45.00 |
Amy Heindel | Lake Lehman | -40.00 | 23:05.00 | 23:45.00 |
Brittany Austin | Lake Lehman | -1:56.00 | 23:16.00 | 25:12.00 |
Priscilla Weaver | Mifflin County | -2:10.00 | 23:33.00 | 25:43.00 |
Darcie Jones | Jersey Shore Area | -1:17.00 | 23:34.00 | 24:51.00 |
Nicole Cain | Milton Area | +1.00 | 23:48.00 | 23:47.00 |
Kala Moyer | Shikellamy | +25.50 | 24:25.50 | 24:00.00 |
Sarah Fisher | Jersey Shore Area | +23.00 | 24:29.00 | 24:06.00 |
Amanda Merrill | Sayre | +45.00 | 24:59.00 | 24:14.00 |
Kiana Erdmann | Wellsboro Area | +1:10.00 | 25:25.00 | 24:15.00 |
George Krammes | Warrior Run | + | 24:40.00 | 24:40.00 |
Amanda Kilgus | Warrior Run | +1:46.00 | 26:29.00 | 24:43.00 |
Chanamaria Bialer | Sullivan County | +36.00 | 25:20.00 | 24:44.00 |
Megan Yanchuk | Troy | -1:13.00 | 24:57.00 | 26:10.00 |
Becca Stahlnecker | Warrior Run | +28.00 | 25:37.00 | 25:09.00 |
Leah Burgess | Williamsport Area | -1:14.00 | 25:26.00 | 26:40.00 |
Toree Baxter | Canton Area | +18.00 | 26:02.00 | 25:44.00 |
Alyssa Buggy | Mount Carmel Area | -2.00 | 25:47.00 | 25:49.00 |
Rose Vining | Warrior Run | +1:32.00 | 27:19.00 | 25:47.00 |
Becky Groover | Troy | +5.00 | 25:55.00 | 25:50.00 |
Desiree Kyle | Athens Area | +5:07.00 | 31:18.00 | 26:11.00 |
Heidi Sharr | Warrior Run | -1:56.00 | 26:13.00 | 28:09.00 |
Darla Fink | Williamsport Area | +1:26.00 | 28:27.00 | 27:01.00 |
Jen Vargas | Midd-West | +24.00 | 27:33.00 | 27:09.00 |
Kelsey Kraynak | Mount Carmel Area | -1:35.00 | 28:08.00 | 29:43.00 |